Who is the most annoying killer?

shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

Who is the most annoying killer? 139 votes

BabyCameron10Revzi100[Deleted User]MazoobipixelfixedIcewhispersteponmeadirisDhurl421hilapastaKlavatooTyserelololololPSP[Deleted User]TrickstaaaaaGladonosshinobu149marios72puttpupperVerneV_TTV 20 votes
Freddy96Tricksters_WifebabydemoboiYoshiScreenShadowNurseZFX 5 votes
AdelooCritical_FishNomaddtenoresaxIlliterateGenocideDatFastBoiTheArbiter[Deleted User]Hex_IgnoredImAJoke264DRSPHILAdoctor2629 12 votes
Jacoby2041Herachi_SakuraNathan13teslaHasoony_TroutMaskReplicaLinc_DbDForumsdarkdestroyer102ttvw1nner999 9 votes
Kennishi 1 vote
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FallenRanger0Seiko300BlueberrygneheheKaanaMat_SellaTapeKnotSblitcherAven_FallenSkeletalElitexEakonchokmusstang62pushkinaKeezoTaigaUistreelDr_LoomisMiralisShaped 92 votes


  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768
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    Hag, Deathslinger and Twins aren't far behind.

  • pushkina
    pushkina Member Posts: 130
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    Trapper and Deathslinger

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785
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    Hag, I'd genuinely rather face loads of Nurses and Spirits over a Hag.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147
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    Hag does not belong in Dead By Daylight

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911
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    You surprisingly dont have the most common answers on there,

    For most people it's either Spirit, Hag, Deathslinger, Doctor, etc.

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046
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  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052
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    As far as pure gameplay is concerned, Hag, Spirit, and Cannibal. They're the more annoying cousins of Trapper, Nurse, and Billy.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068
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  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
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  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496
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    Spirit - results of a Nurse with way, way lower skill required.

    Freddy - game delay for just existing. I miss old Freddy, it was very interesting concept for a killer.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052
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    I got that impression by how often she flashes her panties in the school girl outfit lmao

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
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    Doctor. He can take away everything survivors can potentially do except holding W.

  • ryseterion
    ryseterion Member Posts: 445
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    Ghostface and blight are absolute snooze fests to go against

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452
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    Nurse and spirit

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
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    Spirit and Ghostface are pains too, but the Doc beats them to the finish.

    The static blast...too much screaming...madness tier 3...illusionary Doctors...bangs and visual pop-ups....it's all very annoying.

    I also regard him as the go-to low skill killer for darlings.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Oh i watched that baby dwight with a response time of 20 years for 3 minutes straight so now you will die instantly because you decided to play with bad teammates

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

    I forgot to add her I honestly hardly ever get her so it just slipped my mind.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
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    In the following order:





    ---all others are more or less fine outside of Pinhead with Hoarder.

  • Scary_Punk_Ghost
    Scary_Punk_Ghost Member Posts: 31
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    Bubba, I just despise him

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
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    Hag and spirit. Games against them are almost never fun, it doesn't help that the people that play them tend to be salt farming urchins that crawled out from under the local grease trap.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
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  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510
    edited September 2021
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    Hag, the single killer where you need specific item to counter his power + built-in camping + no-chases + busted add-ons + ...

    No killer can't be more stupidly designed than the ######### hag!

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670
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    Doctor and Freddy

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549
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    Twins. I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever had fun in a Twins game, no matter which side I was on.

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454
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    Spirit. Coin flips aren't fun.

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941
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    Although i hate spirit and blight, my absolute number one is Nurse.

    I don't understand how people would like pig and doctor to be nerfed when The Nurse is still in this game.

    Nurse is the worst designed killer in this game and is a living cheat in my opinion.

    Since the new SBMM is in dbd i face a lot of nurses and i asked one of them how they enjoy playing this terrible designed, broken killer.

    Their response was: ''who doesn't like easy wins? xD''

    I think this already tells you a lot about this broken killer.

    I just don't understand how people think this is even close to a fair killer.

