How do you think the devs EXPECT people to play this game?

With the Spirit and Deathslinger massacre (just watch it, they'll come for the other OGs soon enough) one really has to wonder how exactly do the devs EXPECT people to play the game.
Like, given their 'justification' for the deathslinger changes it would seem they want the player to stalk across the map aiming down the gun (slowing him down to what... 105? 95?) THE WHOLE MATCH except when reeling in or carrying a survivor.
Or, the spirit change now... I don't really know what they expect people to do.
I'd not be surprised if we'll get Trapper not being able to trap vaults, Wraith not being able to uncloak within a certain range of gens and hooks, and doctor not being able to use his power when in range of a busy survivor in ch23 or such.
Killer's tuning will become obsolete when they introduce blessed totems. Actually, everything will become useless.
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They expect killers to sit there and take it.
So no change whatsoever.
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They just want the counterplay to be more accessible. I do not agree with it, but I get it.
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Let's get philosophical:
Is there counterplay if there's no play at all?
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Probably the main idea is to give both sides fair chances to win without being steamrolled. Spirit was a train that crush average survivors, so they nerfed her. Mb too strong, but something had to be done because everyone hated stand still guess play. Deathslinger hit was huge, but instant aim+shot wasn't actually something interesting to face. I hope they don't revert his change, but buff him in some different way. For ranged killer who could hide his TR it was busted.
I'm currently wondering why do they even think that Nurse needs a buff and whos great idea to give her 3 blinks.
As for survivor side, yes, it's currently relatively easy to escape, but mostly i think that cause efficient survivors with items are very very powerful. Even if u run full meta build 4 man squad, it's incomparable with same squad but with 4 items fully addon equiped.
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Buff him in what other ways?
Yes, the spamming was an issue, but everything else people complained about was either due to their unwillingness to alter their playstyle or the dev's unwillingness to give us more dynamic maps.
But now...
- His max range is STILL 18m, while his TR is now about twice that.
- His aiming now needs to go through the full cycle, meaning you can hardly get close enough to get a shot in.
- His basespeed remains unchanged.
You can't 'buff him in other ways' without making him unfun in other ways.
Because now running M&A is pretty much a requirement if you even want to use his power, because the addons that lower his try and increase his speed aren't very common or helpful.
Said it elsewhere, the better way would have been to not change anything about him but making the whirring clearer AND adding a mechanic that would punish faking shots, which is possible.
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next there gonna make it so hag can only teleport to a trap in a 2m range because she too over powered or smth like that...
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Ok i can understand being upset about the deathslinger changes (even tho i think he's still b tier) but the spirit nerf hardly changed anything, you can't do a stand still mind game, and that's it.
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What do u understand by *more dynamic map*? More vaults and more pallets to play around?
U can buff Slinger by not making him busted. It all depends on how devs want to see him playing. It's all about is his shotgun is main weapon or alternative. Cause if it's main, then add some additional effect to reward being good at aiming. If it's alternative and more for zoning and fear element, then work around TR and movespeed and rework his shotgun into wired traps.
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You forgot to add "for one side only" at the end of accessible.
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They want an "asymmetrical" game that still lets survivors 1v1
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More dynamic maps in Slinger's case would mean e.g. smaller versions of the maps, more drop points, but more means to hide/dodge behind. That way stealth is an option for both sides, you can shoot survivors off of stuff/shoot them from above etc.
All playing into Deathslinger having been a bounty hunter.
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"Counterplay" has become void of meaning
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Ill be honest, i play killer à lot, but Spirit needed à balance for à LONG time and deathslinger some tweaks (even tho i dont like the way they tweaked him)
But they should buff weaker killers and add some objectives for survivors to slow down the game à bit without needing slowdown perks
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anything that makes the game more complex would just get the crybabies to go hogwild.
Like, you could OF COURSE have it that you'd automatically have something with slinger that would bar survivors from repairing gens for a bit. Slinger's an engineer fcl, just have it you have to find parts for the gens first before you can repair one.
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Thats something i really would love to see
Find à gen part in some part of the map (even bettee if you gotta.cross the map and interact with the killer) and then after fixing it you can start to repair the gen
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Bounty system that causes exposed or something else if they don't deal with it would be better since his entire shtick is that he is a bounty hunter.
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People will just endlessly rotate "fom" killers, then they will wonder why "X" killer doesn't get played.
There are far to many variables to just nerf and buff respective killers or perks.
Until there is some massive fixes to swf vs solo the buff nerf cycle will be endless.
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Or like, change one of his perks to expose everyone within a certain range to the gen if a gen's fixed. I mean, if they can have pinhead block the gen furthest progressed and give trickster something exposing everyone in his tr when he's carrying someone, they can have Gearhead or Dead Man's Switch work like that.
Or change the hellshire iron to everyone within a certain range loses healthstate if you hit a speared survivor from more then 15m (or something like that)
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Perk reword won't help him at all. Killers play Deathslinger mainly cause of his power. If anything needs to be changed it's his power and gameplay around it.
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His power is/was fine. But as stated, dynamic maps, killer-specific tasks for survivors like finding genparts etc could help greatly.
also: fcl increase the score for evading him all together to encourage stealth. so many complains about him stemmed from 'i can't loop and juke him'
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Spirit needed the nerf.
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Survivor: Drop palette and hold W.
Killer. Hold W, break palette, maybe hit survivor.
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I'm a huge proponent of balancing for all. It's the hallmark of a good PvP game. However, I think they want the killers to have a chance, but they want the survivors to have a better chance because they make up the majority of the population. I think most people are looking to play against, or as, their favorite horror film villain. But, as you know, not all horror buffs like to play video games, but still come to check the game out. Sometimes you can see it when playing on a new account: some survivors will be running and stopping every few seconds and they seem to only look straight up or straight down. So, I imagine they want to give everyone a chance to escape.
On the other hand, I think they're probably under a lot of scrutiny from all kinds of people for making a game where you can kill people. I remember the first time playing DBD I was blown away by the violence, and I occasionally visit gore sites. I can only imagine what healthcare advocates are thinking when they hear about this game. So, to protect their ability to make the game, it might help to make sure there's tons of evidence on social media that humanity is the victor in this dynamic, rather than some crazed lunatic.
This is all speculation, obviously.
But, it is frustrating because they tend to contradict themselves a lot. They kept Blood Favor in a straight jacket for a year, but are seemingly about to release the most broken feature for this game I've ever seen. They're not playing it so safe anymore... oh wait, that's right, they have nerfed killers, and some of their strongest addons while only buffing survivors this patch. So, they play it safer with killer stuff, and only sometimes with survivor stuff.
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I think devs have no vision how the game is played / balanced.
When players habe discovered looping, the devs have started develop around it.
Perks are bandaid for a non fixable problem. Statistics are used a lot because theu want new players to have high retention. Sbmm is a tool for that, it will improve in game sellings.
They create graphical content only. Survivors are just skins, and killers are slightly different between each other.
They just adapt to what player do with their game. Thats it.
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I don't really think they care.
Just buy more skins.
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they can't even give Deathslinger a poncho...