Well, time to find different main

Changes from PTB
The Deathslinger
- Add-on - Wanted Poster: Decreased movement speed while aiming to 2.5% (was 10%)
- Add-on - Jaw Smasher: Decreased movement speed while aiming to 1% (was 5%)
Ok so all the feedback unfortunately did nothing. I had hope but alas, it was exptected that they wouldn't back down on some of these terrible changes or god forbid, give some meaningful buff in return to B tier killer.
Slinger isn't dead or useless just far less fun to play. Survivors who hated him before still won't be able to react and dodge well aimed harpoon as if he has time to ADS (which he still almost always does) he's got full control over landing it or not. The changes are placebo to make it feels a bit more like you're dodging but in the end, you won't ever be able to react to 40m/s spear, only predit where and when he'll shoot, just like before the chanes.
Pity, I'll miss the fluent gameplay of his. Oh well, maybe even longer break is a good idea or looking for some other fun killer.
At least this patch is good overall but this part just stings.
I played him once on the PTB and I’ll never play him again after that experience.
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join the rest of us deathslinger/spirit mains who have started playing tombstone myers every game
if we can't win NOBODY CAN
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Tbh I do that already on occasion, one of my favourite builds. Actually, I might just use up all of my collection of 200+ tombstones. That would be quite fun actually.
Huh, good idea thank you.
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The designers of this game seem obsessed with making every killer feel horribly clunky to play to the point where nobody want to play them anymore. It's the Billy and Twins nerfs all over again.
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I will say for both before and during the PTB that 40 m/s spear is dodgeable, but the PTB made it much more easy. One of the most interesting scoring events I consistently get is the Near-Miss for Deathslinger - knowing there's a moment of clipping when you pass over pallets, having enough reaction time to crouch when I hear the bang (most DS aim for center of mass), and just a good ol' 360 so he outplays himself, it's a wild ride: but only when I'm at least 12m out :P
He does feel a lot more clunky now, though, and I'm sorry for my fellow killers to see him go the way of the Hillbilly.
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Never played slinger on the PTB, dont think I will, just to make sure the last time I play him hes actually good
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Play trickster
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I don't play Slinger much, last time I did I got hit by a Head On squad, kinda ruined the experience for me.
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I wonder what the purpose of feedback is in this game. Basically everyone complained how useless the Deathslinger changes were and just made him way more unfun to play, and what do they do? Just nerf some of his addons even more to add salt to the wound. I still can't believe they shipped the change to his Terror Radius.
Now we just have another pointless high skill/low reward/low fun killer that nobody will play, hope everyone enjoys seeing Blights and Nurses all the time.