Fog Stories

Everyone feel free to share the most absurd, crazy, amazing matches you've ever had during your time in the fog


  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Some of my earliest against swf team's and just grabbing them out of lockers lol man I clocked on early dont hide in the basement lol unless you want to be grabbed damn the amount of salt I got from one person because not once not twice but 3 times I grabbed them from the same basement locker and they act like I'm camping when I left the basement 2 times chased there unhooker 2 times then checked and found them in the same one 3 times or when I'm chasing and they fake a basement save so I check and I get called a camper
  • HuN7r3sS
    HuN7r3sS Member Posts: 211
    Some of my earliest against swf team's and just grabbing them out of lockers lol man I clocked on early dont hide in the basement lol unless you want to be grabbed damn the amount of salt I got from one person because not once not twice but 3 times I grabbed them from the same basement locker and they act like I'm camping when I left the basement 2 times chased there unhooker 2 times then checked and found them in the same one 3 times or when I'm chasing and they fake a basement save so I check and I get called a camper
    A game of grabs, that must've been fun
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    Wow, I've forgotten more than I can remember. 

    Most of these happen when I try and be nice, and merciful. It's like Survivors can't handle it.
    A close second is when survivors try to do obvious strategies on me.

    Had a match last night. Me vs a Claudette, 2 mins, and I forget who the 4th was.
    It's event time, so I want survivors to get that 5k escape bonus. It's like trick or treat.

    I'm doing ritual of the jaws so I'm feeling extra potato on top of it. I'm a lvl 1 trapper. 

    It's the school level. I spawn in, and see a harvest point near me. Cool. Hope they get it!

    One person DCed immediately. So on top of me wanting to be nice during the event I know these 3 people are pretty screwed. 5 gens, and 3 survivors is hard. So that's a mercy mark.

    I walk down the street and see a Claudette in purple run towards me. Looked like she was going for the flower. I'm like "okay, go harvest little one." And we pass each other as I'm headed towards a far generator. Didn't even swing at her. 

    I see someone working on it. I figure "huh, must not want flowers?" I go on the attack. A quick chase and they're on an event hook. I run like they are a fireball in a hallway. Didn't even lay a trap. I want them to get unhooked so I can let them go.

    I'm pretty used to instant unhooks, so it strikes me as weird that no one has. I'm not near the hook. There no trap (not like traps ever really stopped them with what little radius they have) so it gets weirder and weirder.
    I find the Claudette, which isn't super hard, and strike her down, pick her up... and promptly carry her to the hooked survivor. She wiggles free, and I run like she's the killer. 
    No rescue. 
    I wait. No rescue. The hooked Min dies. 
    Now I'm confused. 

    2 people left. 4 gens left.

    So I start looking for people. It gets fuzzy here.
    It's not hard since the Claudette fails self care checks. I chase, knock her down, carry her to a hook, and don't hook her. She wiggles off, and runs. I run the other way.

    A few seconds later there's pops. I investigate. Failed self care checks. It feels like a distraction strategy. 
    I chase, knock her down, carry her to a gen, and let her wiggle off. I run.

    Over the course of the trial, this basically keeps happening. I'm trying to encourage them to do gens, and not even trying to down anyone. Claudette keeps wanting to decoy. I'm not even patrolling gens. Most stay dead. 
    I'm wishing my trapper could say "No! Wait! I survivor now!" 

    After a while of chasing her, her getting trapped on purpose and struggling after I pick her up, I grab Claudette again after a short chase. She's near a hook, and not struggling. I hook her, and she's dead quick. The flower I mentioned at the beginning isn't harvested.

    But hey, the hatch is an option, yeah? Wait, no. It's been several minutes, way too long, and it's still 4 gens left.

    Pop goes the gen. I look for the hatch. Find it quick. Go for the last survivor which isn't hard. I beat the last min senseless, pick her up, carry her to the hatch, and drop her. She uses the hatch.

    End of trial.

    It's like survivors can't handle a killer letting them go, and it causes mass confusion. 
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    There was this one game as Survivor a while ago. It was a Leatherface in Haddonfield, he had Whispers. Basically, it was him and I in one of the houses (the one with the single Gen on the first floor).

    I was hiding in the kitchen area and quickly hid on the porch outside. LF came and went through the door right next to me. I had to hide back inside the kitchen in case he came back, and I was right. He went through the door next to me again. I had to change sides again while he was crossing the door, right behind him.

    This situation repeated another 4 times. It was one if the best stealth tricks I managed without any stealth perks.
  • Soul_Consumption
    Soul_Consumption Member Posts: 68

    Just played a game today where all my axes were on point. Like they couldn't have been better. It was coldwind, and a wounded Nea be running through the fields of corn. I tracked her by her great howls and threw a curvy axe of doom. Hitting her skull from about 40 meters away. I reveled in her blood and anguish. It was a good 4k match.

  • HuN7r3sS
    HuN7r3sS Member Posts: 211
    Wow, I've forgotten more than I can remember. 

    Most of these happen when I try and be nice, and merciful. It's like Survivors can't handle it.
    A close second is when survivors try to do obvious strategies on me.

