The real braindead killer build

TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

Many say Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer is the braindead killer build. But its not even close.

I present to you the the right build if you dont want to think:


Spirit Fury



Is it effective against a good swf? Who cares, you want to braindead stomp weaker players, right? With Spirit Fury and Enduring you dont think about a chase. No mindgame or anything special, just follow them and break the pallet. Bubba is a good choice. He helps with predropping, too. Then after you down them, dont think. Hook and look at BBQ. Will you find the best gen to pop? Probably not, but you dont need to think. And if you play against your average survivor, then they dont even know that counterplay against BBQ is already invented. Now go to the gen and dont even look elsewhere and pop it. With Pop you dont need to think about totem protection or anything. Now chase the survivor and repeat the progress.

The build got tested from experts and works very well even in long streams. But if you lose against a good team, just complain that its unfair bc they tryhard so much, that they use their brains in a video game.


  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    Two of the four perks have a really high pickrate and the other two were meta some years ago. There are maybe ten "meta" perks and not all of them can be used braindead.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    What means working? Its enough for the average red rank team. Of course gens will fly. Pressuring gens against a competent team is a complex objective which requires thought, nothing you could accomplish braindead.

  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    Spirit Fury/Enduring isnt that bad in the slightest you have to take up two perk slots just to counter things like god loops and Lag Hard plays, so its risk/reward if anything.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    edited August 2021

    Working means doing something. TWO of the four perks you can equip as a killer being dedicated to pallet stuns is a really bad idea. Bubba is the ONLY one that thrives off of this because he can force stuns with his chainsaw speed, other killers do not follow this principle. You can just predrop the pallet and now what are they gonna do? Pick it back up and slam it on their own heads? It just doesn't work if the survivor pre-drops it, and 9/10 times they will the second they realize you've got the combo. You might get off one suprise hit or down sure, but then those perks become basically useless for the rest of the game. Green ranks are the only people that actually fall for that combo consistently. Bamboozle also fails pretty hard against most red rank players since they know to just run to another loop. PGTW is the only saving grace of that build and even then you can't even run that on phead lul. The only reason the build is braindead is because you'd have to be stupid as hell to pick it up and think you'll get ez wins.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406
  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    But isnt it a bad combo, if you need to use two perks slots and still have a risk that its useless?

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    I'm still in the negatives from all the next Killer predictions we've had two weeks ago, but I'll get there so long as you keep posting.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    You are clearly overestimating red ranks.

    I have 2500 hours and i know that this build is useless against good teams. I quote myself: "But if you lose against a good team, just complain that its unfair bc they tryhard so much, that they use their brains in a video game."

    But thats not the point. The point is that this build is braindead and it gives you decent results against the weak players called average red rank.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    You know that the fnaf next killer-threads will come back one day after pinheads-release?

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496

    You can have the best build in the world and most broken addons - but if you play braindead against not braindead survivors you get genrushed in 4 minutes. And how is this braindead build anyway? Just anti pallet - god windows are still in game, not to mention mind games and stealth or simply throwing pallet early. Ah yes... it does need to think for longer than 3 seconds as a survivor to figure it out...

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886
  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    Yh of course you will lose against good survivor. It would be really bad if you could win braindead against them.

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496

    I didn't say good survivor. Just not braindead. Oh stunning him with pallets works against me... maybe I should throw them early? Isn't it like common sense?

  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    Not necessarily. God pallets and lag hard for distance are so strong that it balances that out. Until pallets and loops are more balanced, Killers are gonna need combos like this to counter the exploits.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    So you are saying that most players dont have common sense? You are probably right. But seriously there are red rank survivor who cant even run in a straight line.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I see that you meant to say...


    Spirit Fury

    Fire Up

    Brutal Strength

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    Enduring and Spirit Fury is like one of the most overrated combos in this game. Now that we are on the pre-drop meta good luck getting any value from it.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    That combo isn't that good because prethrowing pallets is better than stunning

  • BarbecueiChilli
    BarbecueiChilli Member Posts: 138

    most perks are braindead, or even all. what's the point of calling someone braindead then?

