Another SWF Group are Bad Sports in Chat

DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74
edited October 2018 in General Discussions

There have been some great SWF groups that are very sportsmanlike, but why, as consumers, should this sort of thing be allowed?

I've reported both and have a full video of the entire match but nothing will come of it. I swear to Christ I didnt even camp - which is good for the Hag.

Something needs to be done about SWF. End of.

It makes me want to hit back. Have a pop at all survivor mains. Be toxic myself.
It's not helpful...

[EDIT: Forgot to mention. Checked them out - all 4 are friends]

Post edited by DarkFox85 on


  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Who was saying that? The rank 2/3 or the rank 10/13?

    And yes these people really do ruin the game. Its why killers stop giving a damn and just play dirty. With survivors like this they'll get abusive if they lose but also abusive if they win.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @DarkFox85 said:
    There have been some great SWF groups that are very sportsmanlike, but why, as consumers, should this sort of thing be allowed?

    I've reported both and have a full video of the entire match but nothing will come of it. I swear to Christ I didnt even camp - which is good for the Hag.

    Something needs to be done about SWF. End of.

    It makes me want to hit back. Have a pop at all survivor mains. Be toxic myself.
    It's not helpful...

    [EDIT: Forgot to mention. Checked them out - all 4 are friends]

    Thanks for the laugh :lol:

    But tbh, its your fault for going into a game like this. The devs gave you the power to lobbydodge those games until they figure out a solution.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Master said:

    @DarkFox85 said:
    There have been some great SWF groups that are very sportsmanlike, but why, as consumers, should this sort of thing be allowed?

    I've reported both and have a full video of the entire match but nothing will come of it. I swear to Christ I didnt even camp - which is good for the Hag.

    Something needs to be done about SWF. End of.

    It makes me want to hit back. Have a pop at all survivor mains. Be toxic myself.
    It's not helpful...

    [EDIT: Forgot to mention. Checked them out - all 4 are friends]

    Thanks for the laugh :lol:

    But tbh, its your fault for going into a game like this. The devs gave you the power to lobbydodge those games until they figure out a solution.

    Lobbydodging isn't an option right now when it takes 10+ mins to get a lobby.

    I think survivors are aware of this. I've seen 4man SWF more kitted out morr than usual.
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    It's incredible what is complaint worthy nowadays. This is tame.

    You also have the option to not engage with them. Or even see chat. Just, type "gg" and leave immediately.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @The_Crusader said:
    Master said:

    @DarkFox85 said:

    There have been some great SWF groups that are very sportsmanlike, but why, as consumers, should this sort of thing be allowed?

    I've reported both and have a full video of the entire match but nothing will come of it. I swear to Christ I didnt even camp - which is good for the Hag.
    Something needs to be done about SWF. End of.
    It makes me want to hit back. Have a pop at all survivor mains. Be toxic myself. 

    It's not helpful...

    [EDIT: Forgot to mention. Checked them out - all 4 are friends]

    Thanks for the laugh :lol:

    But tbh, its your fault for going into a game like this. The devs gave you the power to lobbydodge those games until they figure out a solution.

    Lobbydodging isn't an option right now when it takes 10+ mins to get a lobby.

    I think survivors are aware of this. I've seen 4man SWF more kitted out morr than usual.

    Why would any killer play anymore?
    You should be done with your vials already as killer main. Either you do survivor vials now or you maxed both already and are playing a different game.^^

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Master said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Master said:

    @DarkFox85 said:

    There have been some great SWF groups that are very sportsmanlike, but why, as consumers, should this sort of thing be allowed?

    I've reported both and have a full video of the entire match but nothing will come of it. I swear to Christ I didnt even camp - which is good for the Hag.
    Something needs to be done about SWF. End of.
    It makes me want to hit back. Have a pop at all survivor mains. Be toxic myself. 

    It's not helpful...

    [EDIT: Forgot to mention. Checked them out - all 4 are friends]

    Thanks for the laugh :lol:

    But tbh, its your fault for going into a game like this. The devs gave you the power to lobbydodge those games until they figure out a solution.

    Lobbydodging isn't an option right now when it takes 10+ mins to get a lobby.

    I think survivors are aware of this. I've seen 4man SWF more kitted out morr than usual.

    Why would any killer play anymore?
    You should be done with your vials already as killer main. Either you do survivor vials now or you maxed both already and are playing a different game.^^

    There are loads of people who aren't done with killer vials due to lobby issues.
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Master said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Master said:

    @DarkFox85 said:

    There have been some great SWF groups that are very sportsmanlike, but why, as consumers, should this sort of thing be allowed?