    Had a match last night. Me vs a Claudette, 2 mins, and I forget who the 4th was.
    It's event time, so I want survivors to get that 5k escape bonus. It's like trick or treat.

    I'm doing ritual of the jaws so I'm feeling extra potato on top of it. I'm a lvl 1 trapper. 

    It's the school level. I spawn in, and see a harvest point near me. Cool. Hope they get it!

    One person DCed immediately. So on top of me wanting to be nice during the event I know these 3 people are pretty screwed. 5 gens, and 3 survivors is hard. So that's a mercy mark.

    I walk down the street and see a Claudette in purple run towards me. Looked like she was going for the flower. I'm like "okay, go harvest little one." And we pass each other as I'm headed towards a far generator. Didn't even swing at her. 

    I see someone working on it. I figure "huh, must not want flowers?" I go on the attack. A quick chase and they're on an event hook. I run like they are a fireball in a hallway. Didn't even lay a trap. I want them to get unhooked so I can let them go.

    I'm pretty used to instant unhooks, so it strikes me as weird that no one has. I'm not near the hook. There no trap (not like traps ever really stopped them with what little radius they have) so it gets weirder and weirder.
    I find the Claudette, which isn't super hard, and strike her down, pick her up... and promptly carry her to the hooked survivor. She wiggles free, and I run like she's the killer. 
    No rescue. 
    I wait. No rescue. The hooked Min dies. 
    Now I'm confused. 

    2 people left. 4 gens left.

    So I start looking for people. It gets fuzzy here.
    It's not hard since the Claudette fails self care checks. I chase, knock her down, carry her to a hook, and don't hook her. She wiggles off, and runs. I run the other way.

    A few seconds later there's pops. I investigate. Failed self care checks. It feels like a distraction strategy. 
    I chase, knock her down, carry her to a gen, and let her wiggle off. I run.

    Over the course of the trial, this basically keeps happening. I'm trying to encourage them to do gens, and not even trying to down anyone. Claudette keeps wanting to decoy. I'm not even patrolling gens. Most stay dead. 
    I'm wishing my trapper could say "No! Wait! I survivor now!" 

    After a while of chasing her, her getting trapped on purpose and struggling after I pick her up, I grab Claudette again after a short chase. She's near a hook, and not struggling. I hook her, and she's dead quick. The flower I mentioned at the beginning isn't harvested.

    But hey, the hatch is an option, yeah? Wait, no. It's been several minutes, way too long, and it's still 4 gens left.

    Pop goes the gen. I look for the hatch. Find it quick. Go for the last survivor which isn't hard. I beat the last min senseless, pick her up, carry her to the hatch, and drop her. She uses the hatch.

    End of trial.

    It's like survivors can't handle a killer letting them go, and it causes mass confusion. 
    That's true, it happened when I was playing Huntress on Gideon's Meat Plant with an unfortunate 3 man. I was letting them do gens and hooking occasionally when they wanted me to get points, but one Adam kept running whenever I got near him even though the other two were standing in front of me without getting hit
  • My_Dude
    My_Dude Member Posts: 132

    Played against a full four man SWF rocking two BNP's and two Purple Flash lights.

    Struggled at the start, but eventually things came together, and boiled down to me and one particularly toxic Claudette (The flash light clicking, waving at you mid c hase kinda toxic). She blinded me at the hatch, and I got a blind grab on her.

    That was when I was accused of hacking. LOL. I just's called good headphones.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @PigNRun said:
    There was this one game as Survivor a while ago. It was a Leatherface in Haddonfield, he had Whispers. Basically, it was him and I in one of the houses (the one with the single Gen on the first floor).

    I was hiding in the kitchen area and quickly hid on the porch outside. LF came and went through the door right next to me. I had to hide back inside the kitchen in case he came back, and I was right. He went through the door next to me again. I had to change sides again while he was crossing the door, right behind him.

    This situation repeated another 4 times. It was one if the best stealth tricks I managed without any stealth perks.

    wow he is deaf if he couldnt hear you

  • HuN7r3sS
    HuN7r3sS Member Posts: 211
    PigNRun said:
    There was this one game as Survivor a while ago. It was a Leatherface in Haddonfield, he had Whispers. Basically, it was him and I in one of the houses (the one with the single Gen on the first floor).

    I was hiding in the kitchen area and quickly hid on the porch outside. LF came and went through the door right next to me. I had to hide back inside the kitchen in case he came back, and I was right. He went through the door next to me again. I had to change sides again while he was crossing the door, right behind him.

    This situation repeated another 4 times. It was one if the best stealth tricks I managed without any stealth perks.
    I had a similar thing happen today with a Trapper on Autohaven. I was doing the last gen and he came to check on it, and I ran around a corner and urban evaded to a vault window, my head still visible. He opened one locker in the area, looked around including where I was crouched and left. I went back to gen and he came back, repeating the same process and not seeing me until someone else finished a gen and the exits were powered
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Once I had two survivors trappeid in the back of the basement. There was one in each locker. I kept looking from locker to locker slowly for about a minute or two. Eventually I moved towards the right locker then I turned around to the left locker and grabbed that survivor while the other ran away.

    I think they both died later. Not sure though.