It is called easy anti-cheat because it is easy to cheat through

Easy anti-cheat?
Where the hell is Hard anti-cheat?
Update: So obviously I just had a cheater game, but the real kicker was that my game just crashed next game. Just ugh, no dbd for me today I guess.
It also makes me unable to play the game on Linux. I hate it so much. XD
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That is the joke I use in this game, since the sbmm was enabled just this week I've encountered 3 hackers.
Maybe one day easy anti cheat will detect cheaters/hackers.
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There is a reason for that.
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Yeah that's about right I did some research on EAC and i gotta say google it for yourself but for an anti cheat that's suppose to be "machine learning" It sure hasn't learned anything in Dead by Daylight LMFAO.
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I wonder how many people use cheats but in subtle ways instead of flying Ghostface throwing hatchets.
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just imagine
Infinite locker dwitght with no afk crows
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Hard Anti-cheat bricks the players PC when it detects a keyboard macro.