Why Does Aftercare Exist?

Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,307

I hate seeing teammates run this perk, because I know exactly how they'll play.

They'll hide, crouch around the map, camp around hooks but only save if there's zero risk to themselves, and avoid taking chases at all costs, just to keep a mediocre aura ability.

The perk is intended to encourage altruism but in reality incentivizes selfish play to keep the aura stacks. Making your teammates take extra chases and eat up their hook states only encourages the killer to tunnel and remove them from the match.

Any ideas how this perk could be changed to be more useful/encourage a more effective playstyle?

Maybe tying the aura reading to teammates being hooked instead of the player running the perk? This would encourage the perk user to take chases to preserve the auras instead of playing scared.
