I’m ######### done

I’m sorry but ######### pinhead he is the worst experience I’ve ever had in dbd I can’t figure him out I’ve caused more stress for myself than fun I can’t take it anymore I can’t play pinhead he’s ######### trash on console. I need help I need tips I’m ######### done.

He’s one of the worst ######### killers I’ve ever played in my life. I know trapper and legion are worse but I have more fun with them then pinhead I ######### hate him now with a burning passion. I can’t do it anymore please tell me what I’m doing wrong? I almost ######### bashed my controller through my ######### TV cause of pinhead


  • RiskyKara
    RiskyKara Member Posts: 804

    Hmm... I'm not sure any advice about pinhead is going to be useful if you're getting so worked up you're willing to destroy electronics in a fit of rage. Unless that's hyperbole.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    Not just the lunge bug some stuff about his power is flawed the fact that when you hit someone with the possessed chain and they break out in 3 seconds and continue running like nothing happened is awful game design and how the chain hunt is so easily countered is annoying I get it’s a powerful ability but it shouldn’t be countered that easily then there’s the lunge bug. I’ve played many games with him I can’t take it I’ve had enough of him

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Yeah he is very hard to play and there’s not a huge reward for learning his power. The lunge bug doesn’t help with that either.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited September 2021

    I like him. Have you tried... I dunno what it's called, insta-shooting with him? When you place a gate on top of a survivor and immediately shoot? It's especially useful when you're about to enter a loop or you can see over the loop. You can sort of guess if the gate is behind an LoS break, but usually in that scenario (for example, a survivor threw a long wall/short wall tile's pallet and is camping it) you should hold it for a few seconds and see what they're doing - sometimes they even run back into the gate for an easy shot.

    You should also not use chains in the open unless the survivor is running for a pallet or window. If they're just holding W you have to do the same.

    As for the chain hunt... I dunno, it's passive so it's almost impossible to misuse it. The only thing I can say is that I like to teleport over when they're solving the Lament Configuration and tunnel whoever was solving it until I have them downed, because that activates a full chain hunt if you interrupted them and you can snowball a bit.

    Also, if you're a survivor you need to rebind your buttons. I didn't notice the issue because I already have everything seperately bound, but vaulting pallets and windows overrides breaking his chains.

    Oh, and his lunge is super bugged, if you change direction mid lunge you miss.

    Edit: Also, he is hard on a controller, but not quite as bad as Huntress, Slinger, Trickster or Nurse IMO.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    I’m not a survivor main. But thanks for the tips I never thought of those I’ve tried to use his chains to chase down but they don’t ever work and I don’t like teleporting cause it wastes time.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    Also his chain sucks to control it feels to lose you touch the joystick just a little and it ######### flies through the air it feels so finicky to control and I tried using it and the chain crashed into a bush but the chain was nowhere near the bush it crashed without colliding with the bush.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Treat the chains like a nurse blink. You need to instantly hit the survivor with zero travel time to gain distance on a survivor or you will lose or gain no ground on them.

    Use hoarder and figure out the box spawns to keep a chain hunt going for as long as possible.

    he is heavily addon dependent and basically needs the spawn extra chains addon. This one should be basekit tbh.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    Thank you guys for the tips and support I thought I was alone on pinhead being awful and unfun to play as

  • Konnor24
    Konnor24 Member Posts: 184

    Pinhead just feels unrewarding right now. Hes fun to play as but to counter him you literally just need to press W and drop pallets early. The ease of chain breaks is stupid. Especially in loops. The whole point of a power is to help you but at times, it hinders you and puts you back. I dont really understand his power like, what is it aiming to do?

    If its to shorten loops, it doesnt, as they are so easily broken. If its to catch up when out in the open, you risk a chance of missing, and them gaining more ground or hittng and catching up a small amount of ground unless wide out in the open, and survs who have more than 150 hours will know to get to walls/LOS breakers rather than run into the open.

    To me it just feels like they put him in (and its great that they did as im a hellraiser fan) and rushed things. Not thinking his power through enough. Hes yet another killer who just isnt viable or rewarding unless you put red/purple add ons on. Add ons should make a killer stronger, they shouldnt make it mandatory to enjoy.

    Rewarding him for hitting his possessed chain is a much needed buff. Either make chains harder to break or incrase the number of chains to 5. Why were there no addons for this aswell? We have really poor addons to increase the chains movement which isnt needed but no Green addon to increase the number of chains for a possessed chain hit.

    Iri Lament Config addon also needs to be baseline. The fact this was made iridescent shows to me the devs thought this would be too OP to have baseline, but it really isnt. Its something needed so the killer isnt destroyed on a consistent basis by holding W.

  • Konnor24
    Konnor24 Member Posts: 184

    Nah you're far from alone. Hes a fun killer to play but ultimately hes the most frustrating. I can land 100% possessed chain hits & have a chain hunt activate 5 times and still end up with a 0k or 1k without tunnelling. Just bad and naive design. Which is strange considering Cote has wanted him in dbd for 4 years. You'd think he'd want his favourite horror movie character to be playable.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    I don’t think Cote designed this killer. Speaking of Cote he’s been very quiet for some time he hasn’t been on any live streams at all and hasn’t showed up. I’m fact it’s been kinda quiet

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I have no idea what it's like to play him but I can safely say playing against him is one of the worst dbd experiences I've had.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    Everything you said is 100% the reason I wrote this thread I played 2 matches with him and experienced all those issues

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Because he's like the 8th anti loop killer in a row and his chain hunt is incredibly obnoxious to deal with.

