🀏🏻 This close to permanently playing nurse.

Chaotic_Wretch Member Posts: 94
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

I'm a Legion main and before MMR I would usually 3k even against "good" survivors. Of course, nearly every SWF I ran across would give me no more than a 1k if I was lucky, I managed to win the majority of my games. This apparently put me at a high MMR. I literally can NOT play my main killer anymore because I've beem placed at such a high MMR and Legion simply can not compete with a team of 4 competent survivors, SWF or not. For every 1 win I get(minimum 3k and it's always a sweaty af match) I get around 10 games in a row where I can barely even get 1 kill. I used to have fun playing Legion and loved being challenged every other game but getting stomped into the dirt match after match no matter how hard I try has made me despise playing my favorite killer. Since my MMR is apparently quite high, I feel pretty much forced to play 1 of the 3 killers who can actually compete at my MMR. It's so unfair to he forced off your favorite characters simply because they can't compete at the level you've been placed at. Survivors get rewarded for higher MMR by getting placed with better teammates, but killers are punished more and more the higher they get. Not to mention the queuesl times are insane. So I guess I'm going to have to swap to nurse forever if I want to have a chance against the survivors I'm so often put against. RIP Susie. I'll miss you. 😭
