The return of the 3 Blink Nurse

At least her cooldown gets increased.
4.5s for 1 blink
9s for 2 blinks
15s for 3 blinks
I think
It takes 50% less time to recharge and not 50% more like I thought it was?
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Hate her or love her.
She is the queen.
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no, I think you're right, it takes LONGER to recharge.
Recharge time, not recharge speed.
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Yay a nurse buff 😐
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Damn yeah you're right I read recharge speed
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She killed spirit and now gotta cement herself as the boss.
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I'm pretty sure that means you'll need to wait even longer for each blink. So... if it currently takes 2s for a blink to come back, now it takes 3s. Or... whatever the numbers are.
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No... Please... No...... Noooooo!
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This with Fragile Wheeze is going to be so good lol. I have like 100 Torn Bookmarks so I might as well use them.
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I hope they keep Matchbox as is if no reason other than it's funny lol
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Definitely 50% increase in recharge time, but gaining the blinking through walls more than makes up for it.
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This is a huge buff provided they haven't nerfed her base kit in some way.
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Just because a killers good naturally doesnt mean their addons should be attrocious af lol (look at blight for instance hes got both)
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I hope I am wrong but...
They probably will given their track record on it.
Remember they flatout said they weren't touching nurse's(Or billy's) base kit with their add-on reworks and gutted the base power anyways.
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They will 100% nerf/change her recharge (and range) addons.
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Every killer should have blight level add ons instead of ######### like mother's helpers ptb version or not. They're almost all good, useful, allow for new ways to play without gimping yourself. And then they can still have a couple dumb meme add ons like burger king blight.
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Will they? I think they are fine if you make them not stackable, by themselves they are not that OP imo.
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No Spirit is
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Tbf Blight’s add ons are too strong like the Alchemist’s Ring.
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Seriously there is so many other killers out there crying out for some QoL changes, even small little things like add on buffs, and they give it to the Nurse. What goes through their minds here?
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Spirit is the queen of our hearts. My girl is being massacred 😥
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Not anymore
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I’ve been thinking about this too and I think it means that blink recharge rate is the same: 3.0 seconds a blink.
But it increases from 6.0 seconds for two blinks to 9.0 seconds for three blinks. 50% increase.
If they actually handicap recharge speed on a per blink basis, this Iridescent is DOA. Especially since the green recharge addon doesn’t even compensate for the handicap. Nor do I think she needs one because she already suffers two handicaps without adding a third. Blinking three times increases recharge time to get the third back, AND fatigue has a higher penalty with each new blink.
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4.5s for each blink [(3s base)]x(1.5) is not equal to 18s but instead 13.5s, which is still a long time I know.
With best recovery addon we have 3.15s per blink [(3s - 0.9 base)]x(1.5) with means 9.45 total // or 3.6s per blink [3s base x 1.5 -0.9] with means 10.8 total. One of these two is correct. It isn't clear if the 1.5x time multiplier is global or local.
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I’m not talking about the strongest killer in DBD, I’m talking about who the actual queen is. Nurse will never see Spirit’s level ever.
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At this point 3 blinks isn't really necessary anyways, this would just mind game dead hards. Which can be mindgamed already with a precise first blink.
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I hope not, playing nurse without blink recharge addons it's horrible. If they don't change her basekit, nerfing those addons its an atrocity.
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I don't think the cooldown is going to be as hefty as people are saying, honestly. I'm kinda assuming the 50% blink recharge time is per blink.
That'd leave the recharge speed at 3/6/9 seconds for 1/2/3 blinks respectively, or 2.4/4.8/7.2 seconds with Fragile Wheeze.
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I detest three blink Nurses. Lack of skill is apparent in most of them. Was happy with the old downside.
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Yeah but there’s a reason they all but removed extra blink add ons
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The add-on is fair
Also, where did you find the reworked add-on ???
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I see what you're doing Bhvr. Giving 3 blink Nurse back as some kind of a buff in order to have an excuse to nerf her base kit again in the future eh? I'm onto you.
No but seriously, this oughta be interesting.
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Their Twitter
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Also no offence but what the ######### guys
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Nice add on, if only i could use her power 😢
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It's literally an iri and has a downside. I think I'll be AOK.
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Wait, why 18 seconds? One blink takes 2 seconds to recharge, and 50% of that is one second. So I would assume a blink will now take 3 seconds to recharge, so all 3 would take 9 seconds in total.
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Was it gone? Because I got the achievement to chain 3 blinks and grab someone, but I do not play with add ons. I thought a hacker gave it to me because, well, he was hacking in that lobby. Is the description just outdated and you only need 2 blinks for the achievement?
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It was only available with add-ons since... Oh god this must've been over 4 years ago they first changed her to not have 3 blinks base- I wasn't even playing then.
Originally it was possible basekit. Then with add-ons, but there was a brown, yellow, green, and purple add-on to add more blinks with varying downsides.
Then it was only possible with an iri, which prevented you blinking through walls.
Now this iri has been upgraded to what we see before us.
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The three blink gen grab trophy will be easier with this, hallelujah.
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Imma be real i farmed for it, only started playing Nurse after her rework and doing it normally with that add-on can ######### right off to Narnia,
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So, basically, this addon is an extra handholding to a killer that already breaks game flow just by existing.
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Base blink recharge is 3s per blink.
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At least that achievement is possible now.
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Oh ok on the wiki it says 2 seconds. Unless I am missing something.
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Oh boy, I might become a Nurse main again.