How's Freddie?

Main_Freddie Member Posts: 12

So after this SBMM I stop playing after reaching rank 1 because now it's really frustrating. When the map don't spawn with troll or good generators positions, 2 survivors or all of them escapes, rarely I'm getting 4k. The snare cast is long, the teleport becomes less useful everytime generators are done and the clocks on the map gives survivors 90s of sleep protection. I'm playing in HIGH MMR and thus I've only face experienced survivors and they don't fall asleep easily, the game becomes boring to play because matches are becoming really long, if someone fall asleep, they run with a friend, both wake up and run for the corners of the map, 2 at the time and I just can't be in 2 places at the same time and generators pop.

After voting, please explain your option with facts and not the usual "hur dur he has a teleport" because if you say something like this i'll discard your comment because i know you're bad player or never played as The Nightmare.

How's Freddie? 44 votes

Buff him
Gibberishdiscopumpkin200mewmewRK67hailxsatanxeveryxdayGarlicRiceBlutendo 7 votes
Don't change him
Seiko300kaeruxEaElusivePukkaPandaManbjorksnasGazgemauch[Deleted User] 8 votes
Revert his add-ons or buff them
PennosukeTunnelVisionAdjathaNathan13Main_Freddie 5 votes
Rework time!
White_OwlTapeKnotShapedWTBaconGeneralVCritical_Fishtenoresax[Deleted User]HippielandromatglitchboiQwQwlav3GuiltiiPSPRenRenteslaSirGandoGillyBeannnLibervita 24 votes


  • Buff him

    hur dur he has a teleport

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703


  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    Rework time!

    His teleport is good and can be used (rarely) for some nice mindgames, but the snares are kinda bland and spam-to-win (and dream pallets utter bs). Personally I liked the original concept of being able to mark a survivor to put them to sleep, and I wish it was back minus the fact Freddy and awake survivors can't interact.

  • Libervita
    Libervita Member Posts: 248
    edited September 2021
    Rework time!

    The ability of FREDDIE can be designed like this

    Significantly increase the threat of dreams, so that survivors need to "be careful not to fall asleep" in a true sense.

    The survivor will automatically fall asleep every two minutes on the court. Without the interference of FREDDIE, the survivor can stay awake through interaction with others, but every time he is awake but not in the dream, he will fall asleep more easily. , Will not be able to wake up in the end, falling into FREDDIE's nightmare for a long time.

    FREDDIE can take the initiative to let the survivor enter a nightmare. About 10 seconds, when FREDDIE in the dream attacks the survivor, the survivor cannot accelerate to leave, and FREDDIE can detect all survivors who have not entered the dream.

    When a survivor repairs a generator in a dream, he will be affected by FREDDIE’s hallucinations. He will see an illusion similar to FREDDIE’s appearance, appearing from obstacles, gradually moving towards himself and attacking. Survivors attacked by the hallucinations Will scream to remind FREDDIE, and will be slowed down for 30 seconds.

    The illusion in the dream will automatically appear next to the generator every 30 seconds.

    FREDDIE can place his own hallucinations in his dreams, one at a time, for chasing.

    The illusion automatically generated in the dream moves faster than FREDDIE, and the movement speed is 4.8.

    A survivor who has fallen into a dream can wake up by looking for the clock in the environment and enter a 2-minute cycle until it is disturbed by FREDDIE.

  • Libervita
    Libervita Member Posts: 248
    edited September 2021
    Rework time!

    The hallucinations that automatically appear and the hallucinations that are actively released will not conflict, but will exist together.

    The illusion will never cause harm to survivors, but the illusion will help you guard the generator.

    Perhaps there will be a rare add-on that can exchange Freddy's attack with the illusion.

    Becoming Freddy can only slow the speed of survivors, but your hallucinations can cause harm.

  • Libervita
    Libervita Member Posts: 248
    Rework time!

    The hallucinations that automatically appear and the hallucinations that are actively released will not conflict, but will exist together.

    The illusion will never cause harm to survivors, but the illusion will help you guard the generator.

    Perhaps there will be a rare add-on that can exchange Freddy's attack with the illusion.

    Becoming Freddy can only slow the speed of survivors, but your hallucinations can cause harm.

  • Don't change him

    He's fine in my opinion. I wouldn't change anything about him.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    Don't change him

    I'm doing fine with him in higher MMR, as I do with Pig and Ghost Face. It's as RNG as it's ever been, and what I've started to do is track when the sweat-concentrations are highest - I just don't play certain roles at certain times of day, or I'll relax with some meme builds against the sweats so I don't have to care, and while I'll 'lose' sometimes I find I'm at a happier point when I can 'tryhard' but still flex the brain, you know?

  • PandaMan
    PandaMan Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2021
    Don't change him

    idk if its me or if its almost every freddie ive faced lately's internet connection but his hitboxes are HUGEE. if its not smth caused by their or my connection id love to see his hitboxes nerfed cuz its really annoying being hit from 10 miles away every single time

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003
    Rework time!

    He's pretty boring to play... he looked more fun pre-rework. I almost literally fall asleep while playing against him as well. Possibly the most immersive Killer to play against in that regard? 😛

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193
    Rework time!

    He's boring

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,807
    Revert his add-ons or buff them

    Change my mind, revert him back to old Freddy.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763
    Rework time!

    Who the hell would want to change your mind?

    Old Freddy is pure perfection.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443
    Rework time!

    Rework him to old freddy but with some buffs. Such as the projection and better addons.

  • BlueMeansDeep
    BlueMeansDeep Member Posts: 65
    Rework time!

    Rework, doesn’t matter how they buff him right now, he’s boring for both sides.