Hacker mode (solution to dealing with hackers)

HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141

so I think we can all agree that hackers are getting out of control and both sides. So I was thinking how to discourage such behavior and I got inspiration from videos games that punished players for cheating. Most games spawn a god level enemy. I was wondering if behavior could do that.

I emphasize this is just an idea I have. I thought it was kind of cool and funny.

like if there is a hacker playing as a killer, why not spawn a 5th survivor that has a weapon or something (and of course playing against a hacker-make this 5th survivor mostly invincible).

this survivor’s main focus is being a tank and actually taking a fight to the killer in hopes of distracting the killer so other survivors can actually complete some objectives.

the lore behind this could be like how most sequels in scary movies go. Killer is terrorizing a new group of survivors and the final girl/boy from the first “movie” shows up all armed to even out the playing field.

on the survivor side maybe make an animation where the entity literally brings down into the map a second killer (tasked with going after only the hacking survivors). This can even be just bringing in an actual killer waiting in queue. All other survivors are immune to the second killers attack. Hacking survivors aura is always visible to that killer. That survivor/s portrait can have a special type of obsession circlet around their portrait. Hacking survivors can still be attacked by that matches original killer.

lore could be something like a killer has arrived to re claim their dues (or idk, some sort of lore that conveys unfinished business).


  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    if survivor just be trapped in a cage of atonment the whole game so everone can laugh at you