Survivor nerf



  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,985

    Get rid of SWF and then the game can be truly balanced.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    That's the thing in the morning over 50% of player are either in school or at work making swf less likely so more survivor "mains" are willed to play killer while some killer "mains" also still play but both groups have to make do with the smaller amount of survivor ready thanks to the reasoning above.

    And then you have evening/night time aka prime time when the biggest number of players is available and killer queue is close to instant which goes to show that overall the percentage of killer "mains" is less than the necessary 20% for the 4:1 ratio.

    Also a fun fact is that most killer achievement in steam have a less than 10% completion rate showing even worse ratios. The most common killer achievement of playing a round with a full load out has a roughly 50% achieved rate while for example i managed to obtain the "hit 30 times with blight rush in public games" and that has a (i guess PC exclusive since it steam) has been done by hilarious 1,7%.

    And that is not the only one. Here are some others (glowing achievements have been obtained by less than 10% of the global steam community)

    Left to right: adept spirit (1,5%); adept pH (0,8%); 25 gen Fraps (2,5%); hook before first gen (12,1%); adept gf (1,2%); adept legion (1,5%) and adept nurse (1,9%).

    For comparison the most obtained survivor adepts are meg at 8,6% and adept Claudette at 9,0%.

    And for general information the most obtained achievement is "Zealous" (get more than 8k BP in one categorit) with 53% and "it wakes" (level a character to level 10) with 52,4%. Showing that close to half of all accounts owning the game have never really played and all percentages wouldve to be doubled to roughly represent the state of the active community.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Even with all that, competent survivor players, and especially when in a SWF together, still control the game. How can people not see this? It is almost like they hardly if ever, but probably never, play killer.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I do not think survivor needs directly nerfed so much as they need to address some maps. I guess that would be nerfing them though.

    Personally, I am down with adding comms for survivors to compensate.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Are we at a point where we still use average level play as a basis for all balance changes, and totally disregard people not being bad at the game? Yes. Yes we are. Killers win games in 3 mins against low skilled survivors, or when the survivors make big misplays. As killer, you can make no mistakes and still lose because the survivors control the outcome of chases. On survivor, If I mess up on a mind game or, loop, I just hit my mouse button and I dash forward to a pallet and I'm safe 99% of the time. On killer if the first survivor you find can run and makes none or hardly any mistakes, you are most likely going to have 3 gens pop for your fist hook. You don't win games against competent survivors in 3 mins like ever. So please stop acting like it is a common occurrence because we both know it's not.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,659

    So, if a Killer wins in 3 minutes the Survivors were just bad.

    If the Survivors win in 3 minutes, it is impossible that the Killer was just bad, no, the game is fundamentally broken and because of those Edge Cases, there need to be massive changes.


  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    No, the killer can be bad, yes. But even good killers struggle to keep gens from popping against survivors that know what they are doing. It hardly, if at all, goes the other way.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    What on earth are you on about? That doesn't even make sense, how is hooking a survivor comparable to a killer letting all 5 gens be done within 2,5 minutes? Hello?

  • Grimzy
    Grimzy Member Posts: 219

    So....whenever someone points out you playing killer obviously wrong or bad to make matches end in essentially 2.5-3 min its a troll comment?

    Listen sunshine, i generally main survivor, but i do play killer from time to time and i do not have the problems you are describing, and i am relatively bad as killer. So, buckle up, try to improve and then your matches will be better. In the time it took you to write "another troll comment" you could have easily watched a video or two and learned something.

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  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    The problem is map sizes and Survivors only having to focus on Generators. If we adjusted some of the biggest maps and added a secondary objective for Survivor, it'd make Killer much more pleasant.

    Instead we are getting Hex's but for Survivors... I just don't know man. It's not a bad idea but in the current state of the game it's close to the worst thing the could add.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183
    edited September 2021

    I never understood this argument: "Mostly play survivor but the few times a month j play killer it's easy and I don't have the problems described?"

