First Chapter Idea- The Broken Manor

WatchBloodRain Member Posts: 175
edited October 2018 in Creations

Killer: The Gentleman (Charles Winford)

Bio: Charles Winford was an elderly man who served his masters side, in charge of the servants of his masters manor, his attitude, abilities and loyalty made him a very good servant, his granddaughter Charlotte Winston, the one who motivates him to be the best even though his master was a rude man who was the heir to the former house master.

Charles gave the master his two weeks notice form to leave to spend time with his Granddaughter, the master wouldnt allow it and threatened Charles granddaughter saying he will hurt her if Charles left, the one thing you can never say to Charles is anything bad about his granddaughter, the master found it out the hard way that night. Charles was never seen again, the master however had a cane that belonged to Charles through the back of his neck

**Appearance ** A man of average height, short white hair, white trimmed mustache, wears a black butler suit and walks with help from a cane

Power, Perks and Mori Power: Peace and Quiet, as a dedicated servant, loud noises are bothersome and should be dealt with. After a generator blows up, disable the generator for a period of time for every generator you disable the generator the longer it takes before someone can activate it. 1 time 15 seconds. 2 times 30 seconds. 3 times 45 seconds (can be longer with add-ons)

Survivor Charlotte Winford

Bio Charlotte was very close with her grandfather, from a young age she looked forward to seeing him, she wanted to follow in his footsteps, she started training with her grandfather from the age of 7 to become the best servant she can be, watching how he acted and worked.

Charlotte just got her first job as a servant, she wanted to surprise her grandfather so she went to his employers house where she saw the masters body with his grandfathers cane through his neck, she tries to back up through the door to the bedroom only to fall and awake in a new world.

Map Manor House

Ok so this is gonna be a challenge to see if i can make a realistic view for everyone as i suck at drawing so i'll just try to explain it, there is also a new mechanic where you can open and close doors

double story manor with a yard surrounding all sides, trees, shrubs ect, two driveways leading to an old gate (replaces the gates we know and love) a veranda and balcony encompasses the house
Interior from the front once you enter the mansion you will be in the foyer to the left is a garage to the right a greenhouse. Going straight from the entrance leads you through a hallway and at the end is a large ballroom with tables spread throughout .
To the left is a long kitchen that leads to servant passageways and a side door to get to the trash, on the right of the ballroom is the corridor which leads to the greenhouse and the music room, at the end of the ballroom there is a two doors that lead to outside, thats the bottom floor.

Via the grand staircase you can go upstairs, a balcony overlooks the ballroom, to the right and left are corridors which leads to bedroom and bathrooms, some bedrooms have a passageway through the closet to the next room providing an alternative escape path, there are also doors leading to the balcony which can be vaulted over.

There is also a reading room/study upstairs and there is a private dining room and a entertainment room, i cant think of anything else right now but naturally rooms and such dont need to be as i say, i just think a haunted mansion type map would be a cliche but could be incredibly fun.

After all this i completely forgot what perks i had created in my head, so that sucks but oh well, hope you all enjoyed, its quite the read but i love this idea

Post edited by WatchBloodRain on


  • Patrick99
    Patrick99 Member Posts: 41

    Honestly? Not too bad of an idea. It's not too bad if you want to stall the game out and if he's paired with a perk like Overcharge or Unnerving Presence, he could drag out the game for a good while. Out of curiosity though, what kind of idea did u have for the Killer's perk? Can he only use it on 1 gen at a time, or can disable multiple at once?

  • WatchBloodRain
    WatchBloodRain Member Posts: 175
    Just one gen at a time, otherwise it would be insane to counter if he was set in the right way,  I had the ideas for what i thought were good perks but forgot them by the time i got home so no perks are added for either