New Killer and Survivor Idea


Survivor: Juan
Oh Heck No: You aren't afraid of no freak in a mask, you got a generator to fix. Complete immunity to any perks that would decrease generator repair.
Let Me Get My Tools: You need the right tools for this job. Every chest you search guarantees a toolbox.
Listen Man, We Need to Talk: Look at all these "Killers", all scarred and wearing them creepy masks. Distract Killers by your utter disregard for them by telling them why they are not scary whatsoever, stunning them for thirty seconds with a chance to make them give up entirely.

Killer: Juan's Mother
Weapon: Her Slipper
Ability: Feared by the Entity- No one crosses Mama, not even the Entity. All survivors within sight range are frozen in fear at Mama's sight for three seconds.
Clean This Up: ######### Survivor children have made a mess of your lawn with these generators. Any Survivor within your terror radius who fails a skill check is frozen in fear of you hearing for three seconds. You always hear. You always know.
Stop Making a Mess: Why did you throw that down!? During a chase, when a Survivor throws down a pallet, teleport in front of them and smack them with your slipper.
Settle Down: You might break something jumping around like that! Make the Entity block any vault space used permanently.

All credit for this parody idea goes to the David Lopez channel. Just watched some of his videos and had a good laugh.