Adios Spirit mains!!! Finally!

Yessss! Finally the treatment this boring ass low skill guessing killer it deserved. Now people actually have to use brain and not just guess.
All the spirit mains with their awesome headsets have to use brain aswell now.
Finally, never thought this would happen. I think it's time to install DbD again and play it once it's live.
Thanks bhvr
We will see about that
23 -
I don't get why everyone says Spirit's dead now? All they did was add counterplay to her, something that ANY good Spirit can negate. This will just weed out the good Spirits from the bad...
...I'm one of the bad Spirits. :(
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I hate spirit, but your idea of counterplay is terrible.
All they did was move the control from the spirit player and put it in the hands of the survivor. Basically gave the killer NO counterplay against a good survivor.
Just need to see how directional the sound is and how obvious the dust is.
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I’m still playing her lmao
But I get it, I do
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Survivor will see where you go when you use your power. So survivor get more info then you. They still did not show all the addon that going to get change so now people are scare of spirit getting the billy treatment for that. The nerf spirit will receive are huge ofc if the survivor suck it wont change anything for the spirit player
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Low skill.
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I’m not leaving though lol. Never leaving my killer again.
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If somebody likes Spirit enough, they'll continue to play her just fine I wager.
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wdym is gone? i didn't see anny update's what happen , i m comfuse
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Yessss ☺️
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People like this are usually the ones who post "the nerf wasn't enough" after some time.
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Lol fax
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Keep in mind, whenever people mourn something in the game being 'dead' due to changes, it usually means people are unwilling to actually develop skills with that something
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I usually read it as people that use these advantages as their sole method of play getting filtered out and unwilling to see why it might have been changed. Similar to when DS was changed.
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Posts like these makes you wonder how old the average dbd player is, exactly
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The same could be said for people who constantly scream for nerfs...
It wasn't that hard to play against spirit but she couldn't be looped in the typical braindead manner that most player want all games to go so scream for nerfs.
Is she ruined probably not but its a win for cry baby whiners not the game as a whole sadly.
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They announced that she gets a directional whooshing sound when phasing (unclear if it is like wraiths bell and only happens for the transition or permanent during phase) and she will have dust getting kicked up while she is invisible plus they tweak some add-ons (the best and worst, they mentioned) from a bunch of killers including spirit.
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To be fair, there is always Wraith now. He does not have a school girl outfit, but he gets the job done.
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Yes, that's why I'm happy! Good change finally. I said adios Spirit mains because most spirit mains just play her because she is so easy but gives really good results. Most will quit once skill is needed.
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Ahhh, accusations out of thin air. Love those creatures like you, stay mad haha
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Yes, low skill. Well actually the only skill you need is 2 functioning ears... And the skill of buying decent headphones. GG EZ.
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That's fine to me, that's the minority. We all know the high pick rate of spirit is because easy skill high reward. Once it's not easy skill most will quit her.
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In my entire DbD history since 2016 I never asked to nerd any killers. Because I play all killers myself. And mained Billy and bhvr butchered him. I wasn't happy. Then I mained nurse and they butchered her (with bugs) and I'm not happy either. But spirit? Yep that's the killer I wanted to get nerfed for a long time. I'm happy its happening finally.
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How old are you?
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I'm sure even then, lots of people will play. Especially people that haven't played her yet and won't really care about playing her in a way they've never experienced.
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Never played her because of her skill ceiling, I’ve fallen in love with her the moment I started playing her and never looked back. I will never regret it!
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I won't meet them at my high MMR tho
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*gets visual and accustic indicator to find the invisible killer*
*spirit mechanics interactable by the killer player are unchanged*
"Hahaha now you gotta use your brain"
Funny considering they just announced survivors having to use theirs less.
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Less? Versing spirit was already using 0 brain and just guessing like a monkey. It can only go better from 0.
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OP is defending stretched res is another topic. So he clearly doesn't want the game to be a challenge.
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Bullshit. If this would be the case, every Spirit would get 4k EVERY match. And everyone would play her, there are enough people who just want ez wins. But i've beaten numerous Spirits. And i've got beaten numerous times. You're just bad, trust me. Some of her add ons were crazy but besides that she was fine because being out of your power makes you wasting so much time. She never was a problem, at least not on EU servers, because no one ever played her, especially since she was bugged. Blight and Nurse are bigger problems.
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Go argue about stretched in csgo or apex community and watch how you get destroyed. Those are highly competitive games and stretched is even allowed in tournaments. What makes you think DbD should be the exception for not allowing stretched? Just because you don't like and think it's the reason you lose matches? You lose matches because 99% of other reasons before stretched comes even into the discussion
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Some people have low IQ and lose. Idk how someone can lose as spirit, got nearly 100 win streak but then had to stop and quit spirit because it became to easy and felt like a single player game against bots.
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you know that stretched in Dbd is a little bit different? There are numerous videos about it on youtube. And it gives you clear advantage over the killer on some loops.
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well i guess all the tournament Spirits who lose to tournament squads all have low IQ. Maybe you should have played in tournaments, you would have made a lot of money, because you're obviously the best dbd player out there.
Anyway, given the evidence this argument is just unlogical. You mained a killer for a 100 win streak only to hate her afterwards?
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1st, the advantages survivors get are below 1%. Its totally Overblown, some people act af stretched is automatically wallhacks and let's you see the killer all the time. I only know a handful of tiles where stretched res let's you see what you couldn't have seen with basic 16:9, but that's so minor that even with 16:10 you could have seen more. We about to ban 16:10 monitors now?
2nd, Killer gets advantages aswell. Don't act if stretched is only used my survivors. Killers use it aswell and it gives clear advantages you see a lot more and survivors crouching, teching etc are spotted so much better.
Besides, wanna take it to next level and talk about deathslinger, huntress, trickster mains use crosshairs? Or how most killers use certain filters to make survivors even easier to spot? I don't want to talk about that. I'm fine with it. So should you about stretched.
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DbD tourneys are boring with all the extra rules and weird ass win conditions. I rather continue doing apex tourneys.
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I mained her for 100 games to find out how survivors counter her. Conclusion: no-one countered her. All are brainless monkeys having luck a few times but still die at the end. Playing spirit is like playing against bots.
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Yeah. At bottom line the loudest complainers are people that want to win by virtue of existing
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Yeah, now the survivors get to be brainless and both see and hear where she is.
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Yes. You mad about it?
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Ah yes, she deserved to be kicked while she's down. Not like literally everyone runs Iron Will ever since it got buffed into broken status.
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So spirit mains now, right? Who just want to continue winning by existing (and standing still).
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Imagine thinking spirit was a problem. DBD survivor side really has no idea whats going on killer wise. Spirit mains will stay, but with better addons now for sure
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Stretching increase the PoV, in return everything you see reduced in size which is a downside in shooting game.
Survivors have zero downside for stretching in this game, plus it allows them to see over walls at loops, break GF stealth when they should not. The only de-benefit one are perhaps Huntress & Slinger.
Beside, no one argue about stretched screen in csgo, all we see is you argue stretched screen in DBD and get destroyed.
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People saying Spirit will be unplayable and that it will be impossible to get any kills etc in right now... What are they basing that statement on exactly?
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Those people are drama queens just like the people who were crying for these nerfs in the first place.
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Wrong. Do you even play shooters or why don't know how it works? Stretched gives no disadvantaged in named games, otherwise people wouldn't use it in tourneys.