    I've reported both and have a full video of the entire match but nothing will come of it. I swear to Christ I didnt even camp - which is good for the Hag.
    Something needs to be done about SWF. End of.
    It makes me want to hit back. Have a pop at all survivor mains. Be toxic myself. 

    It's not helpful...

    [EDIT: Forgot to mention. Checked them out - all 4 are friends]

    Thanks for the laugh :lol:

    But tbh, its your fault for going into a game like this. The devs gave you the power to lobbydodge those games until they figure out a solution.

    Lobbydodging isn't an option right now when it takes 10+ mins to get a lobby.

    I think survivors are aware of this. I've seen 4man SWF more kitted out morr than usual.

    Why would any killer play anymore?
    You should be done with your vials already as killer main. Either you do survivor vials now or you maxed both already and are playing a different game.^^

    There are loads of people who aren't done with killer vials due to lobby issues.
    I managed to get 15 on each side so far. I'll try to max out killers this weekend. 
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    DarkFox85 said:

    There have been some great SWF groups that are very sportsmanlike, but why, as consumers, should this sort of thing be allowed?

    I've reported both and have a full video of the entire match but nothing will come of it. I swear to Christ I didnt even camp - which is good for the Hag.

    Something needs to be done about SWF. End of.

    It makes me want to hit back. Have a pop at all survivor mains. Be toxic myself.
    It's not helpful...

    [EDIT: Forgot to mention. Checked them out - all 4 are friends]

    If you think it's swf, use all the op stuff you can to avoid this. I'd rather get salt from them. People will talk stuff in any and every community. Might as well go hard for a 4k. The killer you used struggles against swf so damn, I feel your pain. 
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Try this.

    I went up against a 4 man SWF.

    Had 5 special hooks. Slugged one guy to stop him doing gens just so I could get the last guy to special hook. Didnt care if other got hatch, just wanted the hook.

    They realized this and kept running to areas where i couldnt carry them to special hook even with agitation.

    Eventually i carry one almost there, he breaks out. I down him near enough the hook finally...

    He rage quits just so i wont get the special hook, and because his mate is near enough the hatch before i could get to him in time.

    All 4 get verbally abusive post game, trying to claim "if one gets hatch the team wins ez" and the usual insults.

    Reported but no doubt nothing will change.

    Great game you got there BHVR, great game.

    Now its another 20 min queue just to get the final 1/6th of my vial.
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907

    Ugh...groups like that give SWF bad names. Today I was against (at least) a 3 man SWF group and they all ran Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, WGLF, and Sprint Burst. They teabagged and wanted you to hit them to get their WGLF stacks up and flashlight flickered. Two of them escaped. I’m just lucky I’m really good with The Spirit, any other killer and more would’ve escaped. It doesn’t affect me personally the way they play because it shows more of their character than it does yours. Not all SWF groups are like this, I run into more good sports than toxic groups but when the toxic groups come in it hits you hard.

    By the way it seems as though Quentin is the WORST offender of being toxic when prestiged. Him and Kate players also seem to be so annoying and act like they are the best players ever. I know most people say Claudette or Nea but for me it is ALWAYS a prestiged Quentin or Kate.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    MegMain98 said:

    Ugh...groups like that give SWF bad names. Today I was against (at least) a 3 man SWF group and they all ran Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, WGLF, and Sprint Burst. They teabagged and wanted you to hit them to get their WGLF stacks up and flashlight flickered. Two of them escaped. I’m just lucky I’m really good with The Spirit, any other killer and more would’ve escaped. It doesn’t affect me personally the way they play because it shows more of their character than it does yours. Not all SWF groups are like this, I run into more good sports than toxic groups but when the toxic groups come in it hits you hard.

    By the way it seems as though Quentin is the WORST offender of being toxic when prestiged. Him and Kate players also seem to be so annoying and act like they are the best players ever. I know most people say Claudette or Nea but for me it is ALWAYS a prestiged Quentin or Kate.

    Oh wow, someone else who knows the evil that is Quentin.

    I don't have too many issues with Kates but I really hate Quentins. They're always tryhards, always try to exploit everything, and cry about your add ons and perks but bring d-strike and insta heal med kits and don't see the irony.

    His face bugs me too. Guy looks like one of those people you just want to punch.