I like Farmer's MMR Strategy as a killer

So, I have watched FarmerJohn stream on twitch and decided to adopt his strategy.
4 hooks different survivors (for BBQ) is a draw
8 hooks is a win
try to let all 4 survivors escape
And since, presumably, MMR is based on kills/escapes:
This lowers my MMR, so I don't have to sweat and can do what I want to do in the matches instead of protecting the gens.
Slugs, injures give a high amount of blood points
I am not sure about Merciless killer, but getting Ruthless killer is not that hard.
That's almost how I play except I'm still killing 1-2 survivors (if I can that is) but only if they're "naturally" dying so basically death hook without camping or tunneling.
Other than that I just try to get all the hooks I can get so everyone has a good time.
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8 hooks will give you better bp then a camper getting one kill. Since I'm a bp chaser I will normally try to go for hooks unless the gens are going too fast, then I shall try for a kill.
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Yeah, I saw this the other day and I am on board!!!
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I still go for 4K's.
It is a painful life.
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Farmer John lives up to his name. In all seriousness, that is more or less what I have been doing. I only care about BBQ stacks. There is no reason to kill anyone unless I am doing a challenge, imo. Mostly because kills are just a third hook. Hard to get excited about it.
My Pyramid Head gets a little rambunctious, however. Chop chop, chop you up, imma monster, ha ha ha!
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Okay but don't go try abusing the mmr based off leaked information and come back saying it's trash because it's not working.
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Okay, Mom
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This feels like great solid advice on how to feel about a match when it's over as killer. I've never been much for wanting to get every kill I can, but making sure I have over 25K BP a match feels more rewarding than any 4K I've gotten XD
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Not like it works anyway
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I don't even pay that much attention, I just go out of my way to make sure everyone is on death hook before I start killing.
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It does down here.
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Meanwhile, here I am just playing the game normally.