How to play Cannibal?

I bought it a long time ago and still don’t understand how to play it? I cannot simultaneously control the overheating scale and see where the survivor is running in the loops, I constantly bump into the edges of obstacles, especially the smallest ones that are not visible. Running with a chainsaw ends very quickly and even with small loops I can not cope with it.

Survivors, even without paddons, can spin me around the windows for hours, I just can't replay. As a result, the usual killer m1 was kanibal for me, I can not do anything.

Am I missing something?


  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Are you using your charges to keep the chainsaw going or just doing a single one? If it's the latter you're basically just playing old cannibal which is not ideal.

  • shitman
    shitman Member Posts: 203

    Yes, I follow the overheating scale and try to press the stacks in time, but they either are not pressed, or they are pressed early and I do not know how to make the most of this chainsaw. There is always such a thing, if I run into a pallet with a running chainsaw, they stun me, and if I do not run, the survivor makes another circle and this can continue indefinitely. It feels like the game is punishing me for just using his useless ability.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,824

    I think a good timing is when he moves his chainsaw to the right the second time. At least from my experience cause I'm trying to memorize this too.

  • shitman
    shitman Member Posts: 203

    Now at the beginning of the game I do the chainsaw test, I do the maximum dash with the chainsaw and I think it really helps in the pursuit when you are not distracted by the scale, thanks to everyone for the advice.

  • BrotherLove
    BrotherLove Member Posts: 160
    edited October 2021

    Hi #9 Cannibal in DBD by chainsaw downs here. There are two very successful playstyles I use for fun. 1) Proxy camp your first down and snowball that into a 4k (By Slugging all 4). 2) Chase the survivors and right before you can M1 them, M2 Instead. Perks that work great on him are BBQ, Bamboozle, and any other two perks you like such as Pop or Surge. I personally use Lightborn & Sloppy. I will admit I am not even good at his new M2. But the guy is a chase monster. Hope this helps? Oh you can also spam M2 for 2 charges instead of one at the cost of the cooldown without even timing it. I know lol I play him without sound =P. I hate to say it but a lot of his skill comes from playing him a ton IMO. (Also I dont like his addons). Here is a good rule of thumb. Is a survivor slugged? No? Then Slug one and chase another (Map Pressure). Is the survivor still slugged? Hook the 2nd one you chased. Rinse and repeat.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147
    edited October 2021

    Windows are your enemy, tight loops are your enemy. Bamboozle is busted on Bubba.

    You want to catch them by surprise and out of position if you can, upon using his chainsaw you want to tap the power button right as the meter is about to end so you consume a token and extend using the chainsaw.

    You can force Survivors to drop pallets early, more often than not they'll drop them in a panic while you are revving and you can destroy them very fast.

    A Survivor can counter you by jumping in a locker BUT you can force yourself into a tantrum and force the Survivor into having to time it right to both avoid being downed or grabbed when leaving the locker.

    Monitor & Abuse, Tinkerer, Trail of Torment, etc are all underrated on him because these perks let you catch Survivors by surprise more easily and this leads to more consistent downs.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    Step 1) turn off your brain

    Step 2)

    Step 3) profit

  • Torsti56
    Torsti56 Member Posts: 259

    1. Down a survivor.

    2. Hook survivor in the basement.

    3. Facecamp.

    4. Profit.