Need advice for Pyramid Head..

So I'm beginning to sink BP into PH because 1. I love him and 2. I don't actually need any other reasons so I'll just cut to the chase: I need help creating a beginner build for learning him as well as maybe a build to work into once I get better as him.

The worst part currently is that I'm still leveling him up and trying to get the good perks I have on my main killers but you know how that goes, I'm just not getting the perks I actually want RIP but regardless this is what I'm working with currently:

Trail of Torment / BBQ / Corrupt Intervention / Sloppy Butcher

I've actually gotten some hilarious and clutch use out of ToT but I do intend on replacing it eventually (Probably with Tinkerer), though I wouldn't mind meming perhaps with Pop + ToT. BBQ is for BP but then I run into that awkward thing where I'm like wait, do I cage or hook? I don't get the stacks if I cage lol

Corrupt is my only slowdown which is painful but I do love Corrupt. And Sloppy is there because I genuinely have nothing better at level 31 lol

But what would more experienced killers (Preferably any PH mains) recommend? Is it a bad idea to run things like Pop that incentivize hooking survivors then going and kicking gens? Or really just any perk in general that is centered around hooks. I forgot just how complex he is and it's making theory crafting and creating a build to work towards very difficult lol

Also does anyone know any well known PH players? I like watching other people play to see how it's done.


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247
    edited September 2021


    I'd say your build right now is pretty decent, If you're looking for a replacement for Trail of Torment - I would personally recommend either Whispers (To help you locate survivors early game + make better use of your corrupt), Bitter Murmur (To help you see which direction survivors go after they do a gen AND in case it gets to endgame, you can use it to get some snipes potentially).

    Also, Ruin is the better choice for gen regression as it synergizes with his kit pretty well, however on the subject of Pop/BBQ I want to point out that you won't always be able to cage survivors. Sometimes survivors will play well and avoid being tormented at all costs. Having these perks let's you make use of them when you need them the most.

    Personally my build for PH is Ruin, Pop, Corrupt and BBQ. It's basic, but it's solid and mostly consistant.

    Ruin is on the shrine if you don't have it unlocked yet, just thought I'd mention it!

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I thought about Whispers but I don't have any trouble finding survivors with Corrupt thankfully.

    I was thinking the Ruin + Pop combo might be a good gold standard so I'll run that once the bloodweb decides to give me both of them LOL

    Do you ever use I'm All Ears for wallhacks during chase? That's another I was considering for aura reading.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    Yeah, I'm All Ears is a pretty good PH perk - my only issue with it is a lot of the time PH gets his hits when survivors are locked in animation and this will result in the perk being wasted a lot of the time but it's good to have against good survivors since PH's attack goes through walls

    Also, a suggestion that just came to me - If you want a perk to replace BBQ you can run Thrilling Tremors instead. While it has the same issue as BBQ in that you need to pick someone up to trigger it, it gives you more reliable information on where to contest generators. I still prefer BBQ personally due to the fact it has no cooldown and doubles BP which is too much to not have

    Otzdarva is also a Pyramid Head enjoyer and I think he has many videos on him - two guides I believe. If that's something that interests you be sure to check it out!

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Ruin and I'm All Ears.

    The rest is up to you. It could be extra slowdown in Undying or Corrupt, slug with Infectious Freight, aura for M2s such as Nurse's, ambush perks like Monitor, or super aggressive like Lethal Pursuer.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    OKAY OKAY bonjour hi I'm here

    I MADE A THREAD ABOUT THIS!! I made it in like 4.7.2 but everything I said still holds up and unless he gets some horrible bug will keep holding up in 5.2.0 (Hellraiser)!! I'd reccomend reading it all through because it's quite useful :D

    At least in my opinion and a couple of others

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    I best build ive found for him is Discordance, pop, ruin, and lethal pursuer. This buils manly focuses on gen defence and early game downs since PH can struggle with both.

    Pop goes the weasel helps in case ruin gets destroyed however you could switch it out dor undying.

    With this build you want to be hooking someone then caging them quickly after to really quickly burn through their hook states.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    This is exactly the kind of guide I was looking for thank you so much!!

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    I mean, I use CI, BBQ so those Perks you have are already good.

    And my second are Monitor & Abuse and I'm all Ears.

    As a beginner, I'd probably use another slowdown instead of M&A. Monitor is my comfy Perk but it helps drastically against holding W, which is PH's biggest weakness.

    I'm all Ears is a good beginner Perk for PH and also a good PH Perk overall, shame that the cooldown is so long.