anyone notice at high mmr


at high mmr i have been seeing a lot more ds’s than i used to i’m not complaining but this is so strange because after the nerf you hardly saw it now i have it an almost everyone of my games for killer also the perks have virtually remained the same though but why did ds usage just increase so fast i wonder what caused its usage to increase does any one else feel this way


  • Objectively_speaking

    It never increased you are just noticing it more because the higher your mmr the more you see certain perks or builds.

    Also, on the forums people have reported more facecampers in higher mmr so that may be a reason.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Facecamping is rampant, forcing DS to be used even though it doesn't really do anything about this situation.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Also theres a challenge in a tome that can be done with DS so that probably too

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Massive amounts of hard tunnelling and camping at higher MMR. Some of it because the killer can't keep up, some of it because it's the only strategy they have left, some of it because they're just dicks. But it's even more common now, so DS is a good way to at least punish the killer for it.

  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2021

    How do you know it's high MMR?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,562

    Did you notice how many people claim they are playing on high MMR while we actually don’t know how MMR is calculated? I have seen many of them claim they know they are high MMR because they had so and so many 3-4Ks before and all… but the devs have actually confirmed it’s not based on kills/escapes alone…

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,395

    How can you be sure that nobody knows how mmr works?

    But the chance is high that OP doesnt know his rating.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245
    edited September 2021

    I just think it's funny that a lot of people think they are high mmr. Apparently not very many average players in this game.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,562

    i never even said that nobody knows?

    but most of the people don’t and they just assume because they think they are top skill players.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,395

    You said "while we actually don’t know how MMR is calculated?"

    I thought with we you meant the entire community.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,562
    edited September 2021

    No I meant the vast majority of the people claiming they are high MMR (and vast majority of the community in general)

    and those did that way before what you are implying (how it is calculated)

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,205

    At the highest MMR you don't have the time to play nice as killer anymore. Gens are beeing tunneled, survivors are getting tunneled and / or slugged. And it's neither the killers nor survivors fault, everyone is doing the objective really quick. DBD is just not balanced for competitive (yet?).

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    According to some people, you can tell you have a high MMR rating based on your que time.

    Survivor with little/no wait time = High MMR

    Survivor with high wait time = Low MMR

    Killer with little/no wait time = Low MMR

    Killer with high wait time = High MMR

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    ROFL.... Ok. I am a MUCH better killer than I am survivor and I do not have high queue times for either. People guessing how to tell if they are high mmr is silly at best. Queue times are based off number of people online and time. If I play SUPER late at night my killer queue time goes way up. My survivor queues are almost instantaneous most of the time except from 8-11pm MST.

    Pretty sure these "some people" are talking out their butt and spreading blatant misinformation - shocked that would happen on these forums LOL!

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    MMR = number of comments on these forums

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118
    edited September 2021

    Queue times are based off of players online and time, yes. But it's also based off of, and you're gonna be shocked when you hear this, your skill rating.

    Doesn't matter how many people are online. If they're not within your skill range, you're not going to pick up with them. In terms of when your queue times are shortened or expanded, idk. Idk where you're from so I can't speak for or against it. What i can say for myself who lives in the EST of the US, my queue times as a Killer take usually 5-7 minutes regardless of the time and day. I've had times where I had to wait 10 minutes before finally getting a match. And the Survivors I get matched with 9/10 matches aren't potatoes and seemingly run Comms.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    Crazy how almost everyone thinks they're at High MMR. Really actives the neurons.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,562

    Damn I think i gotta start crying about how the devs ruined DbD for me now

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 412

    This can't quite be, it would mean that there are few high MMR survivors and many high MMR killers. Considering how much people are screaming that killers desperately need massive buffs and how braindead easy auto-win survivor is, I'd expect there to be only few killers and many survivors at high MMR.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Damn I'm gonna have to start playing ruin/undying/tinkerer/noed nurse. My forum MMR means I have no other choice

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Yes I am aware of that but that assumes that you are waiting for high mmr people instead of medium mmr people. It is the same as it was: Waiting for relative ranks - and we all know ranks were no indication of skill for the most part. I have a higher kill rate than "average" and my wait times in MST are not bad as killer. I am aware of how mmr and wait times affect one another, but assuming that because one is higher mmr they wait longer is silly as you have no idea how many people are on at any given time with high, low, or medium mmr.

    I just think it is hilarious that a large majority of the forum base thinks they are high mmr.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    You would imagine but it makes sense if you think about it through this aspect:


    SWF's have a huge advantage in most factors of this game. They'll naturally climb higher through MMR than a competent Solo Survivor. So when most of your high to extremely high MMR Survivors are based on SWF's, there's only so many of those and they hardly ever play alone.

    Your high MMR Killer's have to wait on the small pool of SWF's to play against. Solo Survivors are usually pretty easy to beat unless the entire team is extremely competent and run perks to alleviate what little communication they have. Which is why prob a lot of Killer's are running into more SWF's lately

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    You're absolutely right in that regard in terms of everything thinking they're high MMR. But if you read my comment to RHA and stop to think for a moment on how the MMR could possibly skew to certain players, it makes sense. Even more so if you ran into SWF's more often since MMR popped off.

    My queue times have seemingly drastically been lengthened since this MMR started. I don't believe I'm extremely high on the MMR scale, but I know I'm better than average and most of my games are with Survivors who are obviously talking to each other.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    What i noticed is more DS, DH and BT. Also way more items. They all bring items.

    SWF without full meta perks + items already bring an unbalanced trial but add to this all 4 survivors with meta perks + purple items or insta items and you get something even more unbalanced. It's unbearable as it is.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854


    Ruin will be cleansed in less than a minute at high mmr, unfortunately. At this level, ruin shouldn't be a hex totem, it should be a perk and that's all.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    You would think so, wouldn’t you? Since killer is literally unplayable because every other survivor is in a highly organised, gen rushing sweat squad you’d think that high MMR would be filled with survivors and that high MMR killers would be exclusively god Nurses, but funnily enough that doesn’t seem to be the case. I wonder what could explain it, it’s a puzzle to be sure.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Don't think anyone can assume their own as mm can still pair you up or down based on que times. While not a guarantee, just some things I've noticed more since sbmm has gone live.

    Signs your teammates/survivors are at least up there;

    Tight tile looping, hugging walls and reading killer before mindgames or direction change

    Immediate flashlight blinds, little to no aim correction

    Gen pops to hook ratio, they will predrop every pallet if gens are being worked

    Efficient multi looping into a deadhard for pallet safety, stringing 2 tiles together to avoid using the pallet altogether

    Perfectly timed pickups, they know exactly when to move in for a slugged teammate

    Willing to take a hit while using teamwork to finish a gen negating killer combo like tinkerer & pop

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Not so sure about this. To be clear I don't claim to be High MMR but my Que has been 15 minutes since MMR came out.....Until last night it went down to about 5. My games (Except for one Hag game) have been 10-12 hook 4k's. I have not had a competitive game yet (I suck with Hag that was on me) so why my Que time go down?

    H1GHLVND3R Member Posts: 138

    Looks like im on ultra low mmr then, getting total garbage team every single game, they never unhook me in time and never do gens, their chaces last 10 sec, also i had yesterday a 18 leavers in a row in a 20 games.