    I think most nurse mains know she is broken, but they don't want to lose their (unfair) advantage.

    When you critizice nurse, most of them respond with something like: just get good, just break line of sight...

    The most hatefull comment i got was from someone in game that told me:'' you have to deal with it and stop crying about nurse.

    Noobs keep her stats low, and thats why she will will never gets nerfed.''

    I think what he was trying to say is that killers that want a challenge don't play nurse but play other killers (like pig) and because they can also win with less powerfull killers the (win) stats of that killers increase.

    At least that is what i think and i think thats why killers like pig gets nurfed for no reason.

    Sidenote: this is my opinion, please respect everyone's opinion and only comment if you are capable of doing this withouth hate or insults.

    Thank you!

  • Linc_DbDForums
    Linc_DbDForums Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2021


    I don't really like Pig.

  • Trickstar
    Trickstar Member Posts: 31
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  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    Legion is annoying and boring. Hold M1 simulator, even more than it already is.

    Other I'd say Huntress. Hitboxes are bullshit, many players (judging by their ping) play from Saturn I think (please, give us ping-lock) plus her humming at this point is the most annoying piece of music I've heard in a long time. I hate listening to her humming, seriously.

    (Plus Spirit, but she's bullshit on a whole another level)

  • ScoopsTQ
    ScoopsTQ Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2021
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    Honestly this new Hellraiser killer is the king of annoying. His main ability is slowing you and halting progress. What's worse is with the right perk set up you can basically stop survivors from even trying to fix generators.

    Overall I wouldn't call him S teir, but definitely annoying.

  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227


  • HybridLPangel26
    HybridLPangel26 Member Posts: 119
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    Trickster,Doctor,The Cannibal,The Hillbilly,Nemesis

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 103
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    None are annoying, each are fun to play and play against.

  • GGSlushy
    GGSlushy Member Posts: 61
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    i want to be the entity so i could delete Plague from existing

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited September 2021
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    I'd rather play against anything other than Deathslinger. Very little actual player interaction going on there.

    Honorable mention goes to Hag though as her intended play style is just mind numbingly boring and has very little chases which is where the fun of the game is at. Seems this is where most the consensus is at as well.

  • D34D_B34TB0X
    D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 409
    edited September 2021
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    Doctor. And Leatherface.

    GALAXYBOl Member Posts: 8
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    Bro 100% Nemesis or Doctor. Both induce me with so much rage when I realize it's them. Doctor's ability is so annoying and difficult to play against. While I do love playing as Nemesis, he is so dam annoying to play against in game.

  • GarlicRice
    GarlicRice Member Posts: 118
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    Spirits or Bubba's. I know not all Bubba's camp but I've had so many that when I see one I just get ready for an unpleasant match.

  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374
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    Trickster. Just his design is annoying.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180
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    The Ghost Face, by a country mile. Every time I see that "Trick or Treat" reject costume I just want to dropkick him into the pit of eternal stench.

    Also, out of the 5 named characters in the question, why is Hillbilly there?!? Poor chap is one of the most fun to go against; especially if it is controlled by someone who knows how to play him well.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited October 2021

    The only advantage hag has that shes not popular but anytime I see her I roll my eye and pray its not mint rag or make your choice "deehhe" Exposed

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    Idk why I voted big but Legion is probably more annoying because of the constant mending.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Huntress. I just dodged a hatchet but it hit the air and now im injured.

    Rework her or make hatchet hit validation

  • Foxy_Teltac
    Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277
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    Bubba, he's annoying because he's the most boring killer to go up against, at least in my opinion

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
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    Hag and Cannibal.

    There is literally no chase with hag, just a big pool sign that says crouching only, violators will be sacrificed to a spider god.

    There is literally no saving with cannibal that is face camping. Even cannibals that don't usually face camp will face camp once all generators are done, which is reasonable of them. It's just his POS kit that I hate.

  • Gladonos
    Gladonos Member Posts: 392

    Wraith. You can't gain distance against him at all.

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

    As I play survivor more and I get the wraith I noticed he is most likely to camp🙄