Would people be happy if Spirit was nerfed, but her strength and pickrate stayed the same?
We're assuming here that the nerf is some magical fantasy change that by itself is enough to give her counterplay, but she still kills you and your team often and is played often.
I ask this because many killers that are played a lot get hate and are seemingly disliked mainly because of this. For example, take Blight, or post-buff Leatherface, or the pre-nerf Hillbilly. All three of these killers receive (or did receive) lots of dislike towards them, despite being some of the more well designed and fun killers in the game. Right now, Blight seems to be disliked in much the same way that Billy was, despite both being near-perfectly designed killers in their prime. And yes, anybody who played from around that point should remember - despite what people with rose-tinted glasses would tell you, there were several complaints and demands for Hillbilly nerfs, explaining that he took no skill to play, would just mindlessly backrev people even without his broken instasaw combo, and maybe should be 110%. Blight, also, receives lots of flak for being boring, too strong, and that he should be nerfed in much the same way despite being completely fair to go against. Heck, I've even seen a rise in people saying he's easy to learn and he's not that hard to play.
In a similar way, Wraith used to be an adored killer before his buff when he was rarely played, and now he's considered the spawn of the devil and OP despite the fact that pre-buff Wraiths always used Windstorm anyway. Freddy is now a mediocre killer at higher levels but people still hate on him and say he's too strong. Doctor becomes commonly played, boom, he's hated. Bubba becomes commonly played, boom, he's hated. Blight becomes commonly played, boom, he's hated. I could go on.
I'm obviously not saying this is 100% accurate, as strength + pickrate is not the sole reason for disliking a killer, but there's an obvious trend where if a killer is strong and common, they are disliked regardless of the design of the killer. At least, from a majority of survivors. As such, even if Spirit was miraculously changed to become the most balanced and fun killer to play against since old Hillbilly, if she retained her kill and pick rates I am almost convinced she would still have her current level of dislike by the community.
What do you think?
Honestly. Change it so both nurse and spirits blink/post-phase attacks count as special attacks.
I feel like spirit should have a very short period where she can't hit post phase. But it she makes more long distance phases the period before she can attack is shorter or non existence like currently.
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How could people hate old Billy? He was like perfect. I understand his add ons getting hate but not his basekit at all.
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People will not be happy under any circumstance!
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Bro what? Basically nobody hated old Billy. Blight isn't the problem. The fact they always run Ruin, Undying, and Tinkerer is why they get hate. New Bubba gets hate for the same reason old Bubba did. Half of them still face camp.
As for Spirit, if people felt like there was counterplay I think alot of the hate would subside. Personally I'd settle for no more of the standing still "Mind Game".