Speed Limiter Mindset

My dear Mr. Cote,

Recently I've been playing your game Dead by Daylight again after taking a break for a while. When I returned I became addicted to the speed limiter add-ons available on many killers. I have climbed to rank one using exclusively speed limiter Cannibal and Speed Limiter Billy with engravings. I think this promotes a different playstyle that has gotten me to sink more hours into your game as it is very rewarding. Not only does it get me more points but I get to land curves more in a singular match as I have to do it twice it's.... fun.

To all my fellow friends, Romans and countrymen I emplore you to adopt a similar playstyle and report back with your many results. You too can become part of the speed limiter bourgeoisie and after Dead by Daylight takes ten hours to update I will post the results that you too can see some day.


  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    Average bubba:


    -Barely feared

    -Overcompensates with an instadown

    The CHAD speed limiter bubba:


    -Immensely feared

    -Quickly downs survivors with two swift sweeps of his saw

    -Absolutely ROLLING in bloodpoints

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Alpha male