Self isolation Survivor perk challenge

LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 567

So right now i'm self isolating on my own after getting covid for the second time (I have also been doubled jabbed but either way lets not make this a covid debate)

I'm looking for ways to occupy my time & honestly just perk me up so here's the idea.

I'd like people to name 4 survivor perks & I'll go into the game & we'll see how I get on. My aim is a 50% survival rate but as long as its not 100% losses its just for fun.

I'll post all the results here possibly with video (no commentary) I hope a few people wouldn't mind helping me out no matter how good, bad, wild or wacky the perk combos are!

My meg is p3 50 with all perks so she'll play the majority of games all my other survivors are level 50 so if one of them has all 4 perks i'll mix it up a bit.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Use head on, deception, quick and quiet and any 4th perk and go for locker jukes

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    No Mither, Unbreakable, Soul Guard, and Tenacity. The idea behind this build is that after the game, your team and the killer will think you really hate the dying state... and it is worthless. A winning combination to be sure. If you don't survive, I will be so shocked.

  • LilBunBun
    LilBunBun Member Posts: 7

    You can never go wrong with


    Mettle of Man



    Track the survivor in chase with your empathy aura, as soon as they're downed and the killer starts the pickup animation run up and try to take protection hits. With the bonus MS you'll easily be able to get to the hook before them and begin the sabo action, which they'll have to swing at you to stop it. Even if you take 2 hits you'll get charges on mettle for the next one

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369
    edited September 2021

    Seen a streamer playing a game of VIP.

    4 man swf have they have to make sure one (the Vip) lives.

    Edit: best of luck mate, Someone it seems is looking after you.

  • Jholla31
    Jholla31 Member Posts: 253


    Mettle of Man

    We're Gonna Live Forever

    4th perk (I usually run Dead Hard, but I'll use self care if I don't have the right medkit)

    Yellow medkit with green charge and yellow charge+speed add-ons.

    Get MoM to proc. Throw the game if you have to. 4 WGLF stacks and a MoM proc is an automatic survivor win. They just don't tell you that in the tutorial. (;

  • The true BILLuild


    Botany Knowledge

    Self Care or Medkit <If medkit run unbreakable or favorite perk>


    Goal is to save teammates and find be a medic constantly healing others and if need be... be prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice <Bonus points if another survivor is wearing any l4d cosmetics try to keep them alive>.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Object of obsession & mettle of man, when it works it's amazing

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 567

    Thanks for the suggestions I completed all 6 games this morning it ended 3 - 3 with regards to kills & escapes.

    I edited the first 3 videos (just basic chopping out or speeding up loading screens nothing fancy just to shorten them a bit)

    I'll edit the final 3 in the morning then drop them all on YouTube & post the results here (I'm neither asking nor expecting anyone to actually watch the videos it's more of a personal thing for me)

    Any new suggestions are welcome I still have at least 4 more days of isolation, not being with my kids kills me & I need the distraction.

    Health on a slight down turn so i'm done for today about to watch the new candyman movie (even though I didn't like the orginals) something to do before I crash.

    Thanks again for the suggestions hope you all have some decent games in the fog tonight

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Get well soon pal.

    Maybe an anti-totem build, like Counterforce/Small Game, Detective's Hunch, Inner Strength, and one last perk of your choice (maybe Open Handed for Hunch?)