What is matchmaking in this game?

Why I have always at least one baboon in a team? Like compleeete idiot, not simply bad looper, it's just person that has no common sense. Am I supposed to do what? I don't understand. SWF? Those are probably some 10-13 years olds, downloaded dbd an hour ago. And why they are not matched all together and just do their 70 IQ things? I should carry them? Ok If I loop, they repair gens, but they don't. They don't loop, don't repair gens, what is this?? Why I have them in my teams... You add them to balance my 150 IQ? That's not math competition, I can't doing gens, looping, unhooking simultaneously. Every survivor does its job according to situation. If even one doesn't all loose. How about you gather all such players and matchmake them together in teams and maybe give them a bot killer cause even blind killer would dominate them? That is what natural selection does, natural. Our matchmaking is based on some similar number? No way! They mostly crounch in grass and sit in locker, I stopped doing it after 30h in game. 4/5 games that I don't escape, is not cause killer is good, but cause survivors that I am matched with are bad. So bad! Who read minds?? Be a lamp, enlighten me what is happening in devs minds, cause people talk they are being silent for 5 years so we need mind readers.

I agree with an idea dbd requires a public chat for finding party, it's really the great idea to fix having idiots in a team. To compensate no matchmaking system. And I heard it's that bad for years. 😨 The biggest problem in solo for me is idiots in a team that ruin game. You loose most of times not because killer is skilled or overpowered, but because you got idiots in a team, sometimes more than 1. In a surv gameplay the actions that are required from you are determined by conditions and quite straightforward. There are not many options really what you should do in a particular situation. The only "skill" exists on surv is looping, all the rest is simple common sense. There is nothing hard. So even If idiots come to lobbies, they will be kicked and either forced to use brain/improve at game or play with other idiots in automatic matchmaking. It would force players to have responsibility for what they do. Now community is allowed to be as stupid and imbecilic as it wishes. That is why there are tons of discord LFP dbd channels. You don't even need voice, but just players who are idk even who they are... 10 y.olds..? This is just embarassing 😱


  • SwampViking
    SwampViking Member Posts: 34

    I feel you. Today I got stuck with a claud that immediately as the match started dropped pallet next to us as she walked through it, then failed a skill check on gen. Obviously now the killer knows where his first target it. She then body blocks me and I take the hit while she gets away.

    There's absolutely ZERO chance that our MMR is close to each other, why is she in the match? It's gotta be because of SWF.

    A few games later against a wraith. All three team mates are not near each other, but across the map from me. None working on a Gen, none making any movement towards me, all of them crouching behind something. Afraid to play the game. Maybe that's why I feel like I get tunneled some of these games, maybe it's because I'm the only one not hiding in the grass trying to do stuff.