Which killer can fight the entity?

Myers and pyramid head are the only ones really
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None of them, which is why they're there. Some can hold off the temptation of it- like Michael able to ignore the Entity and just straight up kill them (tombstone add-ons) but then they're the ones that don't want to leave. It's an eldritch horror which has created EVERYTHING in these trials. As far as we know through lore, it cannot be beaten. Manipulated and tricked, yes, but it cannot be escaped and cannot be beaten.
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People forget that the world itself is the entity.
Meyers isn't going to tombstone the floor and kill the entity.
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Honestly, only Demogorgon and Pinhead stand a chance - and even then, that's just because of their masters. (Mind Flayer and Leviathan) If we're talking just the killer on their own, I guess Pyramid Head? He's the closest in power to the Entity, although that isn't saying much. Freddy's just a dream demon, not an extra-dimensional lovecraftian abomination.
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Pyramid Head, maybe-- though less Pyramid Head and more the Silent Hill he represents. They're both seemingly metaphysical forces that deal in physical and psychological torment, warping the environment to their liking.
Almost every other killer was abducted, but with Pyramid Head it was more of a contractual agreement. Notably, his base kit means he literally doesn't have to play the Entity's game at all. Hooks? Try cages. Moris? Final Judgement.
Possibly Pinhead, too.
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Nobody. Some can resist Her or even break the connection, like the Huntress (hence Beast of Prey), but a killer fighting the Entity is like a human fighting a god. The god may be amused or it may not, but you don't stand a chance either way.
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Pinhead, Pyramid Head, Freddy, and Myers might be the only ones to stand a chance.
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Trickster. He can make the Entity swoon and distract it long enough to beat it up with a bat.
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Freddy is a dream demon though, and can put the entity in a long slumber
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But the entity is a god, it's like saying a demon can beat the devil.
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First I assume only the Killers that are here by their own volition. Like Pyramid Head, and Pinhead. Heck Pyramid Head was asked to come, and then accepted to join, we don't know if the Entity was strong enough to force him, or if Pyramid Head was strong enough to force himself in.
However it never mentions how Pinheads box appeared in the entity's realm, and based on Cenobite lore they themselves can just send their box (or artifact) into any dimension (realm) - often randomly. Pinhead could very well be stronger than the entity. However if they would fight each other is a better question, as Pinhead specifically is just a Sadist and wants to cause pain and suffering, and the entity feeds off that so it's more like a mutual symbiosis situation.
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Oh no, I dont mean kill the Entity, I just mean they don't listen and be controlled 100% of the time. They still can't escape or truly beat her though.
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From what I understand:
Myers, since he is Evil Incarnate. The Entity can't really control him, but he likes killing people so he stays.
Pyramid Head, since he is the physical manifestation of guilt.
Pinhead, because of Leviathan.
Demogorgon, because of the Mind Flayer.
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yes but freddy krueger has the power to warp dimensions and has the power to toy around with reality
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Let’s face it - if you can be stopped by a pallet and a bright light, then you’ve got no business trying to take on an inter-dimensional beast with the ability to build realms, feast on emotion, reincarnate its victims, and - at the very minimum - burrow through the ground to impale you from below.
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Any killer with ties to a greater power may be able to stop it. The Entity is quite inconsistent, especially with some lore.
As far as the observer is aware, it's an evil from near the beginning of creation. Or is that what it wants them to believe? With certain weaknesses, some killers doing what they like, breaking a connection or barely being contained (in the case of Rin), my view is that it needs people to think it's all hopeless to fight it.
The observer also is key, and I'm not sure if he made it there without the Entity wanting him there to act as an eye, experience the horror and fear, and perhaps use that tower to "digest" through him in some way.
Anyway, I'm off topic a little. But in terms of the individual killers, I would say no. But for those killers connected to something far worse, I'd say they could win if they can bring the big guns in.
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i feel like the entity has compressed freddy's true power, if he was as powerful in game has he was lorewise he would be nurse tier
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That is not really correct unless Freddy came here by his own free will.
