Dear survivors...

Hey all!
Lately I've noticed, survivors have been insanely good lately (I teeter around ranks 1 -4, huntress main) and holy cow this last week and a half to two weeks, these survivors have become insanely good with things. I had a game where I kid you not, I landed about 80%+ of my hatchet, and still wasn't able to kill even 2 people, and gens were done within 6 minutes at best. Chases didn't last longer than 30 seconds most times. Yet gens just got destroyed. And then for the rest of the week most games have been like that. I've never seen so many good survivors till this last 2 weeks.
I guess just a PSA to say, you guys are doing insane.
The gen times should be doubled for SWFs.
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Yeah no
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I am confused. Yeah, or no? Which is it? Those are like opposites, bro!
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I’m sorry but that is a horrible idea. It’s unanimously agreed upon that increasing gen speeds is not the solution to fixing SWF.
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Clearly it is not unanimous if you have to actively explain to someone who doesn't agree that it is unanimously agreed upon. Lol.
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Almost everyone agrees with that though. All it’s going to do is make matches more boring and potentially easy for the killer.
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Of course increasing the gen speeds is a bad idea, decreasing the gen speeds, on the other hand, is a good one. For SWFs, that is.
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I have never seen a post be derailed so fast
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My advice is to slug more &/or bring NOED.
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Slugging never works against SWF: they will recover in seconds. NOED only gives you a chance to down one extra survivor before it is cleansed.
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McScuse me
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Why SWFs dont repair gens faster than normal. Being in a SWF doesnt automatically give a map wide prove thyself.
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This content has been removed.
OP knew what he was doing......
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I was legitimately complimenting people.Survivors have been nutty lately. Good on them, I've had times where It just seemed too easy getting to Rank 1 and survivors were making a lot of mistakes etc. They seem like they've gotten crazy decent recently. Most are on top of gens at all times.
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I only started playing the game again recently so I can't say for certain but I presume it's possible they are selecting people at random to test mmr data before it goes live. You might be one of those chosen.
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You are excused.
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I've seen this tendency for more than 2 weeks. There simply isn't much more to do for survivors. Since totems are optional and Undying isn't a threat anymore.
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They do, actually, since they work much more efficiently because of constant awareness about the situation on the map.
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yeah, i started playing something like a month ago (like 93 hrs in total) and the last saturday i reached rank 3, then i tried to do the daily quests and get in a loosing streak all the way back to rank 7, mostly thanks to genrushing, but in others manage to get something like 2 to 4 hooks (no kills). With most games being in the maps that every killer loves and with survs using bloodpoints offers only to genrush.
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The only way is camp and slug, sadly. The game is broken for survivors right now.
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You must have stepped away for a few minutes.
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Op: saying something nice about players.
not even trying to be rude in any way possible
Forums: "this is why we need a swf need and double gen repair time because playing with friends is a sin!!!!1;1!1!1!1"
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i repeat people should not be punished for playing with there friends. you have to do something else that wont punish bring solo queue up and build killers around that