SBMM Streamer Propaganda
Or and hear me out, people just agree with some content creators. Many content creators are in the higher percentages of players, which makes sense with how much they play many of whom play it 8 hours a day several days a week. So obviously they'd dislike the idea of an sbmm since its very well known that high level dbd is one if not the worst version of dbd. People can come to their own conclusions, shocker I know, and sometimes those opinions will somewhat or very closely align with some of the bigger content creators on specific issues.
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Killers that run stretch don't benefit much as a survivor does.
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I actually came across more streamers that are for MMR than against. Even those that are against MMR have some valid points. I don't think this is considered naming and shaming since its just a difference in opinion on MMR in DBD. Just off the top of my head;
For MMR: Dowsey, Truetalent, Tofu
Against MMR: Scott
Unfortunately I can't remember Otz position on MMR.
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Otz wasnt really happy about it because last test as survivor he got Blight 8 times in a row with the same build and add ons.
But also randoms were using sweaty builds and BNPs a lot so its possible that the test made people play more sweaty on average and it will calm down a bit when its out. We will see.
I just want to see him play other games again and this might be the opportunity :))
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If the SBMM work as intended, streamer will end up with 2k/2e average (as a killer), which is fair enough to my mind.
For survivors streamers, well they will get good trials with other survivors that know how to play. Streams will be better.
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What is SBMM?
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If they are skilled enough, you cant match them with less skilled people because it would make them feel good.
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A new Skill Based Match Making System, that is intended to match players with more similar players.
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WDYM propaganda this isn't china.
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Basically, OP doesn't like that people have different opinions.
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Who cares about streamers? I look for my fun not their fun
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They still benefit both sides.