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Are Boon Totems a time sink?

Komi Member Posts: 364

I havent had time to play the PTB, but are boon totems time costly? On paper, a survivor has to search for a totem, bless it, and if injured, self-heal. Then seek it out if they want to heal, if they dont already need to bless it again if it were snuffed out. And this isnt factoring in Thrill of the Hunt or Mangled/Coulrophobia.

So to all witchy survivors, does it feel time consuming? And to killers, do generators seem to take longer when everyones blessing totems?


  • If you place it in a good spot, it shouldn't be.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,841

    I’ve played on the ptb and with everyone trying to get boon totems up, the killer has gotten around 3-4 hooks before a gen has even been worked on. Even if you place it far away from where the killer would be patrolling you are still having to travel all the way there to make use out of it.

    It absolutely feels like a time sink and I feel like it gives a legitimate objective for the survivors to work towards that totems never were.

  • Komi
    Komi Member Posts: 364

    Thats what I was thinking, not to mention the very possible occurrence of a survivor who has a build based on destroying totems, which would render their teams own build useless! This isnt to say that they should be changed, but they feel like a new part of the game that makes survivors think more than just GENS.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Every match is a risk vs reward scenario where time is the main factor for cost. sure blessing a totem will take time away from doing gens but it will also help everyone do their job better or stay alive longer depending on what the blessing is. A quick match doesnt really help your rating aside from granting you more matches but if your invest your time into the Boondocks more survivors on your team may be able to escape granting everyone a bonus. Plus too some killers will start to see out boons if they have a way of knowing their active and thus taking the pressure off of any teammates that may have been in a chase. So like i said I play both roles and as a killer i am definately going to hate boons being active especially if im told which ones are active on my hud

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    I cant play PTB build but ive tried to argue this point to all the killers crying about it, its a time waste, its not comparable to a hex which is up at the start, they work in different ways.

    Yes you can bless a totem but you also have to waste time finding, getting to it and blessing it. Hex totems work by not even going out of the way of doing the killers objective- chasing off gens to make ruin work and get value and hitting/hooking survivors to get the value from others.

    If people want the meta perks to change well heres two which could make people replace the same 4/5 perk meta. Nerf it to one time use and no one would run it and we continue with the same stale perks.

    Lucky break was worth running at PTB change, people cried and at reduced 60s use nobody runs it because its pointless, youre lucky to get 1 chase use out of it. At the original 90s or whatever it was it had some value and it would have replaced someones BT, DH, Adrenline etc and it would have run out by mid game and the survivor would have been running 1 meta perk permanently down - but no killers saw it like that, they just complained, got it nerfed and then we go back to the same old meta.

    I cant even name 1 new perk that a survivor has had in the past year that has become worth running; the best is probably blast mine which you see a bit now. Killers have had undying, lethal pursuer, pin heads ones are pretty decent.... either way theres a lot more viable choices for a killer to pick and barely any for survivors.

    Look, we all know SWF 4 man on comms makes everything crap for the killer, but even as a 2 man which us what i mostly play we escape maybe 30% of the games we play (and thats any survivor not as 4).

    The imbalance isnt from perks and what they do or how meta they are, its from 4 man running them coordinated.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    With how easy killers hear them and remove the blessing, it's a buff to killer. You don't get enough benefits from it, you can do most of a gen before you find a hard to find totem and bless it. Just to watch killer be 16m of it, hear it, and step on it. They need a lot of buffs so they are worthwhile of the time in it. I think they should be a lot quieter.