Survivor Perk
I was having a discussion with a friend. Just curious on what other people think and why. Please don't comment and give no reason behind what you think.
So, killers have perks that force exhaustion, extend healing times, give survivors blindness and other things. What would you guys think of a survivor perk that extended stuns duration for killers. Not a lot, something like 1.5x or 2x stuns. So a pallet stun is normally 2 seconds, so with this perk it would be 3, or 4 seconds.
This wouldn't really help with pallet stuns because most killers (in my experience) respect pallets, and most killers (in my experience) won't let you get a head-on stun more than once in a trial. Also, I don't think it would be fair for this to affect flashlights blinds. This perk would come in most handy for extending ds stun.
I also don't think even 2x stun duration is enough to turn this into a meta perk. More so (in my opinion) I see this as a perk that people would only really start running if they start getting hard tunneled several games in a row. Although most people I know don't even run ds unless this is the case.
So what do you guys think?
I like the idea! This could help the person being chased to escape, or to allow teammates more time to do gens. Would you put a cool down on it? If so, how long?
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This would allow the survivor to escape a chase for free without even needing to use an exhaustion perk, so I don't think it's a good idea.
Even if killers respect pallets, that's probably going to be a disadvantage for them because they have to spend more time chasing, then back away when the pallet gets dropped (unless they are already out of stun range), then finally break it.
It essentially creates a lose-lose situation for the killer player.
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Ive been wanting a perk that extends stun time for a while, simple and effective while not being overwhelming, and its not like a killer cant play around it
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I appreciate your input, however, I'm confused at what you're trying to say here, so I would love it if you elaborated more. I know my experience is anecdotal, but I can't speak on things that I don't experience. That being said, in my experience, most killers already respect pallets therefore average chase length in games I'm in wouldn't change. And, for your first point, I feel like the point of ds was always as an anti-tunneling perk (and this perk would work most often and best with ds), so them getting a "free escape" is the perk essentially doing what it's always meant to do. Also, a 4 second stun doesn't actually let the survivor entirely get away as scratch marks last for 10 seconds total by default, although they start losing brightness. If you have predator they last for even longer.
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I don't know whether or not there should be a cooldown. I think this would be best to figure out on practicing with the perk and seeing how it worked out.
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That's fair. Personally I don't think there should be one, but I suppose it would depend on how strong it would be.
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Yeah even if there isn't a cooldown (in my opinion) this perk wouldn't be that strong for everyone to just start running it every game. Plus you're only going to get use out of it if you can actually pull off stuns, which if the killer is respecting pallets, not tunneling, etc. isn't going to happen very much.
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Oh, and it could be a sort-of counter to perks like Enduring and Spirit Fury. That could be really, really useful if the killer is relying on those to down or hit survivors.
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I’d love that perk, good idea
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That was my thinking, they also have plenty of perks to counter the stun duration like enduring for example.
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Bad idea bc no one likes not being able to play the game and extending stuns means extending the time killers just don't get to play
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This is a fair point, and I counter with the same argument against tunneling. Tunneling does the same thing for whatever survivor the killer does it to, and this perk would help counter tunneling, which is what most people would use it for.
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But tunneling isn't a perk apples n oranges
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You can still compare apples and oranges.
Also (in my opinion) that makes my argument even more valid. The killer can tunnel 1 (sometimes even 2) people straight out of the game without having to use a perk slot to do it. As a killer you can do it without any perks or add ons, you just need to be dedicated.
In order to counter tunneling survivors need ds, and borrowed time at bare minimum. Sometimes you have all your perks be anti-tunneling as well as sometimes items, and sometimes (depending on how committed the killer is to tunnel) that still doesn't work. Perks and items like ds, unbreakable, borrowed, and flashlights.
I appreciate the points you're making, also you're not going out of your way to be rude even though we disagree, which is nice.
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No ty but it's not that you can't compare them it's that there's no point in comparing them. Because there just to different a perk v a player behavior
Also extra stun time wouldn't hurt a tunnely campy killer just the ones playing fair
I would say a speed boost after a stun would achieve the same thing and keep all players actively engaged but we already have that