    Yeah, like no ######### Sherlock. Playing killer in what is basically old grey ranks (20-17) due to the infrequently playing is of course easy. Play only killer for a longer time straight and get up into skill brackets equal to deserved purple/red ranks and then come back to talk.

    Same on survivor side. First play enough to play with bad (low MMR) and good (high MMR) teammates to make rational informend comments.

    (Not addressed to you personally grimzy, since I can't really know your experiences)

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Eh, bad killers have lower mmr where the games are more manageable. Improving will only increase the frequency of the problem they are encountering. That is bad advice.

    Also, can you please give me a nickname like Sunshine? I want one too.

  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    But the reason theres so many people who play survivor is because it's very stressful. Survivor is the easier mode. More people would play killer if it were balanced. The problem is the devs are afraid to upset the majority of their playerbase. I know lots of people straight up quitting the game and moving on to others. If they don't make some kind of change dbd will die. I'm barely hanging on myself and that's only because I have so many years in dbd. That's starting to matter less and less.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Achievements are one of the worst indicators about people playing this game since global achievements take on account people who bought the game and didnt play it for more than 1 hour, people who bought it in 2016 and moved on in 2018, people who got it gifted or in a bundle and didnt even install it, people who play regularly but dont buy certain DLCs (I dont own Twins or Leatherface)

    Not only that, Killer and Survivor achievements are not really relatable for example Survivor adepts are MUCH MUCH easier than Killer ones and you should compare stuff that was released roughly at the same time, Felix adept has 1% completion while Blight has a 0'7% completion, but since you need 4 times more Survivors Felix should have 2,8% completion (0'7*4=2,8), Yun Jin has 0'8% completion, Trickster has 0'6, same logic Yun Jin should have 2,4% also add into the mix Trickster is arguably one of the weakest most map dependant Killers with perks that have awful synergy with him.

    TLDR, Achievements are useless to gather any kind of data except how many people played the game for more than a few hours.

    SRGII Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2021

    It should be moris are 1 hook then can be used, 2 hooks and the surv is dead end of - also pallets need to be less also if survs have meta perks then the map should be RNG for the killer.

    The game is unbalanced that u can now run rings round killers easy.

  • Maphusail
    Maphusail Member Posts: 41

    Try maining killer, sweetheart, and you gonna see the difference. I gonna watch how you improve.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493
    edited September 2021

    You didn't even respond to the actual topic, that a survivor is afk if he gets hooked. Hello? If you lose a match in 2,5 minutes, then as a killer you must have done absolutely nothing. That's definitely not the case when a survivor gets hooked, because if you are good with killer, than you can indeed down survivors. Even when they are playing the game.

    So I love how you tell me I can't understand simple logic and then don't even address what I was responding to. You seem like a mighty intelligent person there, damn.

    Also, responding to your arguments here, first of all, I do understand that killer can be pretty stressful. And the game would surely profit from a second objective for survivors, although it would need many other balance changes alongside it. However, decreasing the hook counter from 3 to 2 would be absolutely terrible. There is a reason why old moris were so hated.

    Nevertheless, what you wrote here just isn't true. First of all, applying map pressure is a thing, if 3 survivors are constantly working on generators "safe and sound" you are probably not playing killer in the most effective way. There are exceptions to this though.

    Also, everytime a survivor is hooked, the rest of the survivor team has another objective. So there is at least one survivor going for the unhook and one survivor on the hook, while you are chasing the next survivor away from a gen. In that period, only one survivor max is working on a generator.

    Survivors also can't just camp pallets and prevent killers from downing them. Good killer players can definitely down survivors fast enough, at least when playing killers that have an ability that helps them in chases. Which is the majority of killers.

    Also, the game is balanced around survivor having third person, meanwhile the red stain just adds a bit more skill to playing killer, being able to mindgame with it. This doesn't make survivor easy if the killer is good.

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