Opinion on Boon totems
I just want to see what people think about them
look in the general discussions lots of topics about it.
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Don't rely on ptb squads to get feel for their strength. As far as my thoughts for now;
Balanced for solo play and abusable by swf
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I think they are way to OP an specificly the healing one is ganna start selfcare like habits for people playing with it. WE ALREADY HAVE ENOUGH SELF CARE GAMERS IN ARE LIFES. (im talking to you claudette mains who don't run botany.)
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I think being able to relight totems is ######### broken as #########.
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It is not the self care people you need to worry about. Us inner strength cats are coming for your boon totems, bruh.
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Pretty powerfull effects but takes time to activate.
This is how good perks should be. None of that dead hard stuff where you just get your perk for existing.
If you misplace your boon and the killer can snuff it repeatilly then you are wasting so much time not being on gens you are bassically throwing the game.
If you can place it in a good spot the effects are really impactfull.
Honestly one of the better designed features in a while
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Killers were already on a time crunch so I don't know why we're giving an additional objective to them. I don't agree with boon totems in concept as killers don't have time to deal with it in the current game state, but even beyond that there are problems.
Even if the killer does deal with it, it's not destroyed nor does the perk get disabled so the survivor can just plop it down again.
On top of that the perk effects are very very strong and AoE. Double healing speed and self heal unlock? No scratch marks or auras? Wat.
And then there's potentially 4 of these things on the map at any given time. Even just 1 in the main structure would be strong on a lot of maps, but 4?
Imagine a game on an indoor map like Lery's or a main building like the Asylum with no scratch marks, oof.
Totems are usually near gens so BBQ just got another counter if shadow step is anywhere near used frequently.
I'm just gonna continue my hiatus from playing killer thanks.
Post edited by MrPenguin on0 -
relighting boons is pretty stupid.
the healing one, im not surprised about. i already assumed one might be about healing. but it might be strong. increased healing is already insane as is, but i assume the increased healing doesn't stack? idk how that works.
the scratch mark and aura one is hit or miss. scratch marks can already be misleading sometimes, you know you have to take a double take just to make sure your going right way. absolutely going to kill me playing on the cornfield maps.
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Intrigued, but my friends and I are more likely to cbf with it lol too much effort for casual play. Curious to see how it effects my killers games, how many people will actually/successfully use it
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I think killers will be afraid to use hex perks now. Their spawn locations are already questionable, and if survivor are encouraged to bring more maps to bless/destroy totems it will just make it worse for those who enjoy hex perks.
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I know I am. Scared, I mean. They were already risky but I genuinely thought the reward was worth it. If boon totems catch on, it just isn't worth the risk anymore.
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Gonna be nerfed on release, and nerfed on next patch.
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Other Hex like Ruin / Undying that activated since the beginning so its not really affected. If they find the Hex, they cleanse it anyway, that little thing is beside losing Hex, they add something that you have to pay time to snuff. Im more worry about Noed that all Dulls become Boon and Noed will not triggered. The perk is already a risk to use.
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Massive distance, seen by all Survivors always, can have 4 on the map, can be constantly relit and recycles, allows free fast healing and completely makes you untraceable besides blood and moans if you have both perks equipped.
They are broken, and are already likely going to be banned in tournaments.
Even now, if only 1 Survivor brings these perks, the rest can run all meta and gain the benefits in a strong area that has a totem, a far totem in a corner away from gens where anyone can go and heal and the Killer will have never known they were there because their scratch marks aren't there.
They are broken, they shouldn't be able to be relit, the area they cover is too big, Survivors shouldn't be able to see them at all times, they shouldn't be able to bless Hex's, and Killer should also be able to destroy totems. EVEN THEN they may still be too strong because it is 16 perks vs the Killers 4.
If they go live as they currently are, I am not playing Killer until it is fixed. Easiest decision of my life.
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I don't think NOED will be useless. In games where all 5 totems are cleaned it doesn't work but it doesn't happen very often and i doubt something about it will change. And if survivors will bless all 1-5, result will be same. NOED risk-reward is not going anywhere. Problem is the fear behind it. Currently killers running NOED know majority ignore totems so they are pretty sure NOED will proc. And now with fear that it might not proc, it's a complete different story.
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If boon totems come to the game as they are i for one wont be playing killer no more. Already playing slower killers like ghostface so i dont have time for 4 SWF who keep blessing different totems all over the map and healing themselfs in few seconds.
If killers cant place their hexes and they get destroyed i really don't understand why survivors are entitled to have non breakable hexes which can be spammed.
Post edited by Hannacia on3 -
get rid of it. i know im the only one with this opinion and that it will not go but you asked for my opinion :)
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i doubt that. so far ive seen overly positive feedback which makes sense when you look at the playerbase demographic.
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They're great. It's a refreshing change to the meta and flow of the game. Now things are a bit more interesting again.
I think a lot of the negative reaction from killer mains is overreaction at this point. It's a step they needed to take though.
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pls never stop. i wanna see this game lose all its remaining killers.
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Interesting idea that needs to be tweaked for balance. I'm definitely not against new mechanics, and I totally get they won't always land on the first iteration. I just hope we aren't waiting too long to see them get tweaked.
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And how do we change the meta? That correct! by putting something equally broken or stronger then the current meta into the game.
It doesn't even need to be run by everyone. Just one survivor needs the boons and everyone else can run full meta with benefits.
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Killers cry about the meta build. A new meta comes to try and change it up that has more counter than DH and the other perks, theyre still not happy. If they nerf relighting them and other things too much, you change nothing, people just wont bring them and the game goes back to being stale.
There may be some rework or tidying up doing WAY after a short PTB, but at least for 1 second of time to destroy the boon totem the killer has eliminated a strong perk- perhaps even 2 perks that means that survivor isnt now bringing DH or BT or Adrenaline or iron will or Unbrekable or DS.
The survivors now have a choice and what to bring, i just think we should give it more practical time before we jump to conclusions on how broken it is. PTB isnt accurate and it reflects only a small pop of the players.
Boons are probably broken for a strong SWF, but we all know everything is anyway!
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Mechanically, it was not thought out. If I understand it correctly, a mod confirmed you cannot cleanse blessed totems. So I can’t even cleanse it for Inner Strength or for Counterforce?
Explain to me the logic here.
Post edited by GoshJosh on0 -
I guess thats no more a problem though than people bringing maps or small game etc and blitzing totems, its another reason why it can work in a killers favour!
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As if we don’t have enough trouble of survivors trolling other survivors, here’s another way! I will honestly quit solo survivor altogether if this makes it to live as is.
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There are way more killers than survivors. It wouldn't hurt to lose a few.
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I think they are good but they should definitely not stack and maybe only work on one floor.
I think they are a great addition though, and Mikaela is awesome.
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lol, u must be joking. you just have to look at this forum or twitter to see it. its obvious.
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I haven't had a chance to play PTB yet but from what I am seeing in streams and clips, the boon totems are broken.
What floors me is that when a killer snuffs out a boon totem, the totem doesn't break and the fact that survivors can re-bless the totem. Honestly, I don't it's fair at that point. I wouldn't mind a rework or a nerf of it. I am also seeing boon totems that can't be broken by the killers either (ie. Wesker's desk, the windmill in Dead Dawg etc.)
BHVR, please, for the sake of Killer mains, you can't let the boon totems be released in the next patch with the way they are now.