The only thing SBMM does

The only thing SBMM does is motivate me to DC and stop playing when I stop having fun. There is challenge, and then there is being in a match where I have zero chance. Killer btw. I dont mind the dc penalty because I just get off anyway. Some might say "You can never get better if you dont stay in the match and learn." Two things. 1. This is not a competitive game and trying to make is as such now is a mistake. 2. There is no getting better when again I have zero chance. That is all. Uninstalling this game. Its headed in the wrong direction.


  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    First it IS a pvp game were it is never clear if one side wants to play serious while the other want to chill or not, so it is competitive just not on a professional level. There is a distinction between eSports and normal competition.

    And second i love how people rage at the new mmr within less than a week when we know the usually slothlike slow devs haven't had the chance to address anything and take the situation now as an absolute.

    This mmr and with it the killer lock are the first things in this game in its five years of lifetime that give a "fixed" point between matches to balance around.

    Before this not only maps/perks/killers but also matchmaking (thanks to highly unbalanced amounts of people queueing up for respective roles and the mmr rank widening accompanying it) was also rng.

    You balance out scales ⚖️ without a fix point in the middle.

    It took several years to get to the "balanced" status the game has today, so we all have to put on our big boy pants and be patient for the devs to make balancing choices going forward with the new data they will compile when killer and survivor finally (maybe) can see eye to eye skill wise.