Am I the only one excited for boom totems?

I understand the concern killers have with them but it just seems like it's just pure negatively.
I'm happy that there is a new mechanic that will lead to more strategic thinking. Again I understand killers concern of another objective, but totems in general are a optional objective if you don't really need to take out hexs to win then killers shouldn't really need to worry about boon totems. I honestly think we should wait untill there is more information but I'm still excited for it.
its something new. glad survivors are getting so many new game mechanics in recent perks.
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If these boon totems are weak, no one will use them.
Conversely, if they are strong, it will make killer even more unplayable at a mid-high mmr level.
Survivors need more objectives, not killers lol.
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I'm excited for a new perk type that really isn't a thing anymore
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I am on the opposite side, I think they are too weak. Simply because no Perk since Dead Hard was actually be able to become Meta (aside from MoM, but this was a Cashgrab). So I doubt that Boon-Perks will be good, HOWEVER, they have to be good, since they are tied to Totems. But then again, not every Hex is good and on top of that, they have to consider that 4 Survivors can have a Boon-Perk, so it will probably be weak by default.
So for me, I like that it is a new Mechanic, but I dont think it will be more than "Ok, three new Perks for your main Survivor which you will not use anyway"...
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Im excited. It's new stuff. And gives a purpose to dull totems.
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Nah I'm excited too. I'm very interested in both Boon perks and Scourge Hook pers.
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I'm sure they will be super balanced and not oppressive af at all.
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I am looking forward to them so see what kind of effects they can have. I'm a bit on the fence on the fact they do QoL changes to previous perks so there is a chance that they may turn some older perks into Boon totems, but I hope that's not the case... I personally don't see any Survivor perk having an effect that should give it the Boon treatment for it to be fair. I think Boon totems should grant some sort of passive abilities to Survivors, but we shall see.
In the other hand, I do see some Hook-related perks for Killers becoming feasible if they are turned into Scourge Hook.
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Besides my concern as a killer main, I'm also worried about boon totems being too powerful. If 1 boon perk is good then there's the potential(and very very likely scenario) that each survivor will bring one. Making it 4 boon totems. Either the boon perks will be strong and broken or they will be weak and not worth bringing. Devs very rarely hit the sweet spot of good enough to want to use it but weak enough that it doesn't break the game.
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They really are slowly but surely turning the Killers into the survivors and vice versa lol. Next game mechanic will let survivors have the ability to subdue the Killer and put him on a hook, once all the Gens are done~
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I'm neutral towards them. I'm holding my judgement until we actually get a boon perk since there's so many people jumping on the "boon totems will be OP" train.
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It probably won't be so bad for high-mobility killers like Blight & Billy, but pity poor Hag & Trapper in particular if they set up a nice trapped area then have to slowly traverse to the other side of the map to clear a Boon totem while having effectively lost all that setup time & effort.
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Well hex perks are usually strong with the tradeoff that they're cleansable so most killers are afraid that survivors are going to get OP perks that they have to search for and break on top of pressuring gens and kicking breakable walls.
If blessing totems is a big time investment then it could be fair.
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It wouldn’t be a tremendous issue if killers could see the aura of the boon totem, but it’s kind of much to ask for one player to roam around the map to do this on top of doing their objective on time as opposed to when four players can do it.
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I feel like they have been fundamentally made wrong:
The killer already has no time for side objectives even if said objectives is part of their power(Plague).
Meanwhile survivors need a side objective not only to slow the game down but to give them something new to do other then M1.
What we got is a side objective for killer which is the role that doesn't need it, meanwhile having another hold M1 mechanic(Blessing takes time according to the new Thrill of the Hunt) mechanic for survivors.
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Why would you be excited for a concept that is doomed to be either useless or insanely overpowered?
There is no good ending for this concept
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I mean from the thread you are making it sound like a battle vs time (what killer has) is a very easy task, so if you are giving the killer extra stuff to do then gens should probably be 1.5 twice as long.
Breaking doors, breaking pallets, patrolling gens, some killers need to set up and some start weak, some killers have tracking issues, most killers are m1 killers, chasing against hold W players also time consuming.
The problem is that if boon totems are as strong as hexes then the killer side is doomed, it is unfun as it is now imagine if boons are as strong or give a strong buff? It will be the worst patch for killers.
We know nothing yet so the concern is still there and won't stop until at least we know stuff about boon totems.
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Nope. It should be Survivor gaining new objectives, not Killer. If they are weak no one will use them and if they are strong now Killer has to run around and potentially find 4+ totems, which would murder the game in terms of Killer players being available.
Until Survivors get another proper objective they HAVE to do, or at least EXTREMELY encouraged, this addition will only hurt the game.
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As a killer main, I am actually pretty excited about them too. I obviously get the concern, but I am willing to wait and see how they are implemented before sounding the alarm. And even if they end up being really horrible, at least they might be fun as survivor. I do like totem builds as survivor, so maybe I am biased.
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Its a aide objective for a killer which i get is another thing to worry about BUT the payoff could be worth it if it removes a survivor perk from the game. We will have to see how it pans out but i imagine its something you do if you see it maybe but not necessarily go looking for.
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If they assist the team and are very supportive in nature, it'll be my favorite type of perk.
I love Blast Mine for its focus on being aggressive to the killer by pounding out gens, and I also love cleansing so Boon Totems are right up my alley.
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Totally agree. There is literally no point in speculating or panic untill we actually get to see what they do and how the mechanic generally works.