I am happy to see killers adapting



  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    But the grade rewards at the end are too great 🤣

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    There are just some builds that will deny most killers and they are being played more frequently (such as a toolbox prove thyself spine chill bnp etc. on a larger map).

    The only mistake a killer could make at that point is choosing a low mobility killer🤔

    Look at some high end streamers playing and tell me there isnt an issue with gen speed.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Lmao well this post is just a prime example that tunneling and camping need to be nerfed if killers ever got buffed with a second objective.

    Also, if you do need to tunnel and camp frequently to win your matches, that indicates that you might not be as good at the game as you believe you are. The game is definitely not balanced perfectly, far from it, but it also isn't that bad anymore. It's pretty decent.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    I was commmenting from playing survivor but yeah I agree with all your points...do have faith bhvr will make those changes?

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Ok well I don't know. My faith varies from patch to patch. I think they can do very good work, but they also like to screw up as well. No other way to describe the dcs with Pinhead on the first day.

    I don't know. It sounded like the Mori changes would be adding some form of second objective, that both survivors and killers can interact with and that could very well slow the game down. But I am worried that by buffing killers with a second objective, they also buff tunneling and camping because they don't nerf those strategies, which would be very painful.

    Not to mention that there are many other balance changes that they'll need to keep in mind. A few of the gen slowdown perks could end up being too strong, just like the top tier killers, especially Nurse, Spirit and Blight.

    And there's honestly much more to keep in mind as well.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited September 2021

    And on the flip side you have killers (no not just high mobility ones) who stack slow down perks. All while survivors don’t bring what you just listed.

    It’s not a balance problem, it’s an RNG problem. You are opting to risk that a group might bring BNPs (which aren’t a problem anymore) and Prove Thyself. The problem I have with comments about gens being lost while chasing is MANY killers think they have to commit to that first down. Sometimes it’s more strategic to go for someone who is less good at looping or just drop the chase alltogether. Many don’t know how to make those decisions but that has nothing to do with gen speed balance.

    It’s just as if a survivor brought DS and BT because they’ve been getting nothing but campers, then they go into a match and the killer doesn’t camp once. I guess thanks? For not camping and making them feel waste a perk slot? It’s RNG.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    Yep. I've seen so much of the tunneling, the camping, the proxying since SBMM as been active. I've even been seeing Pinheads do it! My whole solo team got face camped to death. Poor Pinhead. Falling victim to the host of campers.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Didn't the Devs already state that they're not planning to balance around high MMR though?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited September 2021

    Does it happen in every single match to warrant it a “balance” issue? No.

    What if the opposite happens and you have 4 gens in a tight area? Did the killer’s skill get them the pressure or was it a map situation? Cuz I think I know what you’re gonna say…

    Stop making it sound like it is a one sided thing. Let alone an issue.

    All I am saying is you generalize too much. It’s evident that you either only play killer or don’t even know how messed up RNG is for survivors sometimes too.

    I honestly don’t even know what you are going on about now, because my comment was very direct. To your notion that as long as the killer is losing 3 gens feels inclined to camp which is not true. You also aren’t factoring other things (yes like mistakes and rng) that play a part in the match.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Well DS nerf to avoid it being abused and BT getting a rework leaves nothing to really put tunneling in check so. I assume most of us saw it coming from a mile away. The only other perk we have to help deal with it is babysitter I think and nobody uses that. I think the gen regression perks are pretty cool though. Seems like they're making killers fierce in the perk department now which is great and not so great for survivors. Though looping is still really good for them.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    It happens in almost all of my solo survivor matches on red ranks. If you want, i can spam you with screenshots of killers having 3-5 hooks by the time all gens are completed.

    Survivors completing 60% of their objective while the killer completed 8% of his objective isn´t an issue?

    To make it more comparable, a killer completing 60% of his objective would be like the killer having 2 kills + 1 hook at the time survivors completed half a gen. Would you feel cornered as survivor?

  • PigEmpress
    PigEmpress Member Posts: 79

    I haven't experienced any campers or tunnelers so far.

    I also play rather relaxed.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    So there is not any part of you that thinks that many some of those killers are just… bad?

    You seriously think they all got hit with bad rng where survivors spawned next to a gen? and how do you know that they decided to camp because of that? Did you ask every single one?

    I don’t buy it.

    Many of my matches have included killers camping and slugging at 4-5 gens, does that mean all of them play like that? No. I’m just not the one generalizing.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2021

    I never defined what a win is may I add and you are playing to win, which you claim is not a casual playstyle... but you are casual. Having a different definition for a win doesn't mean anything though based on the logic described.

    You can consider 8 hooks a win, others might consider a Pip or a Double Pip, I even seen people define it as X blood points earned and the more common one is kills vs escapes. By your own definition you are trying to win and playing a certain way to do so. If you would be getting consistently 0-3 hooks a game, would you not change the way you play... would you still be having fun? Would you consider using stronger add-ons or a different killer to try and get more hooks or change the way you play, run loops, etc.? If the game stops being fun due to the tactics and efficiency of the survivors you face, would you not adapt to try and make it more fun for you?