The entity chooses who will come into their game, and so every known villain/killer that isn't in the entity's game has either not been chosen or is one that can actually fight the entity off 😉
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If a Killer revolts, doesn't the Entity just put them in the torture chamber until they submit?
And if it seems like they'll never break, or if they are indeed a problem right from the start, can't it just put them in the Void?
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Why are people saying Michael Myers. He can't even kill his sister let alone a god.
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Getting a temp ban for internet hiccups.
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Because Michael is evil incarnate. He's been stabbed, shot, run over, set on fire etc. But he just doesn't die. Plus in the lore of Dbd the Entity cannot control Michael. That's why he can kill survivors with tombstone.
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Freddy, Pinhead, Pyramid Head, Myers. Pyramid head is a manifestation of evil from the curse going on in Silent Hill. He's not even technically alive or real, he's just an appendage of the evil plaguing silent hill.
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You know now that I think about it....theres a chance that the Nemesis Virus could infect the entity. Since the entity is just 1 big bundle and network of physical cells tied into a physical dimension. Theres a chance those cells surrounding hooks and blighted pods could be infected with the Virus.
sub note, the inspiration for the entity.
Secondary side note....
You know whats tragic about this game, is the fact that they have some decent lore to make an actual decent horror game. If they weren't so obsessed with turning this god damn game into a ######### moba they'd have a real jewel on their hands able to withstand the test of time.
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I can only think of Pyramid Head and Micheal Myers. I see people saying Freddy Krueger, Pinhead, and Demogorgon but I've never seen their content outside of Dbd.
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Myers, Pig, Pyramid head, and pinhead with pinhead seemingly being the strongest lore-wise
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How is pig strong lore wise? shes a girl from the saw films with no supernatural power, also freddy krueger is on par with the entity due to his power to warp dimensions and alter realities to his victims will
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Freddy and the entity are both reality manipulators, so I'd say he comes closest. Apparently it can alter the parameters of his abilities though, so probably not even him
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Freddy literally has the power to block exit gates and counteract the entities rules
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Hey, with Lightborn, pallets are your only weakness. That is pretty strong when you think about it. I mean, the entity is the one making good loops to begin with, so naturally none of the killers will ever catch up to them. But still... At least they won't be blinded.
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That was because of Plot Armour, something that lets you survive quite literally everything if the plot demands it
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Pyramid Head is perhaps the supernatural of all, seemingly without obvious weaknesses. But the pure power of the Entity could destroy a demonic being like Pyramid Head with little effort.
Spirit is a creature also of the supernatural, but no way could her power make a dent in the armour of a force like the Entity.
Freddy is in total control in the Dream World...but once pulled in to the real world, he's as vulnerable as a normal human being. Also, the Entity does not sleep.
Overall, no killer could take on the Entity. They sacrifice their victims for the Entity.
The Entity is perhaps unstoppable.
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the entity has tuned down freddies power immensley, and for what? he could be an unleashing menace of the fog
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Still doesn't make sense. He is just a man with a knife. An unkillable man with superstrength that houses pure evil maybe. But still just a man.
We are talking about a eldritch horror here. Who may or may not be multidimentional. The ground Myers walks on, the weapon he is holding it's all the entity.
You don't just fight these types of ancient horrors. You can't stab something that doesn't have a physical body.
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eh, ordinary folks have killed gods and eldritch monsters before in stories, Plot Armour functions both as a shield and a weapon
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Wish i could disagree but pennywise was beaten because he was bullied by a couple of nobodies so touché
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If there's one thing we learn from eldritch horrors, is that they can't be beat.
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Is Nurse an option?
Her animations show clear signs of telekinetic powers. And she can use her blink ability (entering the spirit world) without becoming fatigued, if she really wants to.
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I don't think she is super strong, but she is one of the few killers who can kill survivors without the help of the entity via her RBTs. Which I am pretty sure makes her stronger than the average killer lore-wise.