Survivors "LMS" at 7 seconds... intended?

Ok. killers can see items to be brought into the trial ... intentional. While I have yet to officially read an explanation as to why killers can see items being brought into a trial by survivors I can only assume its to allow the killer to properly prepare for the trial (4v1) etc...
Going with that rationale--survivors that have "zero items" until 7 to 8 seconds in the countdown while in the lobby... LMS (last moment switch) to a survivor already "prepped" with keys and maps...
How is that exactly giving the killer an opportunity to properly prepare for the trial if at 6 seconds... everyone is locked out for making changes? Is this intentional? Is this working as intended? Should BHVR consider a form of lock-out to prohibit this type of behavior in order to ensure a more fair and balanced trial? Just curious.
Yes. It's annoying as hell prepping yourself to deal with things like flashlights or meditation and then suddenly someone LMS to a key. Usually whenever that happens, I just hardcore tunnel that one. Don't care, I've thrown games just to kill that one survivor as a matter of principle.
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It's an exploit.
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Then why hasn't it been removed?
Frustrating, yes. Should be removed, yes. However if it was an exploit that's this well known and this long in the game, why hasn't it been removed and/or bannable.
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In my opinion it's exploiting an error in design. It's supposed to give the killer an advantage by giving them information that they can adapt to. So when a player changes item 1 second before the killer's loadout option is locked they are making it so they cannot adapt.
It's probably not something they care too much about removing, this game doesn't try to be perfect, and ignoring keys it's not really that big of a deal.
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Things can be in the game for a long time and not considered an exploit but still be removed, billy's charge meter not depleting when stunned and just slowly decreasing so you could pull the chainsaw back out again with partial charge was in the game with 4 years
gave an advantage that wasn't intended for those 4 years but no one was banned for it
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That's the lobby mindgame. You just gotta prep by having an itchy trigger finger on Franklin's Demise.
They LMS to key Nea and LMS your least important perk to Franklin's
They send one of our perks to the hospital we send one their items to the morgue.