I’m hoping they don’t overkill Spirit.

Do I dislike current Spirit yes for me too much of her was lucky guesses. Her add-ons were too strong. Standstill mind game killed my soul. So I was so excited when they announced changes after strangling Hillbilly for a year plus. So add-on changes good, indication she’s phasing eliminating the standstill mind game amazing, dirt kicks up when she’s phasing hold up. The first two changes are safe changes. This third one needs to be tested extensively too make sure she’s not DEAD!!! Because no killer should be ruined.
I hope they do :)
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I hope she’s still fun and viable as well. I’ll be testing her out on the PTB and suggest any changes that she might need to make her better. I’ll still be a Spirit main no matter what happens though.
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Please don’t hurt my feelings 😖
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No offence to any spirit players I just have a burning hatred of that blue ######### and do not wish to see her again.
I may say that Blight ain't the best to go against because they all play with the same builds but at least I have chase interaction if I don't equip one specific perk.
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I'll make it up to you with a cow picture?
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Yes put it on my profile please. I’ll keep bumping it so it never leaves :)
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I'm imagining it's just a subtle dirt kick instead of cartoonish sandstorms like everyone is thinking. Not impossible to notice, but if you're not paying attention it'll bite you.
That way it's more tolerable in indoor maps since one of the main excuses pro Spirits use as an argument is "just look at the grass when she phases. You'll notice it." The issue is that's it's not an on going counter since there are a good chunk of maps that don't have grass to watch
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I honestly think she will barely be affected. Her strongest playstyle consists of short phase bursts and those nerfs barely affect this. If anything it will affect only bad Spirit players who use the entire power gauge.
Just equip that green hair brooch addon and everything will be fine.
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They’re also adding directional audio, so you can SEE and HEAR where she’s phasing from. But people that were crying before will say it’s “fair and balanced” and that Spirit players “deserve what’s coming”.
The last straw would be making Spirit actually visible during her phase.
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That's fine. She moves at incredible speeds just right off the bat with the ability to end a chase quickly and cleanly.
Seriously. She's a rush down now, a proper rush down. Equip brutal strength break the pallet and rush them down. Like I said in the other comment, my ears aren't as good as they used to be.
So now you'd be doing what I've done all this time. Only difference is a survivor is more aware of you
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I also used to hate Spirit because nowadays i consider her abusive. But I really hope she remains strong after nerf and both sides can have more enjoyable and balanced games with her after patch.
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So if shes nerfed to bottom tier and anyone who plays her absolutely sucks at it, you would still have this hatred?
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Eh, it entirely depends on how frequently I see her. I'm sure that I wouldn't hate current spirit- don't get me wrong I would still despise her- as much if I didn't seem to face them over and over (apparnetly, a lot more regularly than most people).
So I don't think I'd have this burning hatred for her- that would probably move to Nemesis- and in fact she might actually be fun to verse in this scenario, I don't know.
What I do know is that Nurse is incredibly rare, arguably stronger than Spirit, and the really good Nurse players also play sweatier than a lot of Spirit players in my experience. Yet because of her rarity and feedback it's a lot more of an enjoyable experience which leaves me feeling less of "I guessed wrong, I couldn't improve except get luckier" and more of "I could have done something there, probably, to last a bit logner, and one day I'll be good enough for that".
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Still shouldn't have gone this far imo. Directional is ok but knowing her location is bad. Too much counterplay is always bad for a killer.
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Laughs in Decisive Strike
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I think the changes are good. I will still really like playing her.
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I would have prefered to see the Stretched res problem solved, but they got their priority.
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We'll see.
Currently i have a problem with her being dependent on hearing and the new change may not be make her easy to play as before, but maybe I'm wrong.
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So it comes down to repetition? Because thats how I read a lot of complants here. "I keep facing X killer so I hate them", type of thing.
Not at all saying adjustments aren't sometimes warranted but more of an observation. Like that one who hates Myers the other day.
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Not entirely repetition- if you'd read my comment in full, you'd know it also comes down to a lack of feedback and really not feeling like you can do anything except guess and hope you guess correctly.
