Do you have any new event ideas?

I'm making this post cause I wanted to share my idea for a new event, since nowadays they're just copied and pasted from the previous year, so I tried to do something a little bit different, just like the one-time event that we had on the Curtain Call chapter, The Summer BBQ. So I hope you guys like my fan made event anddd yeah, enjoy :)
My event would consist of a crossover between RE Resistance and DBD.
For those who don't know, Resistance is an additional game that you receive once you buy RE 3 Remake. The game itself is pretty similar to DBD. 4 survivors, 1 player trying to kill the other and you know the rest...
The event would release 4 new legendary skins for some of the original survivors:
January Van Sant as legendary for Meg:
Valerie for Claudette:
Tyrone for baby Dwight:
And Samuel for David:
Each one of these skins would cost 1485 auric cells OR 15 virus capsules ( currency gained during matches )
The event would involve around the survivors finding virus capsules scattered around the map, unlike the anniversary and Chinese New Year events, it's not necessary to escape matches to gain virus capsules. Escaping only doubles the number of capsules that you got in the match.
Soooo yeah, I guess you could say this is my fan made event, if you have any constructive criticism to give, you can comment as well, wouldn't mind at all making a few changes. 😉
If you yourself have any ideas for new events, feel free to comment, would love to hear all of them.
Can't say I'm convinced about the skin choice for Dwight. For some reason, and I can't exactly figure out why, it feels as though there's better choices for our boy Tyrone Henry.
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Gnome Chompski 2: The Revenge
Incase you weren't aware, Gnome Chompski is a gnome from Valve who had a special event in DBD to celebrate Bill getting a tome. He would appear exclusively during EGC and during that time survivors and killers had to run around frantically trying to find and kick this thing and survivors also had to escape to get it. I loved the event because it wasn't anything too big, it was just for a charm and you only had to play 1 game to unlock it for both killer and survivor, but it was fun running around trying to find this dude with a time limit ticking down and trying to escape as well.
In Gnome Chompski's Event 2, you still kick Gnome Chompski during EGC and must escape as survivor or just find and kick it as killer. Now this time you must find and kick Gnome Chompski 3 times (in separate trials, having to find him 3 times in two minutes is too brutal). For each time you find and kick Chompski you get a cosmetic piece for Bill which eventually leads to this outfit
(this is an extremely rough draft, it would look much better in game)
Gnome Chompski's revenge is turning Bill into a gnome (chompski).
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A limited time even game mode.
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I think a 100% random mode would be fun. The survivors get given a random survivor with random perks and the killer gets a random killer with random perks. Noone knows who they are or what they have til the match starts.
It would be cool because people would end up with perks they may not try otherwise and someone might find out they are pretty good with a killer they were unsure of.
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As someone who has played overwatch before, I would love it if we got a mode where if we have a locked killer or survivor, we have a chance to play them with their perks enabled to see if it's someone we would like to play as.