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    Is there even one situation where its not pointless to call someone braindead? I mean if they are really braindead, they cant hear you.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    I dont know why everyone thinks this build is flawless. I mean its for a braindead playstyle. It works better then you would expect from not thinking, but its certainly not perfect.

    I mean its no secret why the Enduring/Spirit Fury-Meta died.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    i mean sometimes you just wanna turn your brain off and chase people, who cares

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Theres no Magic build for killer or survivor. No builds guarantess wins, no single perk guarantees wins. If that happened then the Perk would have to be banned or reworked.

  • Forrestgump
    Forrestgump Member Posts: 60

    When survivors know you have Spirit Fury and Enduring they just pre drop every pallet.

    Spirit Fury and Enduring is garbage, only bubba can get decent usage from it.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    E/SF meta died because they've been nerfing chase potential for killer. But now that they've made camping pallets super safe for Survivors, i wouldn't be surprised if E/SF makes a resurgeance. All my games i have people camping pallets. There's no looping it's either camping pallets or shift W, i don't know why BHVR ignores this problem, what's the point of chases then? I can't count how manny times i make survivors scream and i don't get the hit on pallets. And i doubt my 57ms Ping is the issue...Just yesterday i lunge at a survivor before we jump and hit doesn't connect mid air and survivor gets Balanced Landing and i'm eating cooldown and slowdown... Just yesterday i had a Jake do a full Yamahoka run never letting go of Shift W and i couldn't catch up, he didn't had Sprint Burst or Lithe, the Map RNG was so bad i always had to lose time during the chase, the guy appologized in end game chat cause he knew i should have been able to get him.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    E/SF-meta died bc survivor found the counter for it. Predropping pallets. And killer realized that even the free hit you get sometimes, is worth less than what two perks can do.

    Even with the new hit validation camping pallets for a stun is not worth it. Predropping and taking no risk is still the best strategy, if you know your team is not allergic to gens.

    Gen regression is and was always the meta. Just look at tournaments. They did use Pop/Ruin forever, despite the bad synergy, but in public this combo is only more common since a few months.

    The only chance i see is a change, when the new MMR changes the data, but even then its unlikely. Or maybe their key/mori change will shake things up in two years.

    But in the meantime you still have the option to use strong killer with strong perks, if you want to have a chance against equally skilled survivor, which also try to win.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    We're talking 2 different things here.

    Pre Dropping and extending the loop will never not be advantageous to Survivors. It's always a right option, nobody can go full loop distance without the survivor knowing. Plus it turns some unsafe loops into safe loops.

    Pallet Camping is stronger than ever, coupled with the UNCOUNTERABLE IRON WILL you can disapear or gain such a massive distance that it makes chasing not possible, you'll reach the next loop or completly mindgame the killer. I just had a Claudette do this to me, she camped every Pallet and used Iron Will to sneak to the next loop where she camped the pallet, i was in Wreckers yard so you can imagine the tiles... Not to mention how absurdly useless Scratch Marks have been made over time, gaps between them, delays in appearing and disapearing faster, the lack of an actual direction. Chasing is not viable as a Chase and it isn't viable for building pressure. You don't want chases you want to down them ASAP, a quick down isn't a chase.

    Chasing, and the whole killer process, taking too long is why Survivors have free time and 0 pressure BUT this is just a symptom of the atrocious map design and the whole RNG problem. They can do gens willy nealy and there's nothing killers can do. Ruin + Undying is the most innefective Meta i've ever seen, Corrupt is affected by RNG, Pop won't be there if you can't have downs and hooks, which Survivors have multiple ways od denying, and you still have to waste time travelling to Pop the right gen which manny times, most of the times, means you either don't make it and Pop was useless or you do make it but you gave a 0 pressure rescue. 1 hook vs 1 gen isn't even comparable. we're talking 1 in 12 vs 1 less gen that 4 guys have to do...

