I really hope they scrap the SBMM
I haven't posted on the forums since November 2020, I no longer play at red ranks as I only play DBD sporadically but I really hope the devs scrap SBMM. So far all I've seen it do is make queue times longer, random matches, and generally most matches aren't enjoyable.
Good/experienced players going against inexperienced/less adapt players isn't enjoyable, and vice versa.
The old rank match making system wasn't perfect but you had some kind of idea what kind of matches you were going to get. Red ranks were generally more likely to get competitive players and in green/yellow/grey ranks you would get casual to inexperienced players.
The old system also gave you a choice whether you wanted to play more competitively or whether you wanted to play more casually.
The majority of the issues with the old ranking system came when they changed the rank reset where if you got to the red ranks you were reset to rank 5, making it easier to get to red ranks, therefore decreasing the overall quality of red rank games.
In my opinion, the best way to improve match making is to bring back the old rank match making system, however, when rank reset happens if you were rank 1 you would be reset to rank 10 rather than rank 5, meaning it would take some work to get back to the red ranks.
As a player I spent two years (2018-2020) constantly playing at rank 1 as both as the survivor and killer, I could compete against content creators and other strong players. However, now I'm constantly rusty as I don't play consistently enough, I just want casual games to complete my rift challenges, not having to sweat to have a decent game.
Whilst there's an argument of "git gud", thing is I've been there and done that, I'm not interested to getting back to my old standards, as I only play sporadically.
EDIT: Worth noting my personal experience is from my time playing killer, as I haven't played much survivor since the SBMM as I aim to complete the killer rift challenges first.
The matches still aren't getting any better.
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There's no argument of "git gud" with sbmm, because even if you get good you will have roughly the same winrate. Ironically with the old system you could say git gud and eventually you could win most of the time.
I got tired of getting 5+ minute queues and stopped playing killer and only play SWF from time to time now and occasionally a weak killer that i don't have those insane queues to farm some BP.I have no reason to play the game anymore if they don't add public mmr to show progression, just play with some friends like twice a month or so.
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well, i wouldn't expect them to improve in two minutes...
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They’re definitely not scrapping it. I believe that they worked on it for a year and a half. To them, all that time and resources they spent on it would be a waste. They have a tendency to have that mindset.
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They will never back down on stuff like that, so yes, killer side you do have to be decent in order to have a small amount of fun especially since the mmr is not completely separate.