Has this happened to anyone before?

So I was in the middle of a game and I got kicked out to the title screen saying i didn't have a internet connection. This is odd because my internet was working fine but when i kept pressing space on the title screen I kept getting the internet connection error. So I exited the game and restarted it and everything was working fine but when i came back I was missing 2 pips even though i didn't cause the DC.


  • This just happened to me, right after i killed a 3rd survivor too:(

    I think it's something to do with Steam Maintenance though, happens every Tuesday apparently.

    That is, if you are on steam

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Steam or DBD being down. you’re probably good

  • LinkToReality
    LinkToReality Member Posts: 115

    Steam services goes down for maintenance almost every, if not every, night around midnight-1am UK time. When this happen it will kick all Steam players out of their matches. (You can see it's the reason as your Steam Friends list will show as Disconnected too) It's honestly the thing that usually end up making me so angry I stop for the night, because it always happen when I'm having a really good game. The game itself don't really get to me but losing out on a good match because Steam goes down really rub me in a bad way.

    I sorta wish they would give the BP earned during the match when this happen, it must be possible to tell when a big chunk of the players DC more or less at the same time and give them the same treatment as we got during the Pinhead disconnects.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I had it happen for the first time ever on a game a few weeks ago. I was playing Pig and had a really good game going but it kicked me out for no reason while my internet was still working just fine. It wasn't Tuesday (Steam maintainence day) either. Thankfully, that's the only time it's happened to me in almost 1000 hours so I'm not too upset about it!

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    This happened to me many times before but not recently

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    Happened to me quite often on Xbox. It's never been an internet issue either, I could immediately hop right into any other online game with no issues