    There are no Strong killers, all killers suffer the same problem, Spirit and Nurse aren't free wins for killers, Spirit even has a "BUG", no it's not a bug, it's freaking intended and that's why it hasn't been fixed yet, where sounds don't work for her. The killer most dependant on sounds or tracking add-ons...Wasn't the Stridor nerf enough? I can't even play Spirit, i mind game myself most of the time i try, i'm not even making this a Spirit thing just pointing it out as to how Chases are useless and are being made useless. You need to know where a Survivor is going and you need to get there faster, which most killers can't do.

    Why is Nurse THE TOP Tier? Because she can ignore Chases, she can skip the symptoms of the problem, she'll never not be THE TOP. But even this being the case you can't make mistakes playing Nuse otherwise the penalty is so big that you might as well be playing Trapper without Traps.

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    Maybe on bubba and other insta down killers but you dont really want spirit fury/enduring on killers like nurse, spirit, hag and you dont need it on blight so i dont think it really is braindead

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    Every perk has different value for every killer. I dont understand the point. The title is not "universal build for every killer". Its about not needing to use your brain in the match, so if you want to play "braindead". And Spirit Fury/Enduring isnt meta on any killer and once again the title is not "strongest" build.

    And sorry, if i sound rude. This little rant is not about you in personal. You are just the tenth person, who posted something like this.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    It's another build that lets you go on auto-pilot. However, smart loopers will learn to throw pallets incredibly early, completely negating half of your build.

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    Ok sorry i misunderstood it then but still its not that brain dead if you know how to counter it but some people dont and im not talking about you

  • KblokoBR
    KblokoBR Member Posts: 209

    Dude against bad players even perkless trapper is op, braindead or not, you can call too two people holding M1 with prove thyself on the far gen. The lack of creative killer powers does not make required skill in gameplay (unless top killer like nurse...)

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I have a strong suspicion you got stomped by someone using that build.

    Yes this build certainly makes chasing and finding survivors easier, but if you think all it takes are these four perks to just turn off you brain and still do well, then I don't know what to say. You won't be handed downs just by using this build.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    I see you dont understand the point of this post. Its not to badmouth this build, its just a decent build which you can use on auto-pilot. Its an example i came up with bc many people said that ruin/undying/tinkerer is braindead, so i wanted to show what is really braindead. Kinda lead their argument ad absurdum.

    This post isnt even written in a serious tone, i partly tried to imitate a telemaketer and i used some snappy phrases. I had fun writing this, but maybe my intent wasnt clear bc my english isnt fluent, so its on me.

    And for the strength of the build. I know that it is not the strongest, but no build will give you consistently free downs. And you will probably lose a lot against decent survivor, but if every survivor would be decent, you couldnt use 70% of the killer. When i remember correctly i got a 80% winrate with old wraith with this build a year ago. I didnt play braindead, but i played wraith with bone clapper and the uncloak without TR. Anyway the point of this build is to not think, winning isnt that important. Its enough that you have a chance against average red ranks with low effort.

    As last another topic: which info could i give in my threads that i dont need to deal with this assumption comments anymore?

    I have 2500 hours.

    I play both sides equally

    I have maybe a 75% winrate (4k/3k hatch

    I have some addonless 25 winstreaks with some killer

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Fair enough, my point is just that braindead still isn't really accurate. Because you still have to have some form of skill in order to win chases against good survivors.

    But I guess my suspicion was wrong, I'm sorry about that. Honestly, I don't know what one could change. But I would argue "braindead" has a bit of a negative tone towards anyone using this build, because it kind of implies that the people using this build don't need to use their brains at all. Which could be a bit insulting to some?

    I do understand that the term "braindead" is used because it's used for Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer as well though.

    I guess this post just sounded like a complaint about Spirit Fury and Enduring.