Wnat is the worst map for both sides?

I feel like some people will disagree and say RPD.
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backwater Swamp
I was gonna go with Backwater swamp, but I think backwater Swamp is slightly worse.
Jokes aside, I also really hate the swamp maps. Everything is super inconsistent.
Sometimes a totem will spawn on top of a hill for all the world to see, and sometimes it will be tucked away in a far corner of the map.
Sometimes the hatch will spawn in the dead center of the map in an open spot, and sometimes it will also be tucked away in a corner.
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well yes swamp is bad and all but RPD and Hawkings and even Midwich can be just as bad for both sides.
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I actually was gonna go with this map when I clicked on the poll haha.
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BackWater Swamp!?
Grandma's Cookbook is my most used map offering.
Before the FBI kick open my door, I'm going to tell you another secret...
I love the BackWater Swamp map.
Yep, that's right folks.
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Learn this one trick blight mains don't want you to know about!
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RPD for me
i may sound like a creature worse than any cenobite, more evil than myers, and living in more of a nightmare than freddy, but...swamp. is. my. favorite. map.
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i dunno, the swamp maps can favour killer in a lot more ways than survivor
RPD on the other hand...
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Unironically though, I actually never understood the hate towards Backwater Swamp, I actually like the map on both sides. But hey, maybe someone can convince me on how awful the map really is.
Only things I hate about it are how spread out the lockers are when playing Huntress or Trickster, hatch locations, and that's about it honestly.
Post edited by glitchboi on1 -
Pretty sure it is RPD and midwich but whatever
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What do you think makes midwich bad for killer?
Not sarcasm, genuine question bc from my impression of the map it favours killer a lot due to the sheer lack of any good tiles, it's small size (granted it has 2 floors) and the fact that the good windows are negated by breakable walls
I'm gonna guess it's just when gamers hold W?
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Yep, the W strat is pretty painful on this map if you are the average killer.
It is also just... boring. It is so boring to play on, the aesthetic of the map is cool, but that feeling of wonder goes away after you realize you just go in straight lines as both killer and survivor.
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I also don't like it for both sides.
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Grass is annoying, but overall I don't mind it that much either way.
Every single Coldwind Farm map however can go F itself forever.
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Backwater Swamp
I am one of those people!
RPD is an indicator that BHVR has no clue how to balance maps. Even if the loops aren't great, it's not that bad for Survivors because there are stupid, broken god pallets in some places and a whole lot of areas where you can just hold forward. It's also massive.
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RPD and it’s not even close.
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I would have gone with "from a scarier nightmare than Freddy" or something to that effect but just a small change and I get the point either way so still funny.
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I got 10-15 fps on RPD on both sides, no backwater swamp can top it.
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RPD....swamp maps are inconsistent and annoying sometimes but I'd rather only play on swamp maps if it meant RPD wasn't in the game.