    Most of us are trying to have fun and play to win by what ever definition we have for it, use tactics that facilitate the aspect we enjoy or reduce the frustrations that we have to make it more fun. Everyone keeps shouting that this is a casual game, yet the moment people adapt to try and have a more pleasant time and win... they are competitive? That means everyone is competitive even you and that makes it that it is a competitive game, as the players determine whether the game is casual or not.

    How many hours do you have, mister casual... as you know the amount of experience one has calculates into the casual nature and their ability to play less efficiently without having to deal with the frustrations. If your answer is then you simply need to become better, then you are telling casual players that they need to be more efficient, sweat more and be more optimal in their playstyle... which is not casual at all, because that means you should be able to not know the entire map layout, each tile configuration, the best way to run it and all that jazz. Somehow I don't think you are that casual, just more experienced...

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    No, YOU think that they got hit by bad rng or are bad players. But if it were bad rng, then it would be maybe 20% or 30% of my matches. Not over 75% of my matches and 75% of my matches having bad killers (even before the sbmm) also isn´t something really believable.

    For example. I fast forwarded Otz last stream. Where he played solo survivor. The majority of the killers he played against got an underwhelming amount of hooks/kills. Is he only facing bad killers? With his sbmm?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited September 2021

    Where are you coming up with 20 and 30%?

    Let’s back up a second because now you are starting to confuse me.

    In a post earlier you claim that killers are more inclined to camp/tunnel when 3 gens get done because of the “unbalance” that exists.

    So I ask again. Where are you concluding this without it being more than just anecdotal evidence?

    If you don’t think bad map RNG is a thing and a player whether survivor or killer has the ability to f*ck up pretty bad in a match, then we are not playing the same game.

    Also, I could care less about a streamer’s sbmm. We aren’t talking about them we are talking about you, and your analysis.

    I have 6,000 hours in this game and I can’t tell you how many times I get campers in red ranks, and not all of them are trying to “pressure” they just want an easy kill, after most of them ( the ones camping) never bother to break chase with me.That is a mistake and no amount of finished gens is going to correct that for them. That is my personal observation based on the amount of time they chose to chase for. Not the 3 gens that popped in their face.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I mean about the end of the day this is all the fault of the game's balance. Survivors want decent teammates and killers want a fair chance to win. Problem is that a decent group of survivors can make even an extremely good killer sweat and struggle. At efficient play the game is wildly unbalanced and MMR just brings how unbalanced the get truly is into focus, which is probably a good thing.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Whenever killers complain that gens fly to fast, survivors answer with: "just apply pressure". Tunneling someone early out creates pressure. It's just the killer doing what survivors recommend him.

    As I said before, if the killer would have killed 2 survivors + 1 hook. While you are still sitting on the first gen. Would you feel cornered? Because that's how a killer feels when 3 gens pop after the first chase.

    A killer tunneling you at 5 gens is just a way to prevent getting cornered by survivors.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Since this topic is jumping all over the place now. Seeing as you can’t answer my question. Let me ask a more simple question.

    Do you think that choosing Hillbilly and getting a map like Lery’s Memorial, which arguably is one of the worst maps for him as with most indoor maps are. You are going to tell me that this isn’t just bad RNG for him? You are still going to tell me that once 3 gens pop on that first chase, it’s just bad game balance and the map had nothing to do with it, when in fact it does seeing as it basically handicaps his main power?

    Yes killers should pressure gens but there are checks and balances that come with that. They aren’t saying ONlY focus on gens, or ONlY focus on one survivor. I am just trying to shed light to the fact that every move, every choice that killer makes… counts.

    Many killer’s 4K at 1 gen, others at 2 gens. Those with a lot of skill and better add ons 4-5. Etc etc.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Hmmmmm you have made some great points there! I don't actually know how to check my hours played on xbox I wish I did, thinking back to early days I do remember realising I needed to level up certain killers to get their chase ending perks and gen slowdowns and then found my groove with the right combination. I also assumed you were of the camp that wins = 4k but your reply has cleared that right up for me and I think I actually on the same page as you now XD

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Good example. I personally had never problems with Billy on Lerys. Sure, I'm not zooming around. But you can still get insta downs with him. At least until his unnecessary rework.

    I give you a better example. Clown on the underground complex. There he'll have problems with the throwing ark of his bottles. Which is a problem. Chases will take him longer than usual. But for the sake of the example, it still takes 45 seconds to down a healthy survivor, who just holds shift w. It still takes at least 30 seconds to traverse the map and it still takes 5-10 seconds for the hook.

    If the killer doesn't camp, the unhooked survivor will instantly go for a gen and complete it in coop before even thinking about getting the heal.

    Now that only 1 gen is left. Survivors usually change their behavior. Since doing only gens gives no points or pips they actively go for the killer to get chases. This is a point where the killer might get 2 or 3 hooks. But not because he turns the match around, but because of the survivors greed.

    The only thing that slows survivors down is their own greed or altruism (surprisingly often the same).

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    I have faced a lot of camping pinheads now that you mention it...I mean 7 out of 10 matches seem to be pinhead at low to average sbmm grades.

    In fairness, 2 ro 3 gens usually fly by the time they get that first down...I just grab the lament configuration and play loop de loop🤣

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    It all depends if they actually do something with this "new" data (when numerous videos show the balance issues with the game) or just watch the fanbase possibly leave🤔