Anyone else miss the old maps?

The old version of maps like Crotus penn, coldwind and the game map. I have so many fond memories of playing on those maps. Wouldn’t it be cool if Behaviour created a rare/ultra rare offering that takes you to the old version of those maps?
No one misses them more than I do.
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is your aim getting better at least
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Ok, I liked this one!
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Bring back disturbed ward. The old map where I don't get stuck on the crappy entrances.
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I miss old DBD in general.
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I'm still sad that they didn't keep the blue atmosphere on Macmillan
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I started playing around sept 2020 so they were one of the first maps I played. Old coldwind was the most atmospheric and fun map to play on back in the days, please give us a way to play on them again devs!
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I do like the new ones, but the old ones were great too, especially when looked back upon with nostalgia.
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Well I don't think there should be an option to have an offering for it, it would be nice to see in custom games some options for old / older / oldest versions of some of the maps, kinda like a memento of what was
I still would like to see both a pre remake but also a old old version of the maps like old cow tree, and old swamp where it was just massive with 2 piers, I never got to explore those maps and it always seemed like a interesting thing to do or have as an option for kyf just to flesh out that gamemode more
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I'm pretty sure they have that with badminton already
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What I wouldn't give to play on old blood lodge again.
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The old Lery and Crotus Prenn were sick looking. But I couldn't stomach old Coldwind or Autohaven. Really glad those smoggy maps got visual upgrades.
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Pallet Town? I would be down for that.
It was a difficult map for killers but at least it looked good and had a cool ambience.
Unlike The Game, which is a difficult map and looks bad.
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I miss old autohaven and coldwind.
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It may have been pallet town, but for Nurse this map was a field day with little to no fov blockers in the middle. Glorious memories of hooking someone with bbq and using omega blink to glide halfway across the map in a matter of seconds to smack someone was glorious. Op? Oh yeah. Fun? You bet your sweet ######### bippy.
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I miss the colouring and darkness from original Cold Farm..
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That is true. Nurse always had advantages where other killers did not.
And you know me, my friend. I LOVE the old maps, and I would be extremely happy if they returned to the game.