“Totems Are the Survivor’s Second Objective”

thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

Okay, so then let’s actually treat totems as if they are a true secondary objective.

Add a totem counter into base kit.

Incentivize survivors to cleanse totems (but don’t require it). Something like bonus bloodpoints or slightly faster coop healing— any small effect— would encourage survivors to spend a bit more time on bones.

Normalize spawn locations so that they aren’t “literally on top of a barren hill” too obvious or also “darkest corner of the map hidden in grass behind a bush inside a box “ too hidden.

Totems should be balanced so that survivors can feasibly cleanse all five and do the gens even in solo que.

If totems were actually consistently treated as a secondary objective instead of a conditional that survivors can only attempt to predict, I’m sure the amount of totem-related complaints would go down.

