New character suggestion : the entity child
Apparence : creepy ghosly entity child
Side :
- help the killer (players would be able to duo for killer)
- has first view too
- he has no terror radius
Basic powers :
- he can apply debuff by stalking survivors, the closer he is to them the stronger the debuff : to repairing, healing, but NOT walking / running speed.
- he can phase through objets / walls for a short time, with a moderate CD to escape survivors
Weakness :
- he can be "dispelled" (idk any better english word for this) by survivors if they click on him, that would teleport him far from any survivor
- he is slower than survivors
- cannot use windows or pallets
- he is not solid and cannot bodyblock survivors (or be bobyblocked)
Additionals powers with perks :
- healing lock : he can completely stop a survivor from healing but he cannot move doing so
- gen lock : he can completely stop a gen to get repaired but he cannot move doing so
- aura reading : by getting close to survivors, he can reveal their aura to the killer
- totem repair : he can repair any destroyed totem (long CD, long charging time, and that would reset tokens)
- bodyblocking : can become solid for a short time, allowing him to bodyblock survivors and gain a short dispel immunity doing so