After keys what survivor item should be updated next

At this point it's only maps and flashlights
Why maps lol
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Medkit nerfs
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I'm just saying if they are following the format of slowing updating all survivor items it's probably inevitable
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Honestly think they are gonna go for medkits next
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I think they should add more ultra rare items because of the "escape with ultra rare item" challenges that keep popping up on the archives.
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Yep it's pretty much a skeleton key or rainbow map challenge lol
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I think they'll re-look at Medkits and tone down the higher rarity stuff
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As much as I do love using them, I have to admit that medkits are definitely the strongest and most impactful items survivors can bring, even with keys as they are now. While I personally don't want it, I wouldn't be shocked to see medkits get looked at again.
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I say Medkits.
It's still stronger overall than keys. Especially after this update.
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I hate it so much. 😂
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Probably the strongest item in the game unless you're facing Plague.
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Idk if I had to guess probably medkits.
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If they nerf further Survivor-Items they should really delete some stuff completely. Cannot be possible that Survivors have over 60 different things in their Bloodwebs which are mostly rubbish, just to get a few good things nerfed.
At least remove some Junk like Instructions, bad Key-Add-Ons, bad Map-Add-Ons and bad Flashlight-Add-Ons.
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I hope instead of reworking existing items they create new items
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New types? Or just iridescent versions of every survivor item
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Boon totems need to go.
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Define "updated". More survivor item nerfs?
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Completely new ones. I made several suggestions in the ‚Share your Work‘ sections of these forums and others have too
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are you trying to kill the game …. They butcherd toolboxes… now keys…. Medkits are the only viable thing to bring in if self care didn’t take 2000 years to heal then maybe people wouldn’t use them as much, flashlights are kind of pointless aswell unless you want to run around and be useless for your team, don’t think I’ve ever been excited to see a team mate bring flashlights.. no1 hits saves because their timing is off or the killer just looks at a wall.. there used to get a blind at a pallet which again is pointless as people have ears and flashlights don’t blind your ears
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Seems like it, just remove em from my blood webs if you just want them to be trash
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I'm hoping to not have flashlights Nerfed after all the add ons are terrible besides the batteries and filament
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The only thing I can think of isn’t an item but an add-on, the Brand New Part. Gens go fast enough as it is, survivors don’t need to make them faster. The only time I don’t see 3 gens pop before a killer gets their first hook is when the survivors were terrible or one of them made a blunder.
If anything, I think making a restriction to where BNPs can only be used when 2 or less gens are left would make them more tolerable.
And before anyone wants to accuse me of being a killer main, I’m actually speaking from a solo queuers point of view. I’m tired of matches lasting only 5-7 minutes and would have more of a good time if they were 10-15 minutes.
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Literally this!!! ^^^^ , I only use the battery’s the rest are pointless the pink bulb ain’t bad and the filament is ok I think that’s what it’s called the one that decreases flashlight consumption but I only use the battery
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I wanted Keys nerfed, but my goodness... you folks already grabbing the pitch forks for another item to be gutted already?!?!?
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Actually this wasn't meant to be a nerf post I'm hoping flashlights and maps get updated to have good add ons
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instead of creating more exciting items for survivors to use, they just obliterated and made keys totally useless now. way to go devs... just destroy the little fun survivors had.... i'm so glad i'm no longer playing this game
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Lol I don’t think there is anything else to nerf.
They’ve already nerfed med kits and toolboxes before.
Maybe instead of nerfing they could focus on buffing useless items like the green key. Which for some reason exists in this game/
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Don't forget people been lobbying for Survivor's W button to be nerfed as well. Don't be surprised if they think Green Key is broken to.
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“Green keys boost survivors confidence too much they need to go.” 😂
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At this rate, survivors running will be considered OP and we'll have to skip around the map while loudly singing Tiptoe through the tulips.
In all honesty, I don't rely on items, precisely because once they nerf something, it's a case of "Now let's pick the next thing to nerf" or if we're buffed in any way "Well now you have to nerf something of theirs" That isn't to say that some don't have reasonable balance concerns but for too many it's a case of mistaking 'tit for tat' as 'balance'.
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Wait what? You just mentioned the 2 worst items. The best ones and by far are medkits, and then come repair kits.
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I should've clarified my post I meant update in a positive way i hope flashlights and maps get buffed add ons
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med kit are still op af tho sooo yeah dont cry about key they where just frustrating
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Flashlights have a rather lackluster set of addons, I hope they'll take a look at those and buff them.
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So key's become like Mori's except your change took a year longer to make.
My heart is bleeding for you.
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none. it's that simple if they change any more items the community will be upset. the only thing that could be changed and still make sense would be maps. flashlights med kits and toolboxes can't be changed because they make the most sense doing things that they currently do but changing maps wouldn't cause a panic because maps could possibly have a change to its power for instance creating a mini map somewhere on your screen that shows everything in the map you pass. that would be cool