BHVR, I understand

I don't know for sure, but my guess is this was part of the arrangement with Park Avenue. I get it. They'll want to maximize their return before they lose the license.
I'm sorry you're getting all this crazy blowback. I appreciate what you do. Thank you for all your hard work.
To my fellow fans, I hope you can all calm down and take some time to breathe and take stock.
BHVR isn't selling NFTs. It's another company. BHVR have no control over it. There's no sense in taking it out on BHVR.
If you don't like NFTs, just keep on not buying them. That's it.
Yeah you can kindly stop defending them right now, thank you.
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Devs? Is that you?
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I second this
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Park Avenue wanting to maximize the amount of money they get before losing Hellraiser should not include BHVR making a terrible decision. BHVR easily could have said "no" when they saw what Park Avenue wanted but they didn't. It's still on the devs for this happening regardless of Park Avenue.
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How dare you try to bring balance to the viewpoints on here. Shame oh you ;). Be a good forum member and pick up that pitchfork ;)
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Damn. Didn't think there were any Behavior white-knights left.
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"I'm not doing horrible things, the person I'm associated with is. And it's been a pleasure working with them and they have been great partners."
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Yeah they may not be selling the NFTs, but they’re still supporting the company that does sell them.
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It's not that I'm killing babies, it's these other people who were excellent to work with and were great partners. Go buy some dead babies here at their website.
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When they first said it, I was okay with it. They said it like it was out of their control. Now what they said today was a blatant lie. That's why a lot of people are upset.
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It's astonishing how quickly the rage and doom is spreading. Over nothing. Over some digital art some other company is selling and BHVR can't stop.
You'd think BHVR was caught engaging in human trafficking. XD
People, do you realize there is no purity? Look closely enough at everything you buy and someone, somewhere is being hurt.
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Nihilism won't save you here
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Careful. You might trigger a civilised debate. Wouldn't want that.
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Kinda the worst take, tbh.
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Does that mean people can't be understandably enraged when they found out whatever they bought has hurt someone?
I get it, I get it. "There is no ethical consumption under capitalism."
But this is different. This is a game. It should stay that way. It should not open up the precedent that scams and scumbags from stuff like NFTs and Crypto are allowed and even welcomed in the video gaming community.
Epic and every studio that allows that is complicit in it's destructive nature, whether through actual destruction through pollution or someone getting suckered into this scam.
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Permission to put this on a T-shirt?
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Could they though? Easily have said “no” that is. The fact is that we don’t have all the details (and probably never will). But I could absolutely imagine some dirty lawyer tricks being worked into the wording of the contracts involved.
Again, I don’t know what happened, but I always like to play devil’s advocate instead of jumping to conclusions. Imagine the contract has some vague wording like “participate in the profitability of the license”. BHVR thinks that means to make the Pinhead models for Park Avenue to use, so they sign the contract. Now all of a sudden the deal with Boss comes to light and BHVR is legally and contractually obligated to participate because of a cheap trick in the text. At the very least, there could be a really expensive court battle to decide what the text even means.
Even if this isn’t the case, it’s POSSIBLE. It’s possible that they were roped in without a choice because, from a legal standpoint, they could be on the hook for losing a LOT more than just access to the Hellraiser license. Since it’s possible (and therefore likely that they couldn’t even tell us about it), I will withhold judgement until more facts come out.
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Alright... in a Ricky Gervais voice now
*"Stop spouting #########."*
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They can't stop the license holders from doing what they want.
They also don't have to advertise the scam that destroys the environment for them.
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They literally might have to. Contracts can be like that.
Best thing is to simply let BHVR you don't want them to do this again, and keep not buying NFTs. That's literally it.
Making hell for the community manager isn't going to do anything.
All this pent up activism should be pointed at something actually impactful in life.
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They also can just... Not.
No license is worth destroying whatever goodwill you had left with the community.
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People who are trying to be like "Oh BHVR wouldn't do this if it weren't for the license!" Yeah BS. Companies are companies. You wave $ around, they take $. It's as simple as that.
Boss Protocol waved a whole lot of money under their and the rightsholders noses and they all took it.
No one is innocent here.
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I really hope you don't think this is the only thing people are working towards. We can be upset and spend time on trying to change something small like dbd for the better and still go and work on other things even larger things. I myself am working to get a charity event sponsored by my local university and am interacting with and promoting the charity New Story
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That's good! I hope they are, but that's up to each person to examine their own life.
The reaction to this has been unnecessarily dramatic, imo, and over sized to what's actually transpired.
People need to calm down and keep their heads, is all. You still don't have to agree, but all the grandstanding is silly, like BHVR personally caused climate change. XD keep it in perspective.
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Yes, I know they can be contractually obligated to. But if there were such conditions on the contract, and BHVR knew they were doing it (and they should have known), they should've just used something public domain or released an original character or just said "Oops, no new killer this time." Nobody would be any worse off if Pinhead weren't in DBD. Maybe wait for Clive Barker to get the rights back and try to work with him.
Also, I don't think anyone's making it hell on the Community Manager here.
And I'd say that NFT's are pretty impactful given how much damage they do to our environment.
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Ding ding ding
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I wish I could agree with this, I really wish I could. But no, they are actively promoting the Hellraiser NFT right now, and we have every right to be pissed about it.
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Sure, just stay cool.
Looks like this thing is using Eth, and Eth is moving to Proof of Stake. That should dramatically cut its climate impact, as far as I understand it.
I still think NFTs are silly and would never buy one nor recommend it. So I don't.
Do I think this development is worth the weeping and gnashing of teeth? No. And I don't think it's needed to drag BHVR to the stocks in the public square.
Anyway, I've said my piece. People should relax. This is no Great Struggle.