Should I go for...

Dead Hard
I'm assuming that since you're asking this, you are new to the game so I recommend leveling up David to get Dead Hard because it's level 35 (as opposed to Laurie's level 40, it'd take longer to get to) and as you're getting Dead Hard you also get WGLF (used to get BP to level up faster).
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Dead Hard
Dead Hard is more consistent since the Decisive Strike update.
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Got it boss, btw im not new
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Dead Hard
David has 2 Good Perks DH & WGLF while Laurie only has one Good Perk.& WGLF gives you extra David
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Decisive Strike
Ds is the strongest survivor perk
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Dead Hard
Dh has more value imo and you can use it almost every game.
Ds is kinda situational.
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Dead Hard
Ds is really situational, when a killer wants to tunnel they wont care if you have it. most of the time you wont use it unless you want to use it.
Tho deadhard dosent work for its intended purpose most of the time. it works for distance well
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Decisive Strike
Take DS. The likelihood of encountering another exhaustion perk is manifold higher, even if it might not be DH specifically. But they still get the job done.
Your chance of getting another perk that fulfills DS' purpose is zero, because there isn't one comparable.
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If you play at the higher MMR, DS can be a life saver.
When i started playing i didn't use both DS or Dead Hard.
But now, especially with the new SBMM i sometimes use both.
I feel like that since the new SBMM came out i have been tunneled much more than before.
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Decisive Strike
Dead Hard is an addictive crutch. Just look at how many people insist it's necessary, then proceed to ignore a survivor main who cut all Exhaustion perks out of her life and still does well.
Recommending Dead Hard is like telling someone with addiction issues to play an MMO. It will rule your life.