    And I'm on console, he's overpowered as ######### against console players.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Actually, if anything, I'm alone in enjoying him. But I get it, I'm a ######### Plague main. Killers whose difficulty exceeds their strength is kind of my cup of tea, although Plague is a very strong killer in her own right.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    His lunge is still bugged so it's not worth destroying your stuff over. Believe me been there done that. Not fun having to shell out extra cash to replace your #########. Thankfully I've long realized Dbd is such a joke of a game to take seriously that I haven't broken anything over it.

    As for pinhead himself he's not too bad, but he just requires a bit of patience. Landing his power won't always result in value is something you have to understand. It sucks too because it's not like it's a very easy power to land especially for a console player. Personally I feel like I have an easy time landing it, but that's very likely due to how much nurse I've played on ps4. I do think that pinhead is easier though. Typically what you wanna do is spawn the gateway to the survivor as close as possible and instantly chain them. This is the ideal thing to do because it will waste less time and allow them to get less distance which can prevent them from getting to a strong loop or something, and it makes it easier to land with how weird the chain sensitivity can be. Also don't forget you can cancel a gateway, unlike nurse, if you screw up the placement.

    If you really intend on playing him regularly you're gonna just have to put in the time. As it is his power isn't all that great so you're gonna want to consistently land his power if you want to see results. Even then I wouldn't expect a whole lot. He's simply not that strong. He'll need a few small buffs so again; don't stress it. Just practice if you like his gameplay, or let him sit with the others you don't play if not. All we can hope is that Bhvr takes the right approach.

  • Konnor24
    Konnor24 Member Posts: 184

    Hes not though. His chains are easy to counter and break. If you're keeping an eye on where he is in a loop, you can use objects to break the chains easy and make it to safety.

    I've faced maybe 40 pinheads now since he got released. Total times they downed me - 2. And both was because they were camping at end game and i sacrificed myself for the save.

    He is extremely easy to loop. All you got to do is early drop a pallet and hes done.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I play console as well, and here’s my best advice: play what’s fun!

    I would LIKE to be good with Blight, Nurse, or Pinhead - but I simply don’t have the time or patience to master them on console. So I accept this fact, remind myself that I play as a hobby - not a job, and that my ultimate goal, therefore, is to have fun. Hobbies should be enjoyable after all.

    With this in mind, I put away these killers and pull out my faves: Nemesis, Billy, Legion, and Hag!

  • RantGod
    RantGod Member Posts: 36

    I do well with Pinhead with the right perks, addons, and map. If one of those is off, I may not do as well.

    As for perks, unless I have Franklin's Demise and Hoarder I will not play Pinhead. His greatest strength for me is being able to keep pressure on survivors using chain hunt and the cube. Those two perks greatly help with that.

    The other two perks are optional, but I always try to get BBQ. Helps with tracking, especially when you know they are searching for the cube. Often I'll see a survivor's aura with BBQ and the way and direction they run make it mostly obvious if they are heading towards the cube. I then prioritize them. Plus BPs, never enough BPs.

    Last perk is totally up to you. I'm currently using Corrupt Intervention, but I'm not keen on it. Thinking about changing it to something that lasts more than two minutes.

    As for Add-ons, my personal favourite is the Iridescent Lament Configuration (when chain hunt is inactive, survivors beyond 16m of the Lament Configuration cannot see its aura). That combined with Larry's Remains (Considerably increases the time it takes for survivors to solve the Lament Configuration) works wonders.

    Engineer's Fang, Greasy Black Lens, Impaling Wire, Frank's Heart, and Torture Pillar are all good too. I do not like and I avoid any add-ons that mess with possessed chain speed, or turning. The reason is I try to avoid any turning when using possessed chain.

    As for gameplay advice... Know when to use possessed chain. Don't bother using it if you absolutely can't make the shot. Tey to spawn the chain right on the survivor so you can immediately shoot and hit them without turning. Using possessed chain is jey to stopping a survivor from solving the cube as well. Keep practicing and remember to keep pressure on the cube bearer, but if they are too far away, and you're in a good chase, ignore the cube bearer and carry on your chase.

    I do very well with this setup. Majority of my games are 4k merciless. I absolutely love Pinhead. Hope they don't nerf him.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Sounds like you need a break. That is very unhealthy. I personally think he is a decent killer. Takes a bit of time to learn how to play him, though. I recommend watching some vids and see how others play him.

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689

    His power just feels so pointless. If you hit them with the chain they break out so fast you can’t even catch up. It really feels useless

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689
  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It is not a console issue... Pinhead just sucks.

  • Metzu
    Metzu Member Posts: 86

    Don't worry, brother, Pinhead just sucks. I can definitely see how he's even worse on console. They weren't even able to fix his lunge 2 weeks from release now. The very fact that his lunge was not tested before release is actually ridiculous.. but it's not news that this game has been going downhill for a while now..

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Why pay for a tester when the community does it for free?

  • Metzu
    Metzu Member Posts: 86

    You're absolutely correct, friend. With God's help, maybe the 5.2.2 patch will address this.

  • RantGod
    RantGod Member Posts: 36

    You aren't using chains effectively then.

    The idea is to use the chains at jey moments during a chase, pallet loop, or window loop. Aimlessly chaining, especially in an area that has environmental obstacles that break chains, is pointless. Get better at judging the timing.

    Best of luck.