Do people not realize how bad blood favour/third seal are?

For people saying they really buffed killers this patch, do you understand that most of the changes basically do nothing to solve the problems with those perks?
First of all, they are hexes. Secondly, the effects of those perks are so underwhelming, so letting special attacks trigger them is also underwhelming. Like if you get hit by a secondary attack then you probably are doing the same thing you would be doing if you got hit by an M1, which is running away.. So blood favour will still have no effect. And blindness is just a really weak effect so changing third seal does little. And to look at thrill of the hunt.. Like this is such an obvious change that should have happened regardless. And to think we should be grateful for them applying it?
The only thing that is sort of nice is retribution.
Finally someone speaking some truth
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I think Blood Favor and Third Seal are both fun perks. When I get Plaything, I really want to try a few combo's with it:
Plaything + Retribution.
Plaything + Thrill of the Hunt (+ Thana)
Plaything + Third Seal
And lastly, Blood Favor is pretty fun with Wraith.
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People just like to complain when it's something which impacts them. They don't really care if they're not the one using it.
Them being a hex makes this discussion not even worth it, you can literally destroy the perks. Heck, Devour and Ruin are better anyways.
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I hate that the perks they buffed were hex perks.
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I think most people are happy about the trapper change over the perk buff.
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I am happy they changed it for the Third Seal, it's fun to use on Legion when you can apply it with Feral Frenzy.
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I'd take oblivious over blindness any day for my killer Arsenal.
I think bloodfavor would be better if it was like an ingame blood warden. Hook them and it disables loops around gens for its duration.
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I think they really really want a hex meta.
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I think vigil got hella buffed, if it stacks you can have infinite exhaustion cool downs
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Third Seal is super annoying if you play solo queue. Now that killers like Oni, Bubba and Huntress which are strong sluggers can use it as well it's going to be solid imo. Blood Favour is still poop though.
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I'll personally use third seal on legion now you can get the 4 man blindness very easy on em now
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Pretty sure it still doesn't stack.
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it did before, you gave the effect to others.
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problem is that they would have to injure someone and then slug a different because it would only affect the person they hit and not the other survivors. and then they could just cleanse
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yeah you may be able to apply it to a lot of ppl easily, but is the effect even good enough to warrant a perk slot? I'd rather run like hysteria
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could be fun for certain buids on killers that couldn't use it before, like billy or bubba. idc to run super sweaty ######### every game, although every survivor i vs does.
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I think it really depends on the playstyle someone has, as The Third Seal would be now something I might consider running with the change, where as before I might have not turned to it, as I do play around with special attacks a lot. I mean, I'm one of the few who does enjoy Bloodhound, but that's my short attention span speaking.
Those changes are meant to give people more options if they'd like to try out perks, but the previous versions have stopped them from doing so. It does depend on someone's preferred playstyle and how secure they feel about their skill, too.
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I'm still waiting on monsterous shrine to get buffed.
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perhaps. I would love to be able to run bloodhound as a perk slot, because I also like its effect, but I really feel like if I'm wasting a perk slot at the moment then I get stomped on. Which is one reason I'm comparing the blindness status effect with something like maybe oblivious with hysteria. I'm choosing oblivious 100% of the time. But I guess people could run blindness over oblivious if they wanted to, but I wouldn't call it optimal.
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You just gave me an idea for a build.
Hex: The Third Seal, Hex: Plaything, Hysteria, and Sloppy Butcher.
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lol yeah all the status effects. if u play legion i'd try out hysteria, thana, deathbound, and pop. it's one of my favorite builds atm.
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Gonna enjoy when u end up playing with zero perks.
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I tried playing a couple of matches as Hag with 4 hex perks. I highly recommend it, if you want to know some nice hospital staff...
Almost got a heart attack from this combo.
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Now that Scourge Hooks are a thing it would make all the sense in the world to work that in to Monstrous Shrine as well as other changes.
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I dont think so.
Expired food cant paste new shelf life sticker won't expired.
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Blood favor sounds very good on legion. Most survivors stay where they got hit to mend.
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I'm hoping that Blood Favor works with all special attacks, especially Nemesis' tentacle strike.
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Scourge: Hangman's Trick:
Increased Aura reading on scourged hooks. Maybe even not being able to sabo them.
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Give bread to the hungry, they will eat it.
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I really like Third Seal. So many times I got survivors that can't find a hook and let teammate die.
Making it trigger on special attack make it worth a try on killers with opressive special attacks.
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But you want them to drop the pallet as Nemsis.
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Legion is still meh and boring tho ;__;
And I was a Legion main until the end of last Halloween. Even Myers feels like he has more positive depth to himself than Legion.