Huntress wolf mask shouldn’t be exclusive

Will it ever be in the store? I remember reading somewhere the devs didn’t want exclusive cosmetics anymore so why is this still an exclusive item? People got it back in 2018 when I wasn’t playing dbd yet, it would be nice if newer players got the chance to own it too
That looks kind of nice, though. Reminds me of Okami.
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This specific mask was for a special event, and it was given out at one point when they fixed the issue where people could lose cosmetics. It's, in some ways, similar to a Legacy outfit for Huntress. People who played the game a good time ago have something special to show that they are a veteran player.
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If it looked more like bear head, rather than a mask i'd be happier.
As in actually use a wolf's head.
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Um somehow I got this even though I never played back then. Is the mask called “hound” by any chance cause I may be confused
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David and Feng had earnable cosmetics in the howling grounds event too which everyone has for free now so why is huntress the only one that’s exclusive?
Yes, how did you get it?
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You're actually supposed to have that cosmetic. When my friend got the game on Switch earlier this year, the Huntress's Hound mask and some other cosmetics were missing. Apparently not having the cosmetics unlocked is a bug that happens. My friend submitted a support ticket and he was given the cosmetics.
Open a ticket here:
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Yes, how did you get it?
The developers gave out all the exclusive cosmetics to everyone because they weren't able to identify who had the cosmetics and who didn't.
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You should actually own it:
Can you see if you do have it potentially, but might have not seen it? I've overlooked some things in the past, otherwise, please open a ticket with support.
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I thought it wasn't exclusive anymore.
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Wait, i also thought all cosmetics from the Howling Grounds event, including Annas Wolf mask should be avaible for all players by now. I remember there was a problem back then, when ppl unlocked it but some of the cosmetics won't show up in their inventory. And i remember a blogpost (as seen in @Gay Myers (Luzi) post) where they announced these items are given out for everyone, as they couldn't track who owned them and who not.
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I do not have it on the steam version. I asked a friend on ps5 if he had it and he didn’t either. We started playing around dec 2020 so it seems like people who started playing around that time didn’t receive it. But we should get it now thanks to Tragicsolitude’s help.
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i don't have it either. I started playing may 2021
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Actually i dont have any of those items, the only one i do have is the untamed donkey jacket. I've made a support ticket.
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Idk I just have it
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I made a support ticket and today they responded telling me they've added all of the items i was missing, including this mask:)
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Glad you made this post! I actually only had the Feng Min one, so I'll be putting in a ticket for the others. I too have always wanted the Wolf mask, but I assumed it was not possible. This is a nice surprise.
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I started playing about a week after Slinger was released and I have the Hound mask......Did not know It was a exclusive at some point.
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well know I know how those mercy players who didn't get the pink mercy skin in overwatch feel.
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Its free on console
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It's free on every main platform
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I just got mine too :) do you know what other items you received? I only got the hound mask
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i got all of these except for the donkey jacket which i already had (for some reason). I specified later in a reply that i was missing the others. I would make another ticket if you wanted the others
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I believe you got it from a past event, right? And if that's the case, I have no idea why I own it. Because I didn't even own the game at that time.
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Seeing people get these is almost beautiful.
Awesome Customer Service on BHVR's part on resolving the issue promptly.
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I'm glad to see people are receiving their items! :D Happy for you all!
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Just submitted my support ticket, didn't even realise I was missing cosmetics until I saw this thread.
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I too, was unaware that my save was more [BAD WORD] than I thought, so I'll be putting my own support ticket. If this results in a slightly less busted save, then that's cool too, if not, I've made my peace with it!
And, I mean, I theoretically get whatever cosmetics that I'm missing :)
Excuse me for a minute or f i v e .