Do you think the devs actually play the game?

There have been decent changes to mechanics in the past. But by all means, usually mechanics, perks, killers etc changes are absolutely detached from how the game is played by most people.
Do you think the devs actually play their own game outside of custom matches and streams where they focus on entertaining an audience?
Do you think the devs actually play the game? 35 votes
I've always thought the question of wether or not they play their own game was a completely ridiculous one- because of course they do. There's no other way around it, the devs definitely play the game that they work on, they do streams where it's just them playing the game every now and then and a few of them stream individually like McLean did. Frankly, you're a fool if you say that they absolutely have never touched their game once as a player.
The question people really should be asking / want to be asking when they ask this question is actually: "do the devs play enough of their own game?" As in, do they play often / frequently enough to have a significant understanding of the ins and outs of their game and what needs to be done. This is the real question. But it's also more difficult to answer, because who can say really? Are you hunting down their steam accounts and checking their hours? What would you even say is a proper amount of time a developer should be sinking into their own game?
Overall, this line of question has never entertained me and it always comes off as accusatory. There's just no point in following that train of thought, seeing as it gets you nowhere.
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They totally play the game but are probably low ranks and are quite disconnected from the community. That's why they still think pig is OP. You just have to watch some Almo's gameplay and you'll understand why.
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Of course they "play the game", but they don't play well and they don't play often enough to have a real grasp on typical play. Their play pool is also both lesser and corrupted, as a lot of their internal play wouldn't be representative of online games moreso than a smallish pool of custom lobbies.
So no. While they obviously do play the game, they don't play the same game the rest of us do.
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yeah, that's what I meant. it's a rotten shame
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Play at all? Sure.
Play at high skill level play? No way.
There is no way the devs can misunderstand the reality of the game's balance as hard and consistently as they do if they play at anything but low skill level.
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I'm sure they play the game, but they won't ever see it the same way as a regular player, because they're so involved in building it. You can never see your own work the same way someone else does.
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Only on stream, for them to get trolled ofc