Dead by Daylight's Anti-Cheat is a Joke

Alright BHVR, you got your round of applause from this midchapter update, it's time to complain again.
Your trash anti-cheat does not work. People are insta-healing, speed hacking, instantly finishing generators in loads of games.
How the game doesn't automatically ban someone crouch walking at sprint burst speeds is beyond me.
Reporting people does not do anything. The report system in DbD is so awful it's common knowledge at this point to just ignore it. Streamers even tell their communities not to bother reporting because it doesn't do anything.
Forget the fact that cheaters are appearing more and more frequently in games, people are legit just posting themselves flying around in game because they know nothing is going to happen.
I know it's not as easy as I'm making it sound, but the game should be able to detect what is normal play and what isn't normal play and kick the people playing abnormally. The fact that it doesn't should be embarassing.
Clearly, if you're crouch walking at sprint burst speeds, you are cheating
Clearly, if you're constantly running at sprint burst speeds, you are cheating
Clearly, if you are instantly healing after taking damage, you are cheating
Clearly, if you are a Ghostface flying around chucking hatchets, you are cheating.
Please hire professionals to implement even the bare minimum of anti-cheats into this game, because whoever is it charge of it rn at BHVR doesn't know what they're doing.
Reporting people does not do anything. The report system in DbD is so awful it's common knowledge at this point to just ignore it. Streamers even tell their communities not to bother reporting because it doesn't do anything.
The system is bad, yes, but not reporting is worse. It's no surprise there are so many hackers when you have people explicitly telling others "hey, just let them get off scot free".
The system is only bad because of the multiple steps you have to undertake. However, it does work. Now cue people saying otherwise.
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Even if reporting does work, we still have to find and report every cheater and hope that someone in BHVR decides to ban them. This is not a good system and it does not work because the number of cheaters goes higher and higher.
You misunderstand, people don't cheat because players don't report them so they won't get banned.
People cheat because they know they won't get banned, so players don't report them.
Even then, the anticheat should be able to catch these blatant cheaters. I literally just got a cheater who advertises their twitch stream on their steam profile.
Does the same thing all cheaters do, speed hack, instant heal, instantly finish generators. This is ridiculous
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I think I've said it elsewhere but I'd feel a whole lot better about this if BHVR just acknowledged it. It's a major problem and it's getting worse, and afaik they've said nothing about it.
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One of many reasons I keep crossplay turned off on console.
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Then you play with console players, which is arguably worse imo
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“Insta-healing, instantly finishing generators in loads of games.”
So normal survivor gameplay, basically?
Chill guys, it’s a joke.
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I'm hoping they do something about this because I'm getting paranoid of people that are subtly hacking. I'm talking about people that are finishing generators a bit faster in the distance or are gaining more distance when I can't see them at a loop than they should or are straight up wallhacking. I get suspicious when some of these high level survivors never fall for any mindgames whatsoever and always make the perfect read. I just go AFK if I see someone infinite sprint bursting or flying all over the map until they've had their fun. I don't bother to report on console because it is way too time consuming and it requires information that isn't easy to access and send to BHVR, such as cloud ID and Steam ID. There's no reason that it should be harder than just attaching a video clip (console is always recording) and a brief description of the issue.
I would love to play with crossplay off, but the community is so small on Playstation for that at high MMR that I will only play the same people over and over again. I wish we had console only crossplay.
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How original
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Ay ay, all I'm saying is.
The better I do in Dead by Daylight, the higher my mmr goes; the number of console players drastically goes down.
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If PC players are so good why do they have to cheat to win?
And it's been said many times before their bad players on all platforms.
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OH thanks for that! I have a Nintendo and I see survivors run backwards. How do you do that. Are the Hacks all PC based? I am gonna friend you Astrian and jump in your game ;)
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BTW how do you steer the survivor on a PC? With just the keyboard or is there a gamepad in use?
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Clearly, if you are a Ghostface flying around chucking hatchets, you are cheating.
Don't be jealous...
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Backwards running, or "moonwalking" isn't a form of hacking, but it is exclusive to PC as far as I know.
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The report system is a joke. I've seen hackers brag about having done it for months without any sort of warning or ban
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My favorite part is devs saying "no video proof no ban". So you save the video, upload it, fill out their form, go to attach video, and uh oh their website cant get the video. Even their own reporting system on theor website is broken and they don't care
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You know its a complete joke when you have several large content creators and even prominent fog whisperers outright saying reporting cheaters are pointless and they dont even bother doing it anymore. How patheric is it when the people who are supposed to represent your own game striaght up say reporting is a useless effort and they have given up because bhvr won't do anything about it?
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When people come in saying "Trust the system, it's the people not trusting the system that make the system not work" you know there's probably something not working with the system :P
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It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you don't report, no action is taken because there's nobody watching every single trial. Because no action is taken, you then claim the system doesn't work because the cheater you faced didn't get banned.
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The funny part about this is that they're straight up saying that they don't have a system that's monitoring gameplay and recording it. It's kinda ridiculous to tell everyone who aren't streamers or have no interest in recording their games and just want to play chill to start recording all of their games. Like what the f**k kind of response is that? Hey BHVR how about you guys start monitoring your own game and while you're at implement a better anti-cheat in your game!
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It hasn't worked well for me or the people my friends/family reported. My homie posted a video yesterday showing footage of obvious cheaters flying around the map that he reported 6 months ago that are still playing the game now. What's the explanation for that? Of course, no moderator responded to the video. They will just tell us to keep wasting our time filing these time-consuming reports.
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Hard to trust the system when everyone knows about the guy who streams themselves cheating and nothing happens.
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You mean the guy that nobody bothers reporting because "reporting doesn't do anything"?
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They should make a new system where if you hack or cheat one time on Dbd They send a command to brick your gaming software so your PC, Xbox, PS4 or Nintendo switch. Will never work again so you have to blow $300 dollars to buy another gaming console.
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If the system requires a whole bunch of extra steps or cannot work without a ton of player input it is trash. All the extra steps make it take forever to report and a lot of times you need video proof, which is hard to get if you do not record every game.
Also, you actually have to report after games which is a problem when there are videos of hackers who have hacked that option and made it link to other stuff.
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Oh it does work. But you know you have to go outside the game to actually report them? The ingame report button does legitimately nothing just like how we have a "rate your match" system it does nothing.
We shouldn't have to go through 6 different steps just to report ONE person that may or may not even amount to anything.
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It seems like the past few months people realized this is the easiest game to cheat on and everyone told their hacker friends
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Nobody bothers reporting them, because the reports have been proven not to work. Once BHVR actually fixes the problem, then people will use it. If your reporting system is so infamously bad that it's common knowledge not to bother with it, how is that the community's problem? The community is just responding to what they've been given, a waste of time report system that produces no results.
Why report, if you know the report doesn't do anything? It's not the community's job to fervently report cheaters, it's the developers' job to make it even the least bit challenging for them to cheat in the first place.
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To imply that there aren't bad players on all platforms is dumb and you know very well that's not what I said.