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Oh, don't worthy, they will, and the salt factories are cheering it on.
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Sound bug: *exists*
BHVR: We hear you loud and clear! Spirit nerf incoming.
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Didn't they literally fix one of her sound bugs within 2 patch cycles, one of which was a chapter patch?
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Tell me do you hate the killers or the slow ass dev team who leave the game broken and do nothing at all to mix things up meta wise.
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I did, but took more weight in your first comment about the frequency you face her and how you wouldn't hate her if she was rare.
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I hope not all of the changes to Spirit go live. But I also can’t wait to see part 2 of the dev long. Cause this is expected to be a huge change to DBD.
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I don't hate the killer players, nor do I have the development team. I do not like the character, in fact I despise the character. However playing this character doesn't reflect on you as a person, and I don't harbour much animosity towards the development team except for the implementation of SBMM.,
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I wouldn't hate her as much. I still probably wouldn't like her- this one also assuming your other clause of her being weak and everyone who plays her being ass at the game. But for all I know, she could be fun. I don't actually know because we don't live in this timeline.
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It’s a joke, implying that BHVR changes/removes/adds things that don’t need to be while there are other needs that are more pressing.
Spirit didn’t need a nerf, just some counterplay to the admittedly BS stand-still mindgame.
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The survivor will know the direction your coming from so your short burst is worthless against that.
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Short bursts are literally unreactable. Spirit moves at around 7m/s while in phase, so good luck reacting to that if she phases for 1 and a half seconds.
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Ehat make short burst strong is the fact survivor dont know if you use your power but now they will know you use your power and where you will get them spirit wont be good anymore aftrr that i think. Its still a wait and see but im not sure she will be able to compete against good survivor anymore
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Being able to detect her stealth is PTB levels of trash. She'll be in the gutter soon enough and survivors will have to only face Nurse and Blight. Then after they finally nerf those 2 this game will go the way of Evolve and shut down. RIP Goliath....
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You guys are overreacting we haven’t even played the ptb yet
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This is why I think "standing mind game" is a part of her kit. Its her short burst makes too little windows for survivors to do anything. Example you're 5m away from Spirit at a loops. She only needs 1.5sec activation + 0.7sec traveling to reach you invisibility. Which you have only 2.3 sec to react + juke...
The rework will kill her surprise phasing from afar. Her short burst would still work wonder which is the true problem
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Get a grip. Imagine crying about stretched res in 2021. You are losing your games because of other reasons than survivors using stretched res.
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Imagine defending stretch res in 2021, but hey I guess you really need crutches besides the perks available to you in the game.
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Hopefully. Whether it is overkill or kinda balanced, I think there will be some changes related to generators, probably survivors' objectives soon.
I remember when all insta heal addons were gone after Nurse got nerfed.
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Why does the year change the context of someone defending stretched res?
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Yes I defend stretched res because it's basic resolution EVERY GAME HAS. If compitetitive games allow it tournaments why are people crying about it in a casual game like DbD? Because they are casuals trying to search for reasons they lose instead of improve.
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Lol what are you saying man. Stretched res is against balance, especially on a game that has cross platform enabled. You're in denial if you tjink it foesnt provide an advantage.
Maybe you like it too much cause that helps you to stomp more casual players, as you call them ?
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Typical surv whiner now pretends he's for fairplay. Thanks for killing Spirit!
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Apex is crossplatform and has not only stretched res in the settings but also FOV slider. You are in denial of reality. Go outside of your bubble and try out some other games.
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Yes, there is a FoV slider for EVERYONE which make it balanced. But thats about it.
Apex is a balanced symetrical competitive game. Both team are 1st person and have the same options to compete.
Dbd is asymetrical party game. Killer and survivors have different FoV for the horror aesthetical reason.
You're comparing things that cant be compared.
Stretched is an unintended and unfair advantage.
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where is you evidence that I’m a survivor whiner when I’m saying don’t make a killerF tier?
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Average spirit pfp
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All I'm going to say is,
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Common toxic